Archived The "WAIT I HAVE THE EXACT CHANGE" guest after you already rang up their cash.

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Jul 24, 2016
Had a lady stop me once after she gave me a $100 bill to give me a penny. I hit K1 and rang it up and she suddenly was like "WAIT I CAN GIVE YOU A DOLLAR TOO" and the cash register opened up and she insisted I take it but I told her to keep it because I already rang it up.

It apparently pissed her off and she left without saying "Thank you" or "You too" after I wished her a good day lol. Just a exasperated sigh and aggressively putt her change back into her purse lol.
Yeah I'd be annoyed with you too. Do the math.
Except a common trick to cheat people is to hand over bills after a the first then insist the first one was bigger. So they hand you a ten, then the dollar, you give them change and they insist they gave you a twenty not a ten.

So yes you can math, but I've refused a couple times when sketchy individuals insisted.
Except a common trick to cheat people is to hand over bills after a the first then insist the first one was bigger. So they hand you a ten, then the dollar, you give them change and they insist they gave you a twenty not a ten.

So yes you can math, but I've refused a couple times when sketchy individuals insisted.

Which wasn't what was happening here.
Yeah I'd be annoyed with you too. Do the math.

Ruins my score, she would of just gotten the dollar back in change anyways lol. Her total was like $53.01 and she stopped me to give me the penny, then I pressed K1 and she wanted to give me a dollar. Like why? Just keep the dollar, ma'am lol. Buy a snack with it.

No idea if you've ever cashiered during an after-work rush but when you got lines going out into the aisles for the next 10 check lanes with the GSTL, LOD, and a few TLs on closed lanes helping random guests every 5 minutes and the pressure to keep yourself on a Green Streak is high, I don't really wanna waste the extra 20 seconds that might put me in red for that transaction lol. ¿entiendes? Didn't suspect a scam or anything at all, just she kept piling on the extra un-needed money to pay for her items.

I also wish scoring stopped after you hit total or after a card is detected and being read in the machine. So many times where I've had people who forgot their PIN# or hit wrong buttons or just took forever in general and put me in the Red for the transaction. Like it doesn't annoy me or anything, just c'mon I need those brownie points lol.
Ruins my score, she would of just gotten the dollar back in change anyways lol. Her total was like $53.01 and she stopped me to give me the penny, then I pressed K1 and she wanted to give me a dollar. Like why? Just keep the dollar, ma'am lol. Buy a snack with it.

No idea if you've ever cashiered during an after-work rush but when you got lines going out into the aisles for the next 10 check lanes with the GSTL, LOD, and a few TLs on closed lanes helping random guests every 5 minutes and the pressure to keep yourself on a Green Streak is high, I don't really wanna waste the extra 20 seconds that might put me in red for that transaction lol. ¿entiendes? Didn't suspect a scam or anything at all, just she kept piling on the extra un-needed money to pay for her items.

I also wish scoring stopped after you hit total or after a card is detected and being read in the machine. So many times where I've had people who forgot their PIN# or hit wrong buttons or just took forever in general and put me in the Red for the transaction. Like it doesn't annoy me or anything, just c'mon I need those brownie points lol.

It has zero effect on your score if the transaction was already completed. If it wasn't completed, and you told her no out of fear for your score, that's even more ridiculous. Then you don't even have to do the math, it's done for you.
It has zero effect on your score if the transaction was already completed. If it wasn't completed, and you told her no out of fear for your score, that's even more ridiculous. Then you don't even have to do the math, it's done for you.

not out of fear I just didn't wanna do it lol. More than anything I had a line backed all the way up into C-block and wanted to get it down fast and easily. I'll come up to you and give you change after you completed the transaction and I'll be looking to see if I got the same dollar bill back.

So two twenties, one five, and oh... three $1 bills that would of included the dollar she gave me lol. We have two different views on it and it's fine, I just preferred the easier way and just said "Sorry I already completed the transaction". Should of had it ready beforehand. I had her change pretty much out already before she handed me the extra dollar she for some reason wanted to put towards the difference and I was legitimately ready to close the drawer when she whipped it out. You can call me ridiculous all you want I don't mind but she didn't need to put the extra dollar forth especially if she's just gonna get it back. Wasn't out of annoyance or irritation. Maybe laziness, but to ease down my line.
So two twenties, one five, and oh... three $1 bills that would of included the dollar she gave me lol.
I just take the extra dollar, place it on the counter while I put the money in the till and get the change (except for that dollar). Then pick up the dollar and add it to the change before counting it back.

It's my way of saying "you're an idiot" without actually saying it.
I hate people who pay in exact change. Ruins my score. I wish there was a K key for "the customer is looking through their change purse and it's gonna be a while"
I know it's not good to do this, but when people hand me change after I've already entered a payment, I just close the drawer and reopen it before moving on to the next sale. I've also gotten in the habit of staggering the payments if I'm handed one or two bills at a time. It seems to work. There are lots of ways to game the speed score.
I also wish scoring stopped after you hit total or after a card is detected and being read in the machine. So many times where I've had people who forgot their PIN# or hit wrong buttons or just took forever in general and put me in the Red for the transaction. Like it doesn't annoy me or anything, just c'mon I need those brownie points lol.
Same. You're not really the one responsible if someone takes too long to pay. That's usually when I spam the suspend button, lol. Usually two attempts won't mess up your score though, unless the person only bought one item. Three or more and you're screwed.
Give her back the extra $ in pennies 😀
Not worth it. I had someone ask for their cashback in quarters so they could do laundry, and that was enough of a pain in the ass.
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