Archived TL pay bump fall 2018?

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Oct 28, 2018
Back in my yearly review I was told by my ETL TL’s would get a pay bump in the fall. Well it’s fall and HR won’t give me a straight answer. Does anyone know if a bump is coming or what?
Back in my yearly review I was told by my ETL TL’s would get a pay bump in the fall. Well it’s fall and HR won’t give me a straight answer. Does anyone know if a bump is coming or what?

I got my pay raise so I'd talk to HR if your still at $15 which is base pay for TLs
TLs should have got 16 back with your review unless you were a brand new TL then you would have gone to 16 this fall with all the new TMs going from 11 to 12
You best believe I am going to my ETL hr and STL once the minimum is 19 and negotiating.
“You’re making more than you would be if they didn’t raise the minimum” will 100% be their answer. I completely understand why everyone gets upset about this topic and I am sympathetic but honestly why does it matter? I only worry about what I make and I know for sure when it’s 19 it’ll be more than I would be making.
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“You’re making more than you would be if they didn’t raise the minimum” will 100% be their answer. I completely understand why everyone gets upset about this topic and I am sympathetic but honestly why does it matter? I only worry about what I make and I know for sure when it’s 19 it’ll be more than I would be making.
Seeing as I already make more than 19, it would be a slap in the face given all my previous raises and wage negotiations.
You best believe I am going to my ETL hr and STL once the minimum is 19 and negotiating.
Brah you should be getting like alot more regardless of what anyone else is. You do so mucha nd have the most difficult job in the store. Maybe even in the world. There are employees and then there heroes. You are a true inspiration. Your bravery resonates and uplifts those with meaningless ,petty and unnecessary jobs. I salute you, oh brave warrior. Negotiate like a Gazillion.
Seeing as I already make more than 19, it would be a slap in the face given all my previous raises and wage negotiations.

I sincerely hope you haven't had to have the conversation with TM's who made the minimum at every raise and then they wondered why they weren't getting more. You know how that conversation went with TM's I wouldn't really expect it to go any different for you.
How is that fair when with the new Log process I keep getting more and more added on to my plate SINCE my team comes clean every single day and usually pushes other teams workload on top of their own. But yet I don’t get any increase other then the regular yearly which is less then what base TM’s keep getting bumped to.
I don’t think anyone here is claiming that it’s right or that it’s fair. But some people realize that it’s probably not going to change. And at the end of the day, there is more money in your pocket.

It sucks, and you should absolutely complain to your STL and ETL-HR, and anyone higher up if you get the chance, but this has been going on for several years (I’ve pretty much been at the minimum for my entire 8 year career) and it will continue to happen until we get up to $15. Then, if you’re lucky, the base pay won’t go up for a decade and you’ll be making more than everyone else. /s
How is that fair when with the new Log process I keep getting more and more added on to my plate SINCE my team comes clean every single day and usually pushes other teams workload on top of their own. But yet I don’t get any increase other then the regular yearly which is less then what base TM’s keep getting bumped to.
Fair? Fair is base pay being the most cross trained tm in the store. Training vml, tls, style, and beauty who make up to double what you do. Helping the pmt build stuff like crazy right now, who also makes way more and isn't expected to do everyone else's job. But getting passed over for promotion because you aren't bffs with the tls.
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