Archived The Break Room Webpage

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Life sucks and nothing good can come of it.
Jun 16, 2011
Has anyone ever mentioned "The Break Room" to any upper store level management or group or regional management? What did they say? Or did they talk to your STL and have your STL tell you that the "upper management" said that it was totally inappropriate to bring up the web site that I spoke of?

Or, maybe the better question is......has anyone ever spoken to way upper level management about "the team website by team members for team members?"

What did you say.....and what did the upper levels say to you?

A some weeks ago we had some high level Target visitors (5-6)...they were group leaders, a regional person, and someone else, but I'm not sure who they were. When they were leaving I stopped by the exit doors and mentioned that there's a great website by team members for team members. I said that the sight is full of lots of great things, very helpful and a wonderful source for information. I told them that it is a website well worth looking into and that they'd be impressed to see how it works. I did tell them that it was called "the break room."

I didn't get much response at that point of time. However a couple of weeks later I was with my STL and she told me that I was to be told that it was completely inappropriate for me to mention this website. When I asked her why it was inappropriate and should not have been brought up. She repeated herself and said that it was not the appropriate thing to say.

So, I'm just I the only one to have mentioned this site to specific upper level Target leaders?

If I'm not the only one to talk......I'd appreciate feedback from anyone about their experiences.
My previous STL, one previous ETL, and my TL know that I use this site. They're the only three that I trust about it. And I was/am close enough to all three that they appreciated how the site helped me. But I would never mention it to regular ETLs or uppers.
Even though there are many good and dedicated TMs on here who post useful information for TMs to help them do their jobs better, when anyone from HQ looks at this site all they see are the letting off of steam rants that everyone will eventually post. They see us as critical and ungrateful people working in their stores instead of people who are frustrated because they see the problems with how stores are being run and want to improve things.
Target does not like this site. Didn't the admin already hand over the database to Target people already? They probably know who most of us are, or at least the vicinity in which we work.
Target does not like this site. Didn't the admin already hand over the database to Target people already? They probably know who most of us are, or at least the vicinity in which we work.

They sued the founder, Scram, during the early years. He paid a fine & began a self-policing policy that the mods have continued to this day.
Later we were shut down while corp tried to subpoena info but Formina Sage successfully blocked that so mods do their best to keep company proprietary info to a minimum & we encourage folks to keep things anonymous so as not to invite trouble.

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Good I want them to specifically read this read-whatever happened to the red and khaki line?
Target does not like this site. Didn't the admin already hand over the database to Target people already? They probably know who most of us are, or at least the vicinity in which we work.
That's a misleading oversimplification of what happened.

I gave them what amounted to a dump of threads and posts, and attachments. Same as what's available publicly, just in a format more conducive to searching. No identifying information was included. (you're welcome)

I think a big driver behind their campaign was increased discussions of unions during that time. Idk though.
There's one person, other than me, that I know of, at my store who visits this site.
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That's a misleading oversimplification of what happened.

I gave them what amounted to a dump of threads and posts, and attachments. Same as what's available publicly, just in a format more conducive to searching. No identifying information was included. (you're welcome)

I think a big driver behind their campaign was increased discussions of unions during that time. Idk though.
That's fair, it's been a few years by now.
I tell lots of people about this place and that other silly one.

I don't give a flying french-fry!
Can't imagine any upper management would appreciate this site,it's been a long time since I have seen feedback other then a "smile and say yes" requested or wanted.
Lots of Team Members read the Website even if they aren't part of it, Same with ETL's, But no one speaks of it directly and if they do its basically in a Locked Room with everyone pointing Guns at each other. Corporate can't fire you for using the Website but they sure as hell want you to think they can because having a place where all of your Employee's can talk openly and blow off steam tends to scare Corporations pretty badly.
Lots of Team Members read the Website even if they aren't part of it, Same with ETL's, But no one speaks of it directly and if they do its basically in a Locked Room with everyone pointing Guns at each other. Corporate can't fire you for using the Website but they sure as hell want you to think they can because having a place where all of your Employee's can talk openly and blow off steam tends to scare Corporations pretty badly.

It's like why an abusive lover will stop you from seeing your friends and family. So you don't talk. Maybe if corporate would stop the "abuse" they wouldn't have to worry about what we say. 😎
it's always been known that Target Corporate or District leaders really hate this website.

they don't like it when their workers get together on an online forums to talk shit or to shoot the shit. It's literally too much for them to handle. "Nooo you can't talk to anyone else from ANY target store! No advice, no nothing, no, we do not care if it's a great source of information for working within a store."

gonna be honest, I don't really know why they hate this website so much, but they just do. Obviously we talk shit about our leaders and our jobs, but who doesn't? I bet even they piss and moan sometimes about their day lol but they actually get paid and compensated really well to deal with their shit, we get paid $11/hr to be alone with 4-5 palettes to work with ETLs saying to finish it before 11am and it's about 8:40am.

wow, it's surprisingly easy to vent about stupid stuff like that. That's just from last Saturday LMAO.
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