Tips to move from TM to VM TL?

Apr 13, 2023
I was searching but couldn’t find a thread with answers for this. LMK if I missed a thread!
I’m currently a TM and DBO in style. Our VM is leaving next week and HR stopped me today and said I should apply for the VM position.
Does anyone have tips to make me a better candidate for this role? Resume tips? Interview tips/sample questions for this role? How to negotiate a higher pay since I’m sure they’ll offer the minimum.
What is the process? Interview with ETL and HR, then interview with store director?

Additional info: I’ve been a TM for about 8 months and no prior retail experience, but other work experience. Moved into DBO role about 3 months ago and have learned a lot from the current VM in this time regarding plano, VMG, ISM, etc.

Any info would be appreciated!
When you submit your application in WorkDay, play up any relevant work experience you do have and any strengths that will translate to the role. If you are able to talk to your current VM to get their tips as well, that helped me a ton.

When I interviewed, it was first with my SD and ETL and then a second interview with the VMD. Not sure if that's the process followed at every store, but I know my VMD is very discerning on who should be in the VM role (though your SD has final say on if you get the job). She looked specifically for the ability to see the possibility in a given space- how would you remerchandise to make an area look more impactful, what other items can you flex into the space to tell a story, how do you tell a story: warm vs. cool colors/cross merchandising/mannequin styling.

As far as pay, given you haven't been there long and not much retail experience getting anything higher than the minimum is going to a very hard sell. I've been in retail over 20 years and still was only allowed the minimum pay bump- which was still higher than the TL starting pay since I made more than the TM starting pay by a lot. You can always ask, they worst they'll say is no.

Check out the careers description of the VM role to get a better picture of what is expected as well. Oh, and also the visual merchandising page on WorkBench can give you an overview on workload, planning, and visual standards.
You will most likely interview with the VMD. Last one I saw, the interview was on the floor. VMD was asking about adjacencies, mannequins, LADS, etc. . . . Then they went to Home dept.
When I interviewed, it was first with my SD and ETL and then a second interview with the VMD. Not sure if that's the process followed at every store, but I know my VMD is very discerning on who should be in the VM role (though your SD has final say on if you get the job). She looked specifically for the ability to see the possibility in a given space- how would you remerchandise to make an area look more impactful, what other items can you flex into the space to tell a story, how do you tell a story: warm vs. cool colors/cross merchandising/mannequin styling.

As far as pay, given you haven't been there long and not much retail experience getting anything higher than the minimum is going to a very hard sell. I've been in retail over 20 years and still was only allowed the minimum pay bump- which was still higher than the TL starting pay since I made more than the TM starting pay by a lot. You can always ask, they worst they'll say is no.

Check out the careers description of the VM role to get a better picture of what is expected as well. Oh, and also the visual merchandising page on WorkBench can give you an overview on workload, planning, and visual standards.
thank you so much! This is super helpful. What does VMD stand for? I’m not sure my store has this position.
So did you have a sample project they had you do on the floor as part of an interview?
And I appreciate the feedback in the pay too. I would honestly be happy with the minimum range in the job description given that it would be a decent increase. I just didn’t want to go in too low since I’ve heard it’s harder to get a raise later on.
I’ll take a look at the VM page a little closer on work bench tomorrow!
You will most likely interview with the VMD. Last one I saw, the interview was on the floor. VMD was asking about adjacencies, mannequins, LADS, etc. . . . Then they went to Home dept.
Thank you! This is good to know! I’m going to ask the current VM about the floor interview aspect tomorrow!
thank you so much! This is super helpful. What does VMD stand for? I’m not sure my store has this position.
So did you have a sample project they had you do on the floor as part of an interview?
And I appreciate the feedback in the pay too. I would honestly be happy with the minimum range in the job description given that it would be a decent increase. I just didn’t want to go in too low since I’ve heard it’s harder to get a raise later on.
I’ll take a look at the VM page a little closer on work bench tomorrow!

Like others have said, VMD is the Visual Merchandise Director. It is a group level position (hierarchy goes store<district<region<group) as far as I can tell, there doesn't seem to be a district or region level for Visual Merchandising; my VMD's emails always go out to the group, not just district or region.

Half the interview was off-stage, kind of getting to know you and talking about your strengths, asking any questions you have about the role. The second part was on the salesfloor and that wasn't actually doing any projects but talking thru any opportunities you see in a selected area- almost a given home will be one of those areas and then maybe one or two areas in Style.

Having an understanding of LADS is good to talk up points about what things to cross-merchandise or are seasonally relevant. Or ways to remerchandise to elevate sales- for example, if you are heavy on swim is there a way to remerchandise to make it look more appealing (merchandise by cool vs warm or ROYGBIV), something that makes it a statement instead of just a bunch of tops & bottoms together. But also doing so in a way that adheres to the visual standards- don't mix brands together (you don't merch Kona Sol with Shade & Shore or Wild Fable) but you can cross-merch within the brands (Wild Fable sandals with Wild Fable swim separates).
VM turnover must not be that terrible if the group VMD is taking part in all the interviews.

