This is not leadership.

There are certain personality types who will never be satisfied with anyone under them doing jobs that THEY oversee. Watch out because they will stick a pencil in your eye. Usually they are insecure, many have a lot of home life baggage and are generally miserable pricks outside of work. To preserve your sanity it is incumbent upon you to identify them early and act proactively and quickly. Talk with whoever is above them and don't fuck around with too many details, at least not immediately. Key is talk with not to, throw them the bait and let them drive the conversation. They probably know they are assholes, it's up to you to fortify that. We had one like that and shortly after I left she stupidly screwed herself right out of a TL job. Not a very intelligent woman bordering on trash.
There are certain personality types who will never be satisfied with anyone under them doing jobs that THEY oversee. Watch out because they will stick a pencil in your eye. Usually they are insecure, many have a lot of home life baggage and are generally miserable pricks outside of work. To preserve your sanity it is incumbent upon you to identify them early and act proactively and quickly. Talk with whoever is above them and don't fuck around with too many details, at least not immediately. Key is talk with not to, throw them the bait and let them drive the conversation. They probably know they are assholes, it's up to you to fortify that. We had one like that and shortly after I left she stupidly screwed herself right out of a TL job. Not a very intelligent woman bordering on trash.
I am pretty sure this is coming from the top down. We have a toxic store culture right now and the goal is to drive the team as hard as they can. I can see how tired and frustrated the team is right now.
If it's condoned, accepted and ignored then yes, it is top down abuse. Toxic at all levels and unless there is major house cleaning it will never end. Leave and avoid the stress.
When I first arrived at this store the abusive culture was obvious. Very misogynistic and age is, and a clear the back room as effing fast as possible. That meant harassing women, particularly older women out of inbound or harassing them to where they would literally throw push onto the shelves, whole cases stocked upside down and backwards, obsessive was filthy; plano team never allowed to clean. Saying was, "just do it the fast way". Some top tl s are gone, promoted out of course, but a few with that learned mentality are still there and the new ones in are becoming like them. Sacrificing safety..I watched, then reported, a tl demonstrate to a new tm how to pull faster...pull the vehicle in behind you...OMG. I alerted that TM when the tl left that it was a major safety violation and they said, "thanks you may have just saved my life" it was common sense to a new tm anyway. Sick as well of the cheating the metrics by tl s, ghost sets, just sad.

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