Archived Team Member Tried Making Me Work Over Break

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Backroom does this all. If you work a closing shit from 12 to 830, and the cafs drop at 1 and 3 and 5, you can't take your break on time.

No one is going to take their break an hour info their shift so what happens is that pull the cafs at 1. Do flexs after, finish the backstock/bale. Pull the three, which are like 130 long, then flexs and my firsf 15. At 4:30 ish. Since that forst 15 was late, it forces the rest of my breaks to be later
Backroom does this all. If you work a closing shit from 12 to 830, and the cafs drop at 1 and 3 and 5, you can't take your break on time.

No one is going to take their break an hour info their shift so what happens is that pull the cafs at 1. Do flexs after, finish the backstock/bale. Pull the three, which are like 130 long, then flexs and my firsf 15. At 4:30 ish. Since that forst 15 was late, it forces the rest of my breaks to be later

Given the above wouldnt you just take your first break around 2:30-2:45, take lunch around 4:30-4:45 and then last break probably around 7 or so after you finish price change. Your first break and lunch you would get back around the time the pulls start.

At my store I dont think we even have 5pm pulls unless its the weekend...maybe thats just the Pfresh pulls though?

For the rest of this thread....I dont know how someone, assuming they work an 8 hour shift, is incapable of taking a break before the last 15 minutes of their shift. No matter how crazy Pfresh goes and how many different directions I am pulled I think the latest I have ever taken my last break is an hour before I had to leave. I wouldnt even bother taking a break with 15 minutes to go if I hadnt taken one up til that point
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Umm... What the shit? Today I was doing PLANO and I was in the final 15 minutes of my shift. I announce my break and this guy tells me to keep pulling until the end of my shift. I pretty much say hell no and he threatens to go to the ETL. I brush him off and walk to TSC to turn in my equipment. I heard about some shady stuff happening at Spot but, people trying to make you work over a break? Yeah, no. Any of you ever experience some kind of BS like that?

Keep doing this and there's a good chance spot will performance you out the door. Looking at it from your fellow team members perspective, the team is in the final stretch and you decide to bounce (well within your rights) 15 min before everyone else (I'm assuming you all work the same shift). It doesn't make you look like a team player. Sure, you don't owe them anything, but people remember stuff like this.
Keep doing this and there's a good chance spot will performance you out the door. Looking at it from your fellow team members perspective, the team is in the final stretch and you decide to bounce (well within your rights) 15 min before everyone else (I'm assuming you all work the same shift). It doesn't make you look like a team player. Sure, you don't owe them anything, but people remember stuff like this.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Keep doing this and there's a good chance spot will performance you out the door. Looking at it from your fellow team members perspective, the team is in the final stretch and you decide to bounce (well within your rights) 15 min before everyone else (I'm assuming you all work the same shift). It doesn't make you look like a team player. Sure, you don't owe them anything, but people remember stuff like this.
You assume wrong. The way it works in my store is 1 person starts 1 hour after the other until 2pm (closer). We start from 6am, next person at 7, 8, etc. The closer and mid also always have 2 people come in rather than 1. I was well covered when I was in my last 15, spot just likes to troll you for working under their conditions and then taking breaks on your conditions. I say your conditions because if it were up to spot, we wouldn't have any breaks.
You assume wrong. The way it works in my store is 1 person starts 1 hour after the other until 2pm (closer). We start from 6am, next person at 7, 8, etc. The closer and mid also always have 2 people come in rather than 1. I was well covered when I was in my last 15, spot just likes to troll you for working under their conditions and then taking breaks on your conditions. I say your conditions because if it were up to spot, we wouldn't have any breaks.

What is the .....For plano you guys all come in at different times? What kind of BS is this? Is this how most stores are run? My Plano team pretty much all works the same shift.
What is the .....For plano you guys all come in at different times? What kind of BS is this? Is this how most stores are run? My Plano team pretty much all works the same shift.
Plano is pulled by the backroom. Each backroom member pretty much comes at different times. We pull the Plano between Caf and MyFA.
Plano is pulled by the backroom. Each backroom member pretty much comes at different times. We pull the Plano between Caf and MyFA.

