Archived Theft/spider wraps

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Nov 13, 2018
I constantly find spider wraps stuffed behind product. Yesterday I found an empty box of plastic forks. Forks!? Did they dump them in their purse?? Empty baby bottle box, shoe box, phones cases, food, band aids, toothbrushes and numerous ripped off tags.
How are all these people getting away w this? How do they get the spider wraps and plastic cases off?
I take anything I find up to GS and one time they told me I’m the only one who does. 😳 Am I not suppose to do that??
Also, just for kicks, what crazy stolen items have you found? The forks have to be the strangest for me so far. 😄
We have to take all empty packages and document it with the empty package defect option on the POS and then throw the package into a bin for AP.
I'm all the time finding empty packages and it's always mentioned in my review that I'm one of the few who document where & when I find them and turn them in. That's how I was trained when I first started, but maybe others aren't getting that same training. Or maybe it's just that I notice stuff and am a little OCD about it.
If you keep finding spider wraps, those wraps are not being properly applied. I've found ones that were so loose, they were practically falling off. Maybe the TMs at your store need some tips about how to wrap them tightly. (Seriously, AP at my store has done some informal "you're not in trouble" coaching on this. I've shown TMs how to use them when someone tells me they don't know how.)
Some of the weird things I've found: a package of allergy pills with exactly 1 pill popped out of the blister packaging and the rest left behind; a package of AA batteries with 2 batteries missing; packages of sanitary pads and condoms, with 1 or 2 missing - really?!; a bunch of tags off clothing, all piled up very neatly and left in one place.
Maybe the most worthless one I've found was a tag ripped off a $1 item from Bullseye left on shelf.
I've found a big pile of empty packages and tags behind a basketball goal before, a handful of tags stuffed in a shirt pocket (one of this tags was for an OPU I was looking for). Pretty much anytime I zone, I'm finding empty packages. Try to remember the aisle and time for each find. Bring it up to GS and put an empty package sticker on it, and drop it in the bin.
As far as the $1 tag, it's likely that it came off accidentally; when bullseye apparel make it to the fitting room a fair number either don't have tags or the tags separated during transport.
The TP/paper towel aisles always have a fuck ton of electronics packages dumped at the back of the shelves. Haven’t found any spider wraps but I did find a Tile in a keeper that looked like somebody tried to pry it open and then got spooked and left it.
We definitely had some liquor and cough syrup thieves over the past few years. Have found empty packages for things as large as pressure cookers before. Medications with only one or two missing that ended up getting defected out since they're technically partial packages, the same sort of thing but with condoms that someone then flung around the shelf like some weird kind of confetti, an empty 15 pack of emery boards (you know, the cheap little reddish nail file things), and empty packages for prestige makeup and skincare brands we don't even sell. I've seen some weird partial/empty packages in my time with target, but I can't tell my best stories or they'd be a dead giveaway.
As far as the $1 tag, it's likely that it came off accidentally; when bullseye apparel make it to the fitting room a fair number either don't have tags or the tags separated during transport.
Possible, but I found it behind product on a shelf in the vitamins aisle - it didn't just sort of get there by itself. If I'd found it on the floor, then sure.
Tags all the time, fitting rooms full of spider wraps, empty tampon boxes, plan b boxes that look like they’ve been ripped apart by fucking raccoons, empty condom boxes, empty LEGO minifugurine packs, empty pudding cups, half assed attempts at wrapped electronics items all the time. I always document everything, merely because I don’t want to be blamed and then caught on camera throwing it in the trash, and I need some way of getting off the floor so our store doesn’t look like trash.
I hate checking the fitting rooms for tags. There's a million little hiding spots and a lot get missed the first few checks of the fitting rooms. I've found them inside the seats, I've found them shoved in the rubber baseboards, I've found the silicone caulking pulled loose around the edge of the mirrors and tags shoved behind the mirrors. I've had to use pliers to pull tags out of some of the places they've been hidden, and I've had to widen some gaps to get at tags and I just hope that the wider opening is not an invitation for future thieves.
Diapers. Consistently boxes with 1-2 missing diapers.

And the handsoap we occasionally requisitioned to put in the restrooms when some of our dispensers ran low.
Isn't baby formula used to cut drugs? This would be my guess, vs. someone desperate stealing it.
Previous job, I had a coworker who told me that when she was a new mother she got a shoplifting charge because her son needed diapers and her then boyfriend (baby's father) had taken all the money so she tried to walk out with the diapers. It is very possible that there are other desperate mothers out there in that position.
The other day when my shift was done; while walking pass the men's restroom I heard a noise coming from in there. Upon checking what the noise was I found a broken spider wrap inside the toilet.

Completely gross. (Thankfully the toilet had nothing in it besides the spiderwrap.)

I went to GSA, grabbed a walkie told the LOD to some see for them self.
Had a tweeker pop a spider wrap off a TV literally five feet away.

Dunno how he thought it was gonna play out but needless to say the TV did not get stolen.
Previous job, I had a coworker who told me that when she was a new mother she got a shoplifting charge because her son needed diapers and her then boyfriend (baby's father) had taken all the money so she tried to walk out with the diapers. It is very possible that there are other desperate mothers out there in that position.

Bet she wasn’t stealing more than one package, though.

I hate comments like this when the thief takes forty packages of formula and half a cart of liquor.

Plus you walk up to me and ASK and I will totally find a way to give you a couple days worth of formula.

Edit to add:

Those stealing dozens of cans of formula are hurting EVERYONE.

what happens is an organized crime group hires addicts to steal formula from major stores. The group then sells the formula (stolen) to inner city independent party stores and grocers, laundering the money. They offer a cost lower than official distributors, which lets the independent have more margin. Then the independent accepts WIC benefits to pay for that formula.

So our taxes are buying stolen goods from shady party stores. This is why your biggest canisters are NEVER stolen, only the second largest size of name brands. Your Target brand is never stolen, neither are the sizes WIC doesn’t cover or the fancy organics.
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