I actually wear the Skecher Shapeups. I have a foot injury that requires me to have that much of a cushion (and no, I don't wear them for the weight loss). They're pretty good. My feet still get tired and occasionally hurt, but not as bad as they did when I wore normal shoes. They used to be pretty spendy, but luckily they've come down on price. I'd check Amazon or sometimes Famous Footwear has good deals. On occasion, yes, I have rolled my ankle, but I've been in the shoes for two years with no serious injury.
What I don't get is ETLs in heels, sales floor TMs in cutesy flats (not the boys, lol), or random ugg boots on some of the cashiers. I constantly have TMs telling me how great Target shoes are and I just shake my head. I don't buy shoes or clothes at Target, but thanks for your opinion anyway. 😀 I also had an ETL tell me she was jealous of my footwear - they HAVE to wear dressy shoes. I told her Skechers makes a Mary Jane shoe that is dressy (and comes in black AND brown) if she wanted more comfortable shoes. Poor ETLs. Then again, I don't feel sorry for the ones who choose heels over flats.