Definitely ask your TL to have someone show you, but some tips to get you started:
•take the entire boat with you down the aisle. Ex. If your uboat is aisles E1-E6, start in aisle E1. Look at the top, and park your boat behind you in the aisle. Push everything from E1(1) and E1(2) from the top. Then move your boat to E1(3). Stock everything from E1(3) and E1(4), rinse and repeat until it's completed. You always wanna be within arms length of your vehicle. This eliminates taking unnecessary steps.
•keep your backstock generally organized on your boat. I will start putting mine in the empty space up top, sorted by aisle. Ex. My E1 is grouped together. My E2 stuff is grouped together etc. This helps me backstock it quicker since it matches my backroom layout.
•Avoid scanning product if you don't need to. The casepacks all have labels with locations on them, so you shouldn't have to spend much time scanning them. The only time I'll scan an item from a caspeack, is if the location has an "*". Ex. E1(1)*1-1-1. This means it has a dual location, which I will need a scanner to check. Obviously, you will need to scan the items in the repacks.
•I keep a trash bag tied to my vehicle for any miscellaneous plastic that comes off. It stays organized, so I'm not wasting time fumbling around with it. If I have a large box, I will break my other boxes down and put them inside. When I take them to the baler, I can toss everything in at once instead of having to keep grabbing a bunch of loose pieces from the back.
•when I'm done, I will go to my stockroom aisle and do my backstock. Then I take my uboat without product to receiving and get rid of my cardboard and plastic. My uboat is now empty so I can park it on the line. I see people try and come do cardboard and trash, then go walk their boat to their aisle for backstock, then bring it aaaallllll the way back to the line. More wasted time.
•Sense of urgency. Self-explanatory here.. Don't need to kill yourself over stocking some toys, but you can still work at a good pace.
You'll get better the more you learn the floor and the more practice you get!