Thinking about joining

Nov 14, 2019
I'm not a Target employee, but am looking for a second job. I currently work 4:00 PM-12:30 AM, so I could be available for morning or possibly overnight part time. However, reading some of these threads has me a bit concerned. Would you recommend applying, or just looking for a different part time job? If it helps, I do have retail experience from Market Basket (Four years), and it would be a NH store.
So much depends on a store's leadership and who is your team leader. For a few years, I had an awful team leader, but I stuck with it because this job works well with my schedule and for a long time, my state's unemployment rate was pretty bad so there weren't many other options. He's gone now, and working there is so much better. Other leadership at my store has been there long-term and is generally pretty decent. My direct team leader is competent.
If you know anyone who works at the store you'd be applying to, bend their ear and see what they have to say.
THAT one!
So much depends on a store's leadership and who is your team leader. For a few years, I had an awful team leader, but I stuck with it because this job works well with my schedule and for a long time, my state's unemployment rate was pretty bad so there weren't many other options. He's gone now, and working there is so much better. Other leadership at my store has been there long-term and is generally pretty decent. My direct team leader is competent.
If you know anyone who works at the store you'd be applying to, bend their ear and see what they have to say.

Thank you both. I don't know anyone in the store, but I may try to see if I can get an employee from there to tell the truth (no one will tell a strange customer if the job is bad).
I can’t recommend Spot these days, but if there’s a Costco near you, you might try there. I have several friends who left Target for Costco, and they all are happy there. Either way, good luck.
There's a lot of doom and gloom on these forums because negativity speaks the loudest and FRANKLY... we like to complain. I left back in April but I'd go back if I really REALLY had to. It wasn't awful enough, it wasn't a great experience but the work I did was satisfying. It's retail, you're never going to find a perfect position in retail, and there's always things that go wrong. It's up to you how much you can tolerate!

That being said, retail stores just need warm bodies to push daily tasks and agendas. If you can show up and do your job, you already have 90% of the job down pat. The last 10% can be store politics, weird/bad leadership(POSSIBLY), and bad team members. We have a saying called ASANTS (all stores are not the same) where one store might have great leadership, great team members, and get's everything done efficiently and professionally. Another store down the road might have a ton of politics, toxicity, toxic co-workers, and trouble frequently completing tasks.

Like I said, Target needs warm bodies, starting pay is going up to $15/hr soon, so it's an AMAZING second job opportunity if you can seize it.

I can’t recommend Spot these days, but if there’s a Costco near you, you might try there. I have several friends who left Target for Costco, and they all are happy there. Either way, good luck.
Hey, just like me! Costco is world's away from what Target is. In terms of policies, great management, friendly co-workers, benefits, pay, and overall satisfaction... I fucking LOVE it. I can see a career with Costco.

Thank you both. I don't know anyone in the store, but I may try to see if I can get an employee from there to tell the truth (no one will tell a strange customer if the job is bad).

Honestly, don't even sweat it. Don't even think about how bad a job MIGHT be. You're more than likely 100% able to find a disgruntled TM who's very willing to complain about their week with Target but if YOU don't like the job either then you can just leave since it's just your second job. Don't even need to mention it on your resume. Just try it out.
Target is not the amazing employer it used to be. There’s been a lot of major changes lately, and wether it’s been for better or worse is largely a matter of debate. I can’t say I wouldn't re-apply if I was looking for work, but it’s certainly a different company than the one I left. Your individual results will be largely based on the culture at the store you work for.
but I may try to see if I can get an employee from there to tell the truth (no one will tell a strange customer if the job is bad).
I was asked recently by a guest who's a sort of frequent shopped in my area if I thought Target might be interested in hiring someone of her age. (She's probably in her 60s, not quite ready to retire yet, but really unhappy in her current job.) I was pretty honest with her, mostly because I feel better about working there now. But had she asked me this time last year, I might have couched my answer in such a way as to not disparage Target but not outright lie either. So if you do approach a current team member, pay attention to body language and tone of voice. What's not said might tell you more than their actual words.
Also, keep in mind that a lot of us on here voice complaints because we feel - at least I do - that we have a sympathetic audience who understands what's going on. My friends outside Target, especially those who've never worked retail, don't get it.
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I've worked at Target 3 different times over the past 7 years. I've always left on good terms with the idea in the back of my mind that I'd go back in a year or two. At this point, um... definitely not. Target's expectations of it's employees have gotten rather unrealistic.
I worked at Target for 3-4 years between 2013-2016, I didn't like my direct supervisor at all, but otherwise didn't mind the job.

I recently came back about a month ago (same store, the GSTL I didn't care for before is long gone), and so far don't mind the job at all. Of course though, as previously mentioned, ASANTS. Working for Target is neither inherently good, or bad, your stores leadership will largely determine that on a case-by-case basis.

What position you'd be applying for would potentially determine how good or bad the experience would be as well.
If you're looking to make target a second job and your first is also in retail, you may get physically burnt out because at target there can be a lot of running around. I was always trying to stock my department in the short shifts they gave me to do so, trying to do 4 things at once, getting home exhausted, and not realizing that there were way better part-time options out there for me where I wasn't expected to do the work of 4.
I’ve worked there twice over the last 4 years. Yes, things have changed (I’m in a selected Store that Target is testing. Meaning we get new equipment and the roles for employees are changed). Right now, I’m a seasonal worker and I love it. Yes, I had to work during thanksgiving, but that was my job. I work as a general merchandiser which means I stock items on shelves, and put the excess items in storage. My team leader is chill and let’s me do my work without micro-managing me. The store manager is a hard worker who I rarely see because he’s usually helping someone with a question. My co-workers indulge in work politics, but overall are very kind and helpful people when I have questions. My experience has been great overall and I hope to continue working after the holidays if they continue to keep me. Just don’t apply as a “style team member”. Because I did that my first time around and was miserable. It’s mostly just folding clothes. Just imagine doing that for 4-8 hours a day. Bleh. Not my cup of tea but kudos to those who do it

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