It is and it isn't. Turnover can be high but it's usually because many VMs are looking to move up, especially to HQ (and especially in the Twin Cities since it's so close to HQ).
It is and it isn't. Turnover can be high but it's usually because many VMs are looking to move up, especially to HQ (and especially in the Twin Cities since it's so close to HQ).
Oh, that's cool to learn. What positions exist at HQ to make that a logical next step? It's usually just people that are really into tech who talk about moving toward an HQ position.
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Oh, that's cool to learn. What positions exist at HQ to make that a logical next step? It's usually just people that are really into tech who talking about moving toward an HQ position.

There's a variety of options: roles in creating VMGs (some of it actually gets real-world tested, not just on paper), design of own-brand products, space & presentation roles, merchandise specialists, digital art directors, etc.
Like others have said, VMD is the Visual Merchandise Director. It is a group level position (hierarchy goes store<district<region<group) as far as I can tell, there doesn't seem to be a district or region level for Visual Merchandising; my VMD's emails always go out to the group, not just district or region.

Half the interview was off-stage, kind of getting to know you and talking about your strengths, asking any questions you have about the role. The second part was on the salesfloor and that wasn't actually doing any projects but talking thru any opportunities you see in a selected area- almost a given home will be one of those areas and then maybe one or two areas in Style.

Having an understanding of LADS is good to talk up points about what things to cross-merchandise or are seasonally relevant. Or ways to remerchandise to elevate sales- for example, if you are heavy on swim is there a way to remerchandise to make it look more appealing (merchandise by cool vs warm or ROYGBIV), something that makes it a statement instead of just a bunch of tops & bottoms together. But also doing so in a way that adheres to the visual standards- don't mix brands together (you don't merch Kona Sol with Shade & Shore or Wild Fable) but you can cross-merch within the brands (Wild Fable sandals with Wild Fable swim separates).
Great! Thank you so much. Just talked to my ETL and he asked if I can interview tomorrow. This one will be with him and HR.
He said second round would be store director if I’m moved through.
He did mention that they have several external applicants as well.

I’ve been looking through VMG resources on my device like suggested. What is LADS? That’s one thing I didn’t come across. I’m sure I’ve seen it at some point, but can’t remember.
Great! Thank you so much. Just talked to my ETL and he asked if I can interview tomorrow. This one will be with him and HR.
He said second round would be store director if I’m moved through.
He did mention that they have several external applicants as well.

I’ve been looking through VMG resources on my device like suggested. What is LADS? That’s one thing I didn’t come across. I’m sure I’ve seen it at some point, but can’t remember.

It should be listed at the front of every VMG on the overview page- the color coded one with blue/purple/orange/etc.
L - Lead
A - Anchor
D - Destination
S - Support
Half the interview was off-stage, kind of getting to know you and talking about your strengths, asking any questions you have about the role. The second part was on the salesfloor and that wasn't actually doing any projects but talking thru any opportunities you see in a selected area- almost a given home will be one of those areas and then maybe one or two areas in Style.
thanks again for this info! I interviewed with my ETL on Friday. Focused on relevant past experiences like suggested (background in design) and also threw out some key words like the LADS stuff, symmetry, sight lines, etc like suggested.
Interviewing with store director tomorrow. This is the one that I assume we’ll go onto the floor. I haven’t spent much time in Home Dec (because it was just recently added back into specialty sales at my store), so I’m going to look at some of those VMGs tomorrow during my break.
My ETL mentioned interviewing with HR next on Thursday.
I do know that he interviewed two other external candidates. So crossing my fingers!
thanks again for this info! I interviewed with my ETL on Friday. Focused on relevant past experiences like suggested (background in design) and also threw out some key words like the LADS stuff, symmetry, sight lines, etc like suggested.
Interviewing with store director tomorrow. This is the one that I assume we’ll go onto the floor. I haven’t spent much time in Home Dec (because it was just recently added back into specialty sales at my store), so I’m going to look at some of those VMGs tomorrow during my break.
My ETL mentioned interviewing with HR next on Thursday.
I do know that he interviewed two other external candidates. So crossing my fingers!
They typically prefer to exhaust all options to get an internal candidate before choosing an external hire at least for PG45 roles such as VM and TL roles to show that they are allowing for internal growth for the team
Just wanted to follow up here for anyone that uses this post in the future as a resource.
I got offered the position and have been in role for a few months now! Thank you to everyone for the info, pointers, etc.

The role has been going well and I’m enjoying it. 🙂
Didn’t end up doing an interview on the floor, but I did walk through the different areas included in our VM position so that I could speak to these areas during the interview with SD, which I could tell he appreciated.

One tip I have for anyone moving into this role is to advocate for the trainers to come to your store if their stores are different tiers, layouts, etc than yours.
My store doesn’t fit exactly with the VMGs (or even at all!). It’s also very different from the stores I trained at. So, having them come to my store was so helpful! The training was split - a few days at their store, then finish up with a few days at mine. It really helped me to get started on the right foot!

Another tip would be to make friends with your VM if you’re hoping to one day get a VM role. I learned so much from my former VM and in turn could help out with things so she could spend more time in other areas. This also helped beef up my knowledge and experience to use during the interviews.
She put in a good word for me when she left too. And I’ve heard of one other store where a TM was promoted to VM after sort of unofficially training under their current VM.
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