Team Leader Working Off Clock

May 30, 2019
We have team leader on overnight who is getting more and more frustrated with her job. She is making us all miserable...she is working off clock to finish up stuff. Gets on us for not staying over scheduled hours so we can come clean. I feel sorry for her but now it has gotten to the point where I am done with her complaining. Question there anything I should or could do to make this situation better?
Officially, they shouldn’t work off the clock.
They’re working off the clock instead of throwing the team under the bus or performancing people out. Perhaps thank them. I was the team member who’d sometimes punch out without telling my TL and help them finish something and “miraculously” not have any OT because I cut it on their day off; I ended up getting promoted. Some are on leadership’s bad side and working off the clock is a golden ticket to instant promotion to guest. Why isn’t everything getting done? Is the leader planning and leading poorly? Does the team suck/not care? Are there truly not enough resources to finish? If there truly aren’t enough resources, is this leader working off the clock to try be ambitious and look good? My advice is to stay out of it.
Unless the TL is suggesting you work off-the-clock, there is no need to report her. This is honestly her choice and if she decides too, then so be it.

You can nudge her by saying in-person “You’re still here?” as a hint but don’t go out of your way to stop them from working off-the-clock. It’ll make tension between you and the TL.
I never work off the clock, I don’t understand why people do. When I see a TL working off the clock, I simply say “it’s not worth it and shake my head in disapproval” I let them know they shouldn’t do it.
I don’t tell on them, as long as they are aware of the consequences. I move on.
If a TL is asking a TM to work off the clock, I intervene, I talk the TL and tell them to cut it the fuck out. If it happens again, I report their ass, cheeks.

Edit: cheers
As soon as I get my second vaccine shot I will ask to go back to days so I don't have to deal with it anymore. She isn't speaking to anyone now and attitudes have gone down the toilet.
We have a couple of TL's and ETL's who will come into the break room to talk to tm's on their lunch. I used to tell them that they're breaking the off the clock rule (not report them or anything), but it didn't matter. If they do it to me I tell them to see me after my lunch break is over because I don't want to WORK OFF THE CLOCK. I don't think they get the message, but it makes me feel better.
Generally when a TL is working off the clock there’s too much doing going on and not enough leading. I’ve seen it multiple times and it does nothing but get worse. If it’s a one off occasional thing that’s one thing. We should never be working off the clock but I mean it does happen to some people. I’ve watched leaders bury themselves bc they can’t delegate or hold their team accountable. It just gets worse for them, it almost never gets better.
We have a couple of TL's and ETL's who will come into the break room to talk to tm's on their lunch. I used to tell them that they're breaking the off the clock rule (not report them or anything), but it didn't matter. If they do it to me I tell them to see me after my lunch break is over because I don't want to WORK OFF THE CLOCK. I don't think they get the message, but it makes me feel better.
Anytime I’ve mentioned something to a TM in the break room about work I tell them to add a minute to their break. Every singggggle time
We have team leader on overnight who is getting more and more frustrated with her job. She is making us all miserable...she is working off clock to finish up stuff. Gets on us for not staying over scheduled hours so we can come clean. I feel sorry for her but now it has gotten to the point where I am done with her complaining. Question there anything I should or could do to make this situation better?
This is called burn-out.

It's time for your TL to find a new job.

This decision is already being made for her.
Captain slamming down his PB&J on my 30: TL nicely asks if I can do a bale later and push a little Fresh Step. Done politely. My response: "sure thing, no problem." Done. Finished. No drama. No bullshit.
If we do get interrupted on our breaks or meals. It's always with " take an extra 5 on me" so yea 30 seconds convo comes with a nice pay off
Anytime I’ve mentioned something to a TM in the break room about work I tell them to add a minute to their break. Every singggggle time
Breaks are different as time can be flexible. Lunches can't or do you add lunch minutes to breaks? That seems fair, but they are technically off the clock as in they have literally punched out. Wouldn't it be better to just wait until their break is over? It's supposed to be a break for a reason.
Breaks are different as time can be flexible. Lunches can't or do you add lunch minutes to breaks? That seems fair, but they are technically off the clock as in they have literally punched out. Wouldn't it be better to just wait until their break is over? It's supposed to be a break for a reason.
You clock back in at the time your supposed to then go sit back down.
I never worried about a brief conversation while on my 15. My 15s were always converted to 20s and more so it was a non issue. They were nice, I was nice, ain't no bullshit worries...

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