MEGATHREAD The On-Demand Team Member (ODTM) Thread

another question! if i take an on demand guest advocate position for my transfer (im currently style right now for on demand), am i still able to pickup shifts in style, fulfillment, and everywhere else im trained? or is it just the front i can pick up shifts for?
I transferred to a new target recently… there has been multiple instances where my ETL has put me on the schedule without asking me. I do reach out and ask that I be removed, and they remove me.

Recently, my ETL emailed and asked for my Q4 availability and I gave them it, and said multiple times that I like to pick up shifts on the app because of school right now. They then email me back a week later, saying they wrote down my availability and they’re going to put me on the schedule for the first two weeks of December? I understand this is a busy time but I’m an ODTM and pick up when ever I am able to… which is the point of OD. Not to mention, my store doesn’t give us walkie talkies to use, and it’s frustrating. They expect us to use our personal phones to ask about an INF while doing Fulfillment.

Does anyone know if there’s a handbook available to us that states anything about ODTM (I know that I did sign an addendum a few years ago stating they couldn’t schedule me), and anything about personal phones/walkies?
I transferred to a new target recently… there has been multiple instances where my ETL has put me on the schedule without asking me. I do reach out and ask that I be removed, and they remove me.

Recently, my ETL emailed and asked for my Q4 availability and I gave them it, and said multiple times that I like to pick up shifts on the app because of school right now. They then email me back a week later, saying they wrote down my availability and they’re going to put me on the schedule for the first two weeks of December? I understand this is a busy time but I’m an ODTM and pick up when ever I am able to… which is the point of OD. Not to mention, my store doesn’t give us walkie talkies to use, and it’s frustrating. They expect us to use our personal phones to ask about an INF while doing Fulfillment.

Does anyone know if there’s a handbook available to us that states anything about ODTM (I know that I did sign an addendum a few years ago stating they couldn’t schedule me), and anything about personal phones/walkies?
"Not to mention, my store doesn’t give us walkie talkies to use, and it’s frustrating. They expect us to use our personal phones to ask about an INF while doing Fulfillment."


I don't carry my phone on the floor and even I did I wouldn't use it because Target is too cheap to have enough walkies.

I worked at a Kohl's once that literally only a dozen walkies for the entire store.
I transferred to a new target recently… there has been multiple instances where my ETL has put me on the schedule without asking me. I do reach out and ask that I be removed, and they remove me.

Recently, my ETL emailed and asked for my Q4 availability and I gave them it, and said multiple times that I like to pick up shifts on the app because of school right now. They then email me back a week later, saying they wrote down my availability and they’re going to put me on the schedule for the first two weeks of December? I understand this is a busy time but I’m an ODTM and pick up when ever I am able to… which is the point of OD. Not to mention, my store doesn’t give us walkie talkies to use, and it’s frustrating. They expect us to use our personal phones to ask about an INF while doing Fulfillment.

Does anyone know if there’s a handbook available to us that states anything about ODTM (I know that I did sign an addendum a few years ago stating they couldn’t schedule me), and anything about personal phones/walkies?
Can't you just tell them that you currently have no availability and if that changes, you will pick up shifts through the app.
New ODTM working in Food & Beverage, just had my first shift yesterday. I asked my trainer about being crossed trained in other roles (like Checkout Advocate or Service Advocate) as most of the available shifts on MyTime seem to be for these roles rather than Consumables. Not that Consumables is bad, I actually enjoyed all the exercise/steps I got.

He just told me ask HR or the Store Director. I thought ODTMs were supposed to be cross trained in all front end departments so they could fill in where needed?
New ODTM working in Food & Beverage, just had my first shift yesterday. I asked my trainer about being crossed trained in other roles (like Checkout Advocate or Service Advocate) as most of the available shifts on MyTime seem to be for these roles rather than Consumables. Not that Consumables is bad, I actually enjoyed all the exercise/steps I got.

He just told me ask HR or the Store Director. I thought ODTMs were supposed to be cross trained in all front end departments so they could fill in where needed?
You could possibly Train in multiple departments but, it’s not a requirement. I think almost all team members are registrar trained and most are flex trained.
New ODTM working in Food & Beverage, just had my first shift yesterday. I asked my trainer about being crossed trained in other roles (like Checkout Advocate or Service Advocate) as most of the available shifts on MyTime seem to be for these roles rather than Consumables. Not that Consumables is bad, I actually enjoyed all the exercise/steps I got.

