Archived Target's Newest Designer - Lilly Pulitzer

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We had all our Lily come on today's truck. Our sl srtl broke it out and staged it in the back. I was familiar with Lily and I must say the quality looks and feels nice. I'll be waiting at 8am on Sunday!
We took all our four convertibles from softlines off the floor today that we will be using. The SL specialist and SLTL were in the back setting the racks according to adjacency and I but all the headers and 7 by 11 signing on them already. Everything is ready to go so all I have to worry about for SL sunday morning are the overheads. Then all the overheads for FOS, rear seasonal, wrapping the table and setting that POG. I wish they would let me pull the table to the back room tomorrow and pre wrap that table but I think that may be pushing it.
I had a guest today ask me where she could find the Lily Pulitzer patio furniture that we were supposed to have started selling on 4/15 (according to her).

I didn't have a clue what she was talking about, so I called it out on the walkie and the STL decided an appropriate response would be to loudly SING about it being street dated for Sunday...The guest was not amused and immediately dropped her other items and left.
Oy I work Sunday I am not looking forward to this and I work Operator. I can imagine all the people trying on the clothes and the angry guests saying you don't have this........
You can come help me set up. I'd rather be asleep.
I wish I could. I know it's corny, but I really care about this stuff. I'm supposed to be a brand TM. The other two brands do all projects and tasks. They couldn't care less about things like this and do a half assed job most of the time. It's really bothering me.
Our STL let us know that there would be no limits on what people could buy. Maybe someone will just buy all of it to resell and I can switch the signs back on Monday.
Our STL let us know that there would be no limits on what people could buy. Maybe someone will just buy all of it to resell and I can switch the signs back on Monday.

I am really dreading the thought of selling out, and having to switch out the overhead signing again. I feel like its such a waste of time.

Sorry about going off topic, but what is the best way to save the Spring overheads? Leave them as is, or take them apart and save in pieces? Not really sure where I'm going to have the space to save all those parts.
Oh boy, my store has a normal amount of people on the schedule tomorrow morning. They're frantically calling people asking if they can come in. I'm usually the sole hardlines team member 8am-8:30 on Sundays
We've already had people calling the store. I've been excited about this for months. I'm disappointed that once again I'm not included. I won't get to set it up or be there when we open.

Same. I like opening for the big designers. No one in SL even knew about it until I wrote a note about it in the fitting room a few weeks back. I had to write the note because guests kept asking about it and I knew everyone else was just saying "we don't have that..." I'll be closing, though.
...i just realized one of my endcaps has this stuff

I am really dreading the thought of selling out, and having to switch out the overhead signing again. I feel like its such a waste of time.

Sorry about going off topic, but what is the best way to save the Spring overheads? Leave them as is, or take them apart and save in pieces? Not really sure where I'm going to have the space to save all those parts.

I did not get any FOS spring overheads, oh what a shame.
I did not get any FOS spring overheads, oh what a shame.

Were the spring overheads the ones with the flip flops and gardening tools? I thought my signing TM told me those came down after Easter.

I'm excited for Lilly. I probably won't buy anything but I think it'll bring good traffic and sales in to the store!
Were the spring overheads the ones with the flip flops and gardening tools? I thought my signing TM told me those came down after Easter.

I'm excited for Lilly. I probably won't buy anything but I think it'll bring good traffic and sales in to the store!

Yes those are the spring overheads. They come down tomorrow morning when the Lilly FOS overheads go up, and when the promotion is over OR Lilly sales out at the store, whichever comes first, they go back up.
Oh, I'm going to have fun wrapping the decor table white, plus all the other signing!

Our signing TM is on vacation so I decided to take care of everything signing that I could before Sunday, including wrapping that table. It was one of the most frustrating experiences I've ever had. There were so many pieces! And to make it just all plain white seemed a little pointless to me. The rest of the collection is so floral and bright, why not bring some of those designs onto the table?
Our signing TM is on vacation so I decided to take care of everything signing that I could before Sunday, including wrapping that table. It was one of the most frustrating experiences I've ever had. There were so many pieces! And to make it just all plain white seemed a little pointless to me. The rest of the collection is so floral and bright, why not bring some of those designs onto the table?

I'm guessing to make the floral pieces stand out more.
Welcome to the wonderful world of being a signing ninja.
@freshwh how long did it take you to wrap every inch of that table white? Longer then 90 minutes?

Good point, what was the time that it gave you on the instructions?
Probably something like 25 minutes that's there usual go to.
@commiecorvus its 90 minutes on the instructions. Most of the time their way off. I was curious how long it takes realistically So, I can budget my time. Did u read the adjacency? The stuff that's currently on there go on the furniture flat, and/or home location, and/or an ec.
I haven't been with Spot for a while.
If they said 90 minutes it must be a real bear to put together or that includes the signing portion as well.

Sorry I can't help you more.
You might want to give them a yell in the signing thread.
Well this is gonna be interesting. I went online at 3 am eastern time to place an order for a Lilly plus size top ( online only). Got it in the cart but waited 90 minutes and still could not check out. Messages saying basically can't handle the influx of orders. Target should have expected this. I don't know if anything could have been done, but this for sure will piss people off because our website crashed. I could not complete order, so I'm assuming I won't be getting a package in the mail.

Edit: got an email from Target today and lo and behold its on the way. Surprise!
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What a nightmare this is going to be for stores, also. Forget online. I can only imagine the screams of terror when we sell out of this stuff in a hot second.
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