I'm Lost! The Call In/Sick/Late/NCNS/Attendance Thread

alright guys so heres the thing

i hurt my back today by sitting in a bad posture for 30 min

and the pain is absolutely unbearable. i went to my chiro and he cracked me like a glo stick and then i came home and iced it

and everything was fine until the numbness went away and i discovered the pain is similar to the pain i felt before i went to the chiro the first time

im literally screaming in pain, i tried to walk to my door when my brother knocked and fell over from the pain, then had to crawl back to my bed bcos the pain was so bad i couldnt get up to walk

i was thinking asking my coworkers to take my shift tomorrow but id probably get better mileage using sick hours. but if i tell them its back problems will they require some kinda note? i had similar issues before i started seeing a chiro and id show up to work in pain and theyd be like "well u dont have a doctors note soooo hf w the push" and lemme tell u those days were absolute hell
If you have the insurance I'd recommend an orthopedic surgeon. You could be having nerve pain. (Dont let the word surgeon scare you. They try to avoid surgery with lesser measures like therapy and medication or even shots.)
I had an orthopedic surgeon fix an AC separation with anti-inflammatory medication and therapy (and a single steroid shot) that was complicated because it had been initially misdiagnosed by another doctor, who told me to do all the wrong things. I just had my "goodbye" appointment with a different orthopedic surgeon who used therapy and anti-inflammatory medication for two bulging discs (because I can't manage to do anything in moderation, including screwing up my neck). He has mentioned epidural shots if my neck rages out of control, but that's the super aggressive treatment backup plan, no knives involved.
My chiro had a sports medicine focus and worked with players of local professional sports teams, but, yeah. YMMV on chiros. Whether it's an orthopedic surgeon or a physical therapist or sports medicine clinic, you'll probably get some good help.

Not sure where you live, but the Twin Cities is positive teeming with orthopedic clinics that provide those kinds of services.
Back-spine-spinal column-nerves-blood vessels and you go to a chiro? Absolutely foolish move. I associate with many doctors in my side interests/sports/hobbies and they definitely have a low opinion of them. Also any mark on your attendance REGARDLESS of the reason is fuel for their stack of papers. Don't kid yourself, most dopes in management love to shit-can people. MOST, not ALL but why take the risk? I called out ONCE in 8 years with a dead battery issue and the imbecile at the HRTM desk said something to the effect like "well, I guess it's ok, you don't call out that often." Hey shithead, I never call out! BE CAREFUL.
I’m in California which has sick hours. If you quit and get rehired by the same employer within 6 (my city law) or 12 months (California law), you’ll get your sick hours reinstated.
If I quit one store and get rehired at a different store, does that count as the same employer?

Edit: The answer is yes. If the sick hours don’t come back after being rehired, call HROC to reinstate the sick hours. Note this instance is being rehired in the same state.
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I have finals coming up in a week from today, but I’m scheduled for that week. I’m on LOA right now, so that’s when I’m marked to come back. I’ve been trying to contact my HR with no success. If I call off all those days will I be fired? I’ve been trying to become on demand but I haven’t been able to get through to someone while on my personal leave for about 3-4 days now.
Before calling out give up your shifts on the app. You might get Lucky and someone will take your shifts. I wouldn’t call all out for all my shifts you could be in trouble for that. Lastly you should talk to the ETL of your department they can help you better than HR can.

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