Technology wishlist

Sep 30, 2022
Here is a wishlist most of us have for the technology we use daily

  1. MyDay search to work or link into search
    1. Along with that, we should be able to copy a DPCI from the Target app or ANY other app to MyDay
    2. Select items in the Pickup app to open it in MyDay
  2. All alert sounds to be unique (or the same depending on what needs to happen except for SCO needs a refill vs a cashier)
  3. All Zebras to TC58
  4. Ability to turn SCO off and on from MyDay. A TM would press a button on MyDay and select which registers to turn off or on instead of doing each individually
  5. See the status of all SCO from the device or a tablet
    1. Both money and register status
  • Zebras as wireless barcode scanners for the register or wireless barcode scanners
  • Messaging app on the Zebra to message a TM or TL
  • Ability to make a list of DPCIs or order barcodes and have the register print them
  • A reshop button
    • A button that you press and it tells you how to sort the items that you scan and then makes a path to place on the floor
      • It can be done by department or by aisle
Search on myDay is HORRIBLE right now. You can type in something common and it'll return 0 results. This happens with a lot of video games I've noticed.

I can see the advantages of a messaging app, but this could backfire too with people being bothered during their break. That's why I've never given my phone number to a single TM lol.
Was at Lowe's the other day & asked a couple of their folks for help locating something so they pulled out their Zebras & immediately it was "Oh, hang kicked me off! Gotta log back in....."
I told them we use them at Target too & we compared notes on what we hated most.
Merge Mytime into Workday so I can see my PTO and/or Sick Pay Balance without looking at my last pay stub.

Sort my Priority Pulls to show the which are the most under capacity by percentage wise. I realize Priority Pulls are only supposed to trigger at 90% but mine trigger for literally anything under 100%.

PS Yes I have complained to management about this for years to no avail.
"Reshop" used to be a thing. The team would scan each item into the cart, then could print the list from the guest service register. The list had a breakdown of the pog location, description, and upc barcode for each item in the cart
I'm confused about the purpose of the list? If I'm pushing reshop and I don't know where something goes, I just scan the item and the info is there. How does having a paper list help?
I would have been happy with an RFID gun that stayed linked to the zebra.
RFID definitely leaves a lot to be desired. I see tiktoks of people in other stores and RFID gives you instant feedback of what you have found and what is missing. Currently doing RFID is like waving it around and praying you got everything you were supposed to, after you wait 10 minutes for it to refresh of course.
I realize Priority Pulls are only supposed to trigger at 90% but mine trigger for literally anything under 100%.
Seems to be an issue for anything with more than one location. And of course whoever pushes the pulls done late in the day doesn't check for dual locations.
"Reshop" used to be a thing. The team would scan each item into the cart, then could print the list from the guest service register. The list had a breakdown of the pog location, description, and upc barcode for each item in the cart
I think it was called “Put Away” on the PDAs. Only used it once.

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