Archived Things Wal-Mart does that you wish Target would do

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At my store, it's an issue because people will come to back up cashier, and not turn their light we end up training guests to not worry about whether the lane light is on or not.
My suggestion is pretty simple... I would love if we had the "Register Closed" signs. Guests hardly ever look at the lane light when picking a line to check out. They just see the red shirt behind a register and get in line. But those signs probably aren't "vibe" approved
I would love these, so many times I have to stay past my scheduled time because the GSA is too busy to make sure no one comes to my lane. But you're probably right it's not the "vibe" thing to do.

I was told that we can't get our discount for any card except the red card because it costs Target like $3 per transaction. Not sure I believe that, but that's what I was told. The whole thing about Max not being available at home is ridiculous. It's also dumb that the whole team member services won't work in any browser but I.E. I hate I.E. and the ehr is the only time I use it.
Target always finds room. Like when our store got Geek Squad, I had no idea where their equipment would fit in our boat. Lo and behold, they find room.

Our Target has plenty of space in receiving that the small area required to house these few site-to-store items could be held. In targets that aren't as fortunate, a good, organized backroom can go a long way to freeing up space. Another idea is to just take over Mobile's location (ours in right next to receiving) when they leave Targets and convert that space into a site-to-store storage unit. Realistically, our Target has a million spaces these items can go. Maybe not all Targets are the same but I'm sure they would find room.
Oh yeah...there's always our
Too many posts online about people who orders things before Black Friday and won't get them until January now and they can't cancel. This would have to help that disaster.

How would store pick up fix that?

I am a shopper, and I have never had any problems. Normally the ship time is 5 days. If I wanted to cancel, I bet I could make it happen.
I don't know why they can't be bothered to support other browsers. When I change the User Agent in Firefox so that it cons websites into thinking they're talking to IE, then it works perfectly. Haven't had any problems. So, I'm not sure what their deal is.
Maybe we could do a a thread on what we wish Spot would do like Costco.
I don't have a comparison between us and Costco but since Spot uses Uncle Wally's business model this one should work.
Also if you consider that Costco has union representation and doesn't seem to have any issues with it.
The CEO makes a pittance compared to ours and doesn't is happy that way.
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how about a sunday differential like a walmart? their workers get an extra dollar an hour for working sundays. and spot wanted to make themselves look good for giving it to us on black friday, lol.
how about a sunday differential like a walmart? their workers get an extra dollar an hour for working sundays. and spot wanted to make themselves look good for giving it to us on black friday, lol.

I think it's a state thing, I worked at walmart a couple years ago and got no Sunday differential.
At my store, it's an issue because people will come to back up cashier, and not turn their light we end up training guests to not worry about whether the lane light on or not.

I know, I've asked why the back up cashiers can't turn on their lights when they come up....and I keep getting idiotic answers of "we don't want to confuse the guests." Really?
Target needs to get the culture of back-up cashiers to turn on their lights when they come to back up and then turn their lights off when they go. If the GSTLs and GSAs could help with the "light off" and stop guests from going to lanes with no lights on.

If we'd work on the "lights" issue and stuck with it.....or even went with the sign "This Lane Closed" sure would help guests and TMs get things moving along......but Target would have to commit the whole company to the same rules about lanes.
how about a sunday differential like a walmart? their workers get an extra dollar an hour for working sundays. and spot wanted to make themselves look good for giving it to us on black friday, lol.

Yes! Yes! Yes! Sunday differential. Or scrap the dollar on Sunday and give us .50 for Saturday and .50 for Sunday.
how about a sunday differential like a walmart? their workers get an extra dollar an hour for working sundays. and spot wanted to make themselves look good for giving it to us on black friday, lol.

I work at Wally and I get the Sunday differential but the new hires don't. I think it was discontinued a while after I started working there.
One thing that Target does that I wish Wally would do is to send us the repacks already sorted by department. The second shift team that unloads the trucks has to sort those and it would be easier for them if they could just send them out to the floor like we used to do at Target.
Then again, Wally could very easily combine unloading and stocking the way Target does but they've never asked my opinion. They would have to have a bigger third shift team though.
I wish that Target gave ALL Team Members quarterly bonuses like walmart does. It provides an incentive to help your store perform. It's common sense, if you help your store perform you get a bonus. If your store doesn't perform, no bonus. It would help build a team giving talking points about progress in the huddles too.
My suggestion is pretty simple... I would love if we had the "Register Closed" signs. Guests hardly ever look at the lane light when picking a line to check out. They just see the red shirt behind a register and get in line. But those signs probably aren't "vibe" approved

At my store, if guests see any color shirt behind a register, they think the lane is open. Our SFT has gotten yelled at a few times when he had to fix the registers.
At my store, if guests see any color shirt behind a register, they think the lane is open. Our SFT has gotten yelled at a few times when he had to fix the registers.
Our SFT doesn't wear a red shirt or khakis. He wears a grey shirt with the Tgt logo on it.
Our SFT doesn't wear a red shirt or khakis. He wears a grey shirt with the Tgt logo on it.

I think that's what he was getting at. If anyone is behind the register no matter what they are wearing, someone will stop there.
I think that's what he was getting at. If anyone is behind the register no matter what they are wearing, someone will stop there.

Yes, that's it. Thank you, daninnj. Where I live, guests are (to put it nicely) VERY weak in the upper story.
No discount with debit/credit and no checking schedule from home are really petty. It frustrates me so much. Setting aside how weak the discount is anyway - I don't bother with it, even with cash.

But there is absolutely no excuse for not being able to check your schedule from home. None. Plenty of other companies use the same underlying software and their employees can view their schedule outside of work. And I don't want the same tired old cheap one liner: "It's considered working off the clock." What I want is a straight up, no bull$hit, no political-style evasion, no cop out, man to man, face to face, you-know-what-the-hell-kind-of-answer-I-want-so-don't-jerk-me-around plain simple English response to why they think it could possibly in this universe's logic be considered working off the clock, what they think could possibly happen to a team member that could possibly get them sued or otherwise in trouble for staring at numbers on a screen that depict a time frame, and why they thus need to be the one single company to have it only viewable from work.

For the debit/credit thing, I figure it's because they're being whiny and prissy about the few cents or few% or whatever it is for the interchange fees, etc. that come with a business being able to provide credit and debit service to customers.

At my store, checking your schedule/writing it down is something punishable for doing on the clock. We're told you must do those things on breaks/lunches or after you've clocked out because it's not productive.
I would love to be able to check my schedule from home and be able to better calculate my hours. I keep getting in trouble for hitting overtime when I don't stay on top how many hours I have worked. But another reason that they might not implement it is accuracy troubles with Max Self Service. I don't know about other Targets but at ours they always tell us to go by the paper schedule up on the wall and not by what the computer says. A number of times mine have not matched up. Apparently the Max Self Service one can get screwed up for some reason. I don't know if it's the actual program or one of the HRs messing up. Whatever it is, with the number of inconsistencies I have seen I probably wouldn't trust going online anyway.
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