Plano is supposed to pull and backstock there own stuff
Plano is supposed to pull and backstock there own stuff

Varies by store. I often get asked to pull Plano batches and they NEVER backstock. They leave it in the backroom for us to deal with. They're a reason my backroom has looked like a bomb dropped these last few weeks.
There have been times where I couldn't take my second 15 (as the SD), so I would do a punch correction to add my last 15. I always explained why and HR always approved it.
There was a team member at my store who once didnt take their last 15 and expected to take it the very next day at work. That didnt happen
Varies by store. I often get asked to pull Plano batches and they NEVER backstock. They leave it in the backroom for us to deal with. They're a reason my backroom has looked like a bomb dropped these last few weeks.
I know the feeling, haha. I dread each morning a BRTM walks up to me and tells me "all the plano came back."
Try telling my POG team that.

I think my plano team usually has someone doing the backroom side of things, but sometimes it doesnt all get backstocked in the same day for OBVIOUS reasons

IDK if anyone elses store is like this(or even does this) but Plano is required to do working morning huddle at 8 which runs til almost 9 most days and then midday zone at 12:30 which runs AT LEAST 30 minutes. I conveniently dont see backroom have to do any of this shit though even though almost everyone else other than them has to be there. My plano team is really good but sometimes the hours they give them to do this crap while pulling them away from doing it is absurd. Especially since they are mostly here when we are open and if they are back towards electronics we dont even have anyone back there for a few hours when we open.
I think my plano team usually has someone doing the backroom side of things, but sometimes it doesnt all get backstocked in the same day for OBVIOUS reasons

IDK if anyone elses store is like this(or even does this) but Plano is required to do working morning huddle at 8 which runs til almost 9 most days and then midday zone at 12:30 which runs AT LEAST 30 minutes. I conveniently dont see backroom have to do any of this shit though even though almost everyone else other than them has to be there. My plano team is really good but sometime
s the hours they give them to do this crap while pulling them away from doing it is absurd. Especially since they are mostly here when we are open and if they are back towards electronics we dont even have anyone back there for a few hours when we open.

ASANTS. POG sends one or two people to huddle, and we are high volume enough where most huddles are pretty quick and our backroom is damn busy.. We alone couldn't NOT have someone in the back for the first couple hours under normal scanning they would not be able to catch up with how much we can pull out of the back when we go off on a "Shoot to fill" binge.

Mid day? Yeah not happening. That is the ETL/TL gossip fest. For us its - "So you don't want the line cleared?" Cause we shoot until our lunch, eat come back and push basically until we leave.
Varies by store. I often get asked to pull Plano batches and they NEVER backstock. They leave it in the backroom for us to deal with. They're a reason my backroom has looked like a bomb dropped these last few weeks.

Ours weren't backstocking either. Once I told them I would take there back stocking hours to give to BR they miraculously started to.
ASANTS. POG sends one or two people to huddle, and we are high volume enough where most huddles are pretty quick and our backroom is damn busy.. We alone couldn't NOT have someone in the back for the first couple hours under normal scanning they would not be able to catch up with how much we can pull out of the back when we go off on a "Shoot to fill" binge.

Mid day? Yeah not happening. That is the ETL/TL gossip fest. For us its - "So you don't want the line cleared?" Cause we shoot until our lunch, eat come back and push basically until we leave.

I just think its kind of BS because Plano, Electronics, Fitting Room, Pfresh, Price Change, Instocks, VML, and any salesfloor have to come to our working huddle in the morning. The only people who dont is the one cashier we have, starbucks and backroom. I get that BR has stuff to do but everyone else just has all the time in the world.........?
I just think its kind of BS because Plano, Electronics, Fitting Room, Pfresh, Price Change, Instocks, VML, and any salesfloor have to come to our working huddle in the morning. The only people who dont is the one cashier we have, starbucks and backroom. I get that BR has stuff to do but everyone else just has all the time in the world.........?

No, we don't have all the time in the world, if something doesn't get done cause we spent an hour doing BS huddle then it doesn't get done. I don't give shits anymore cause of their cost cutting BS.
Pulling pogs isn't in backrooms hours either so who the fuck is supposed to pull them
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