He just told me ask HR or the Store Director. I thought ODTMs were supposed to be cross trained in all front end departments so they could fill in where needed?
Are you sure you’re odtm? Sounds to me you’re a seasonal hire.
Ok I’m “new” to this On Demand business. Wasn’t the Whole Point of creating On Demand was for a Team Member to get a work schedule that would work for them and to assist with “The Needs of The Business”??!! I’m commenting because it seems like A LOT of Hours are being given to me that would be helpful for my fellow coworkers. I have shared in this Space Before that I already have a Day Job and that Target 🎯 was/is just a little extra cash 💵 in my account. Comments, Replies please.
Ok I’m “new” to this On Demand business. Wasn’t the Whole Point of creating On Demand was for a Team Member to get a work schedule that would work for them and to assist with “The Needs of The Business”??!! I’m commenting because it seems like A LOT of Hours are being given to me that would be helpful for my fellow coworkers. I have shared in this Space Before that I already have a Day Job and that Target 🎯 was/is just a little extra cash 💵 in my account. Comments, Replies please.
Might be your co-workers have been offered more hours and they're not interested. Hard for me to believe, because I take all the hours I can get, but there are TMs at my store who are fine with just a few short shifts a week. I think a lot of them still live with their parents and don't know what it's like to have real bills.
Might be your co-workers have been offered more hours and they're not interested. Hard for me to believe, because I take all the hours I can get, but there are TMs at my store who are fine with just a few short shifts a week. I think a lot of them still live with their parents and don't know what it's like to have real bills.
In my case I’m exhausted after all the hours I put in Nov and dec so, I turn down extra hours. I have vacation hours saved up that I use if I need a bigger check.
In my case I’m exhausted after all the hours I put in Nov and dec so, I turn down extra hours. I have vacation hours saved up that I use if I need a bigger check.
Same here. We recently had a truck cancelled and while I could have still kept my hours, I was just as glad for an unexpected day off. Recent checks have been bigger than usual because of holiday pay and even some overtime, so a smaller check won't be a problem this time. I'll probably pad future checks with vacation hours because we're into the season of low hours now.
if there’s a handbook available to us that states anything about ODTM (I know that I did sign an addendum a few years ago stating they couldn’t schedule me),
I know this is several months old but if you check your "On Demand Team Member" addendum, the Scheduling paragraph indicates that they agree not to schedule you.

No idea about your walkie question. Not sure it's addressed anywhere but they do have a phone policy that says you aren't required to use your phone for work purposes as they don't reimburse you (because you're non-exempt).
I have a question. I have been an ODTM for 8-ish months. My SD has taken to scheduling ODTM like we are part/full time employees. He uses what was put in for availability and just automatically schedules for those times without calling to ask if we want those hours, have any conflicts, ect. This has been brought up several times that ODTM don’t want to be scheduled like this and most of us call off if we are unable to do the shift. The problem is he’s using ODTM in place of hiring in those positions or placing the other TM that are FT/PT in these shifts. Causing the shifts to not have enough people. The SD won’t STOP doing this and now the store is saying they will start doing corrective action for calling in if you don’t use sick/leave/time off ect. (But it’s not like ODTM have these things) what do would anyone recommend doing?? If i am scheduled for a shift without having confirmation i can do them then i just simply can’t show up because i was “volun-told” to show by the SD choosing to schedule me. Even if he did choose to schedule me based off of my availability and “requested hours” for seven months. My requested hours was zero until HR had me updated to 4, which was the least amount that I could have in the app… but I’m still getting scheduled between 20-30 (sometimes 30+) hours.
I have a question. I have been an ODTM for 8-ish months. My SD has taken to scheduling ODTM like we are part/full time employees. He uses what was put in for availability and just automatically schedules for those times without calling to ask if we want those hours, have any conflicts, ect. This has been brought up several times that ODTM don’t want to be scheduled like this and most of us call off if we are unable to do the shift. The problem is he’s using ODTM in place of hiring in those positions or placing the other TM that are FT/PT in these shifts. Causing the shifts to not have enough people. The SD won’t STOP doing this and now the store is saying they will start doing corrective action for calling in if you don’t use sick/leave/time off ect. (But it’s not like ODTM have these things) what do would anyone recommend doing?? If i am scheduled for a shift without having confirmation i can do them then i just simply can’t show up because i was “volun-told” to show by the SD choosing to schedule me. Even if he did choose to schedule me based off of my availability and “requested hours” for seven months. My requested hours was zero until HR had me updated to 4, which was the least amount that I could have in the app… but I’m still getting scheduled between 20-30 (sometimes 30+) hours.
Sounds to me like your SD is scheduling ODTMs in this manner either to performance out ODTMs through attendance or to try to use the ODTMs to keep the regular TMs hours low enough to keep them ineligible for benefits. Maybe it’s an attempt to bank hours for later by scheduling people the SD thinks will call off. When hours were tight our ETLs were just thrilled to get call-offs. But who knows what leadership’s motivations are?

As to what to do about being scheduled as a regular TM when you are an ODTM, the only idea I have is to limit your availability to the absolute minimum allowed. If nothing else, that will at least limit your need for call-offs. I hesitate to say call the Hotline (even anonymously or by having someone who doesn’t work at Target call for you) because that can backfire if your SD finds out who called, and if the Hotline knows, you can pretty much figure the SD will, too. In a case like this, when the SD is acting against Company policy, the Hotline may help, but I wouldn’t bet my job on it. Hopefully someone from HR on this forum will be able to advise you better than I can. Good luck!
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This was happening to me several weeks ago. Come to find out this was happening because when I was a Seasonal Tm, I had Open Availability and Due to Open Availability, I got Scheduled On The Brink of Close to 40 hours weekly. Mind you I’ve shared with Leadership that I had another job and for them to give the hours to others that really needed/wanted the hours. So then I smartened up and went into my current availability. I’ve now changed it to just 1 day being available and The Minimum Hours allotted. (HR shared with me by law it’s 5 hours). Hope this helps.
Big Shoutout To The Team Members That Have Been Taking My Shifts When I Posted Them Recently. An Extra Big Shoutout For The Person Who took my Shift Last Night As My Back Was Inflamed And I would surely had to be Carted Out in a Stretcher if I tried to work. Now THIS is how On Demand Is Supposed To Be!!!!

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