VML annual raise/job growth

Apr 13, 2023
I’m curious about the annual raises and how much generally a VM will see (what percentage.)
I have been in role since last year, thanks to the help of this forum!
With one of my top TL peers moving up soon and shifting work centers due to realignment, I am feeling that my workload is going to increase (or rather that my support for current workload is going to decrease.)
I have had a very hard time getting help from my ETL including not having TMs scheduled for big sets, but I have been noticed by my VMD and selected as district captain for this year.
Not sure if this plays into the decision for my raise?
I really like this job, but just not sure how sustainable it is with the ratio of raise compared to inflation and cost of living in the area. I’m in an area with a higher cost of living. And while my SD has thrown out potential for promotion soon, I just don’t feel that an ETL position aligns with what I enjoy about the VM role.
I don’t know how much growth there is in this field. Is the next promotion within target Specialty Sales ETL? Or can you stay within visual merchandising?
I have not noticed VM positions outside of target paying that well, so I’m not sure what growth or development looks like if I were to leave the company. Are there other key words to search that would be similar roles?
An ETL outside of my department fortunately offered to meet with me weekly on development when he realized I was not getting it from my own ETL.
I got a 6% raise last year. But that's on the high end, not the average. Average is more like 4%.

I don't think being a captain would factor into this year's raise as it is something you are doing going into this year; it would hopefully factor into next year's raise though.

I never have TMs scheduled to help with any sets either, mostly because my store is too low volume to have the hours. I believe this factors into my raise as I am taking on all of the workload burden myself instead of getting support.

As far as growth within the company, if you're not anywhere near HQ, you're next step up is most likely as a Specialty Sales ETL or other ETL position; there's not VM-ETLs or district level VM positions. Many VMs in the area I'm in (MN) have gone on to Business Partner roles at HQ or other visual roles within HQ. Target is often not very good at having clearly defined paths for moving up. In addition, there are usually way more candidates in development for open positions than there are positions available so most people stay stuck for quite awhile if they don't leave altogether.
I got a 6% raise last year. But that's on the high end, not the average. Average is more like 4%.

I don't think being a captain would factor into this year's raise as it is something you are doing going into this year; it would hopefully factor into next year's raise though.

I never have TMs scheduled to help with any sets either, mostly because my store is too low volume to have the hours. I believe this factors into my raise as I am taking on all of the workload burden myself instead of getting support.

As far as growth within the company, if you're not anywhere near HQ, you're next step up is most likely as a Specialty Sales ETL or other ETL position; there's not VM-ETLs or district level VM positions. Many VMs in the area I'm in (MN) have gone on to Business Partner roles at HQ or other visual roles within HQ. Target is often not very good at having clearly defined paths for moving up. In addition, there are usually way more candidates in development for open positions than there are positions available so most people stay stuck for quite awhile if they don't leave altogether.
Is it true that a VM almost never works weekends?

You might want to consider that.

Do you have retail experience beyond your time at Target?

If you are looking to expand your career you might have to leave Target down the road.

IMHO that is true in almost any industry.
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I don't work weekends unless there is a street-dated launch I am part of. Then I'll go in for a few hours to set up, but not a whole day.
I got a 6% raise last year. But that's on the high end, not the average. Average is more like 4%.

I don't think being a captain would factor into this year's raise as it is something you are doing going into this year; it would hopefully factor into next year's raise though.

I never have TMs scheduled to help with any sets either, mostly because my store is too low volume to have the hours. I believe this factors into my raise as I am taking on all of the workload burden myself instead of getting support.

As far as growth within the company, if you're not anywhere near HQ, you're next step up is most likely as a Specialty Sales ETL or other ETL position; there's not VM-ETLs or district level VM positions. Many VMs in the area I'm in (MN) have gone on to Business Partner roles at HQ or other visual roles within HQ. Target is often not very good at having clearly defined paths for moving up. In addition, there are usually way more candidates in development for open positions than there are positions available so most people stay stuck for quite awhile if they don't leave altogether.
6% max is vml. Just a vm would be 4% max.
Is it true that a VM almost never works weekends?

You might want to consider that.

Do you have retail experience beyond your time at Target?

If you are looking to expand your career you might have to leave Target down the road.

IMHO that is true in almost any industry.
I come in any time there is bigger set on the weekend. Usually family gateway, heritage moments, or street dated sets. This is generally Sundays and not both weekend days.
I do not have other retail experience. My background is in digital design which I felt translated into this role.

Yes, I had a feeling a would likely need to leave.
I just am not sure if I can grow my career in this specific field outside of target or if it is more about just doing something different if I want job growth.

I really enjoy so many aspects of this job that I would want to find something similar if I left. If I can’t, then I would be more inclined to work towards an ETL position.
I got a 6% raise last year. But that's on the high end, not the average. Average is more like 4%.

I don't think being a captain would factor into this year's raise as it is something you are doing going into this year; it would hopefully factor into next year's raise though.

I never have TMs scheduled to help with any sets either, mostly because my store is too low volume to have the hours. I believe this factors into my raise as I am taking on all of the workload burden myself instead of getting support.

As far as growth within the company, if you're not anywhere near HQ, you're next step up is most likely as a Specialty Sales ETL or other ETL position; there's not VM-ETLs or district level VM positions. Many VMs in the area I'm in (MN) have gone on to Business Partner roles at HQ or other visual roles within HQ. Target is often not very good at having clearly defined paths for moving up. In addition, there are usually way more candidates in development for open positions than there are positions available so most people stay stuck for quite awhile if they don't leave altogether.
Thank you! That is good to know that it would generally be an ETL position that would be next.
That’s cool about the HQ roles. I’m not in the area, but I can imagine it does get very saturated, like you said for positions.
I appreciate the info!
Are you aiming for a business partner role one day?
I come in any time there is bigger set on the weekend. Usually family gateway, heritage moments, or street dated sets. This is generally Sundays and not both weekend days.
I do not have other retail experience. My background is in digital design which I felt translated into this role.

Yes, I had a feeling a would likely need to leave.
I just am not sure if I can grow my career in this specific field outside of target or if it is more about just doing something different if I want job growth.

I really enjoy so many aspects of this job that I would want to find something similar if I left. If I can’t, then I would be more inclined to work towards an ETL position.
Staying at Target for maybe a while longer but keep looking for other positions.

Do you feel that your are using your degree in Digital Design fully?

Send me a PM if you want to chat about this further.
They should have dropped it to 5% last year. I say should because it was communicated that the max increase for PG45 was dropped to 5%, but some people are claiming they still received 6%.
Target communicating that the max increase for PG45 dropped from 6% to 5% seems counterproductive.
6% max is vml. Just a vm would be 4% max.
VM TM was eliminated and VML was renamed to VM quite a while ago. It's PG45 (TL) paygrade, and gets the same merit increase as a TL would.

It's also considered a TM role, as they have no direct reports and don't performance manage, similar to PMLs in (most) stores.
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