Archived Terminated for non-meal compliance

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Sep 19, 2013
First I have to. Say. I had amazing attendance... In the 2 full years I
Had belonged to the Redcard cult I was never late never called out
Would come in whenever I was. Asked. Recently ( in the last month)
I was hit with 3 non meal compliance situations. All three were
Situations beyond my control

I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles
Sorry to hear about that.
If the situations were beyond your control then you should try calling the hotline.

I would say though that after the first one I would have been careful and after the second really freaking careful.
Compliance is one of those absolutes that you just can't get around.
Yeah, Spot is beyond careful with meal compliance because it's not just Target policy, it's usually state law. I guess The Big Blue got hit with a lawsuit regarding meals while back and Spot will NOT risk any liability on their own turf.
Yes there are circumstances for compliance. Usually you work in a workcenter where workload takes longer than expected, annoying guest stops you for a period of time, or the TL forgets to give you the ok to go.

But if you know you are about to hit that mark, just tell the team you HAVE to go or excuse yourself to the guest and walkie someone else to help.
I've come within 5 minutes once this week and then within 15 minutes the next day. It was way too close for anyone's comfort but outside of my control, because of the sheer busyness/craziness of the day. And at guest services, I simply couldn't just walk off the floor without coverage. But had I not known that my backup was coming, I would have been on the Walkie and sqwuaking loudly for anyone and everyone to hear. I was not going into compliance without a huge fight.

It's a crazy time of year, I get how it could happen in some work centers. Call the hotline if it really was beyond your control. Your leadership also needs to help get you off the floor (though in the end you need to take the wheel).
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Last shift I had to send a team member RUNNING to the time clock so that they didn't hit compliance. Not because of anything they did but what the GSTL did....he kept her as a back up for over 2 hours because of lousy scheduling of his cashiers meals. This was the second time in 2 weeks that I helped some of our new tm's not hit compliance. But that's the difference between you and them, they've been here 45 days or less and haven't had it drilled into their heads and you, I am sure, have heard many, many times the cost that a compliance issue could cause to your individual stores operating budget.
In our store, if you hit compliance you have to sign a sheet saying that you understand and won't do it again. Even if that didn't happen I can't imagine not watching the clock for a long time after that to make sure I didn't do it again (within my control)
Last shift I had to send a team member RUNNING to the time clock so that they didn't hit compliance. Not because of anything they did but what the GSTL did....he kept her as a back up for over 2 hours because of lousy scheduling of his cashiers meals. This was the second time in 2 weeks that I helped some of our new tm's not hit compliance. But that's the difference between you and them, they've been here 45 days or less and haven't had it drilled into their heads and you, I am sure, have heard many, many times the cost that a compliance issue could cause to your individual stores operating budget.
In our store, if you hit compliance you have to sign a sheet saying that you understand and won't do it again. Even if that didn't happen I can't imagine not watching the clock for a long time after that to make sure I didn't do it again (within my control)

Exactly what happened with me. Unfortunately, I hit compliance by seven minutes because of the way my TL scheduled my meal, and being new and being told "listen to your TL," I was called into the ETL-HR office to sign the paper. Now I'm a little neurotic about not ever hitting it again.
Last shift I had to send a team member RUNNING to the time clock so that they didn't hit compliance. Not because of anything they did but what the GSTL did....he kept her as a back up for over 2 hours because of lousy scheduling of his cashiers meals. This was the second time in 2 weeks that I helped some of our new tm's not hit compliance. But that's the difference between you and them, they've been here 45 days or less and haven't had it drilled into their heads and you, I am sure, have heard many, many times the cost that a compliance issue could cause to your individual stores operating budget.
In our store, if you hit compliance you have to sign a sheet saying that you understand and won't do it again. Even if that didn't happen I can't imagine not watching the clock for a long time after that to make sure I didn't do it again (within my control)

Exactly what happened with me. Unfortunately, I hit compliance by seven minutes because of the way my TL scheduled my meal, and being new and being told "listen to your TL," I was called into the ETL-HR office to sign the paper. Now I'm a little neurotic about not ever hitting it again.

Go in before & tell your tl why. Then, hit the clock. If tl says no, tell them to ck your schedule or PDA when alerts go off. Say I am going now to avoid compliance. Then, go to the Lod & tell them, you told me not to go.
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I actually had to raise my voice with a new team member because that person almost hit compliance. He was way behind on his workload from a 5.5 hour shift and wanted to stay to clean up. I looked at the time and realized he had been here 5 hours and 55 minutes so I went over said, "You've got to punch out or you're going to flag." He responds that he'll punch out when he is done. I snapped back that he either leaves right now or he can explain to the ETL-HR what was so important that he had to violate compliance. He ended up punching out with one minute to spare.
Punch corrections are tricky in a case like this.
If your boss screwed up and didn't send you until it was too late, get that punch correction out and have them sign it.
There is no way you should be punished for their mistake.

Do not do a punch correction if you made the mistake and want to cover your tracks.
It might work once but you will get busted and I've seen TL's fired for it.
I had an SrTL one day who was LOD. All the other ETLs and SrTLs were gone for the day. And then they discovered that somehow a pallet had gotten jammed in the compactor and was blocking everything. He spent over an hour in the compactor, thigh high in garbage trying to break the thing up and get it out of there. Naturally, he ended up going into compliance, because he was not crawling out of there, taking a meal, and then crawling back in...especially when he had to buy new clothes after that. He told me he'd do a punch correction later. I told him understood, but I heard absolutely nothing about it.

What else was he going to do?
I had an SrTL one day who was LOD. All the other ETLs and SrTLs were gone for the day. And then they discovered that somehow a pallet had gotten jammed in the compactor and was blocking everything. He spent over an hour in the compactor, thigh high in garbage trying to break the thing up and get it out of there. Naturally, he ended up going into compliance, because he was not crawling out of there, taking a meal, and then crawling back in...especially when he had to buy new clothes after that. He told me he'd do a punch correction later. I told him understood, but I heard absolutely nothing about it.

What else was he going to do?

Punch correction should be the least of his concern. Many times entry into the compactor is an auto term.
I have almost hit compliance a few times, but I always send someone to get me off register if I am getting close. My store tries to schedule meals after 5 hrs of shift that way things work out if someone has to stay later.

I worked a double and talked for a while with both of my GSTLs and closing ETL just to make sure we all avoid me hitting compliance. I will often take my meal later if possible, but that is the luxury of a CA. I had to just leave an empty cart well on that double because it was that or compliance since I was 13 mins off.

I could see it being hard for Guest Service or a Cashier on a day where there aren't many cashiers, but you can always call for backup. Worst to worst your GSTL or GSA can handle guest service for a half hour.
I had a senior who was fired for climbing into the compactor. It's a big no-no when it comes to safety.

I've had a couple of nightmares about the baler. Thanks to these nightmares, I now have an irrational fear of somehow
getting stuck inside the baler and being squished.

Last week the LOD and I were breaking boxes, and the baler got stuck when it was coming out, so she told me to reach in the back to pull out some of the cardboard that we thought had caused it to jam.

I swear I thought it would unjam and crush my arms or something.

The baler is kind of scary >.>
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