Archived That difficult team member who thinks they run the show

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Jun 26, 2017
I just needed to get this off my chest because it's becoming an issue. I've been working on plano now for the better part of two and half months now and the first three or four weeks were really difficult for me because I was learning on the fly with no real proper training. For the most part, I enjoy working with my fellow plano team members and my team lead is great, but one of the team members I work with on plano is just a nightmare to work with.

From my knowledge, she has been working at the store and has been working on plano for the same amount of time as me, but she constantly feels the need to boss me and my fellow plano team members around when our team lead leaves when we're still on the clock. I don't a have problem taking direction from a team lead, manager, or for that matter a team member who has been at the store for years and knows what they're doing , but when it's coming from someone who basically has the same level of experience as me and doesn't have seniority I just don't think that's acceptable.

Would it be smart to bring this up with a store manager or my team lead if this problem continues?
Just what I was gonna say, but ElectronicsBA beat me to it. She should be able to take that response respectfully, and if she gets all offended and on a high pedestal, definitely bring it to your team lead.

Other wise, tell your TL if you aren't comfortable with doing that.

EDIT: I should reiterate either way is perfectly fine.
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I don't have a genuine beef with her really, but it kinda gets me fucked off when she bosses me around like I'm working under her when in reality that's just not the case. It's just annoying and makes doing my job more difficult when I have another team member barking orders.
I had someone like that who had a big mouth like she knew my job better than me. Well one day she decided to butt in on a conversation I had after coming back from vacation and I told her off. Needless to say she doesn’t say anything to me anymore and still holds a grudge against me. Fortunately she has been placed in an area where we rarely cross paths anymore. She has done this to several other team members too and surprised Spot hasn’t gotten rid of her. My suggestion is to document the events and don’t take it personal or else that person will use it against you if you chose to go to a team lead about it
To look at this from a different perspective, how do the other TMs react to her behavior? Does she tell them what to do as well? Do they listen? Are you 100% sure that she just started and has the same experience as you?

I ask because the pog team at my store (and many other stores) has a veteran TM who handles most of the things the TL should be doing, such as assigning work.
Nothing wrong with TMs telling each other what to do... if she points things out to you , dont take it personal. Some people notice things that get looked over. Seems like you feel only a TL should be telling you to do something. Thats not how it works. Can you give 3 examples of when she has “bossed” you around?. Ill give you my honest assessment.
SFSFun, a few of the plano TMs absolutely hate it when she acts like she knows what she's doing. I work on a team of six which includes my TL and excluding the TL there are only two other experienced plano TMs who have been doing it for a long time while myself, her, and one other TM are brand new to plano.
I don’t mind being wrong sometimes and I’m not saying I’m always right but when that other person thinks they can do no wrong and thinks their method is the only one then one gets a little frustrated with that person.
To look at this from a different perspective, how do the other TMs react to her behavior? Does she tell them what to do as well? Do they listen? Are you 100% sure that she just started and has the same experience as you?

I ask because the pog team at my store (and many other stores) has a veteran TM who handles most of the things the TL should be doing, such as assigning work.
Similar situation, I'm the youngest and newest P.A. to run market and while I do 'run the show' and like running the team a certain way, I value my fellow team members input on how to do things. Everyone is going to do things in a different order/manner. It's all relative and that's how we grow and become a more effective and impactful team.

I encourage SJ09 to challenge your coworker and hopefully you can find simpler, better solutions to work things out. If they don't seem interested in doing so then I'd bring it up to your TL.
Whenever I notice my other TMs need some organization and stuff needs to get done, I'll ask them if they wanna do either this or that and do either or, or try to setup a joint game-plan. I just worked with a TM today who's trying to get a Food Assistant position so naturally he's trying to boss me around lol me and him are friends so I had no problems reiterating we should do that this way or that way instead of his suggested doing.

But I know all too well of TMs trying to act like a literal team leader or like they're in charge, pisses me off lol I've gotten more of a backbone lately and have told some TMs I know my job, but I didn't reiterate that until after many many MANY times of being told what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. Like chill brah.
Similar situation, I'm the youngest and newest P.A. to run market and while I do 'run the show' and like running the team a certain way, I value my fellow team members input on how to do things. Everyone is going to do things in a different order/manner. It's all relative and that's how we grow and become a more effective and impactful team.

I encourage SJ09 to challenge your coworker and hopefully you can find simpler, better solutions to work things out. If they don't seem interested in doing so then I'd bring it up to your TL.

I've set my eyes on a P.A position possibly, but I'm afraid I won't be at Target long enough to really want to. As far as I know, we have one P.A position open in Frozen since the guy got termed. Does your store have multiple PAs for one area of Grocery or just one per? (Like one PA for Dairy, One for Consumables, Produce etc)

EDIT: Sorry it's a PA position open for Meat I believe.
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I've set my eyes on a P.A position possibly, but I'm afraid I won't be at Target long enough to really want to. As far as I know, we have one P.A position open in Frozen since the guy got termed. Does your store have multiple PAs for one area of Grocery or just one per? (Like one PA for Dairy, One for Consumables, Produce etc)

EDIT: Sorry it's a PA position open for Meat I believe.
Every store has a different count from what I've heard. We're not a Super but we have four PA's unlike some of the larger stores around here and we're not divided up by departments. I suppose in theory we can but then you'd lose flexibility when it came to swapping shifts.
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