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If it's your first year, don't expect an EX or an O. Sure, maybe you did an awesome job and your leaders like you and you could get an EX. But it's more likely that it took you a few weeks just to get the basics of being a TL down, or maybe more than that. Then you got to the point where you were doing the bare minimum of being a TL. Then you started doing better. So at the end of the year, you might be doing excellent, but it's an average of the whole year.

The grading can be very tough, from what I've seen. An E basically means you do your job pretty well. Which means you need to go above and beyond to get an EX. And way above that to get an O.

I have a new ETL, so I think I'm really going to have to sell myself to get an EX this year. I'll list anything and everything that I did for the store this year because she isn't just going to give it to me like my past ETLs have. I'm going to have to convince her that I deserve it.
There were only 2 PCCIs this year instead of the normal 3. I got an effective for both, but I'm hoping it was just my new ETL's way of trying to motivate me to be better. Also, I think I did improve a little in the last few months. The suspense is going to kill me. Also, the suspense of waiting to find out if Target is raising the minimums again this year. Last year, we raised it to $9.00 to match Wal-Mart, which is going to $10.00 in February. That will have a bigger impact on my raise than the rating that I get.
There were only 2 PCCIs this year instead of the normal 3. I got an effective for both, but I'm hoping it was just my new ETL's way of trying to motivate me to be better. Also, I think I did improve a little in the last few months. The suspense is going to kill me. Also, the suspense of waiting to find out if Target is raising the minimums again this year. Last year, we raised it to $9.00 to match Wal-Mart, which is going to $10.00 in February. That will have a bigger impact on my raise than the rating that I get.

They love to spout off how the raise to minimum increased wages across the board, yet somehow my % of raise was the exact same as every other year. My pay sheet which was printed before the wage increase did not change when it was reprinted as it did for some (not all) TMs.

It was very easy to see which people got an increase since the reviews all had to be reprinted to input the new pay sheet, only about half of my TMs received an increase. So I'm not holding my breath this year for an increase even if they raise base pay again.
All those first timers:

Just do what I do: Give yourself an E because you haven't been in role long enough to earn anything higher
I always gave myself an O because it really didn't matter what my input was. The first year I gave myself an 88 or something and the HR ETL said, "Hmmm, well, let's see. You got an 84, so you'll have to change yours." So why did I bother rating myself?

It's the same as the TM's reviews. I very carefully went through each one, looking at my notes throughout the year, sitting with the other TLs and the ETL GE, deciding what rating to give each TM and writing individualized reviews. I turned in my reviews to HR ETL who returned the list with his corrections. Then I re-wrote all the reviews to match the number rating that he'd given them before any reviews were written. Total waste of time.

After that, I wrote one very good review and copy/pasted it for every team member. By the the end of the reviews, I had the two page review memorized. Only the names changed to protect the innocent.

I hope they did change the system. The old system was a huge waste of time. The reviews, ratings and raise amount were decided upon way before any discussion was had.
I'm almost glad I don't actually have a team, and the only one I have to review is myself.
My GSTL buddy has 32 - cashiers, cart attendants, GSTMs, etc.
The other GSTL is too new in role so....yeh.
For the new in role TLs, rate yourself an E. For the "leadership contribution" points, stay on the lower end of the scale (I think it's 15 points).

Every year the store AE numbers (before adding leadership contribution) puts me into the EX range. Every year I rate myself an EX but get an E. So I agree with everyone else...your score is already decided. I don't know why we bother with the self-review. (I'm with you @requiax, I'm writing my review in crayon on the back of a scratch piece of paper.)
Hmm so from what I'm gathering is not to stress it since they're predetermined? I became a tl back in October with 3 other people and have gone through 2 etls. Currently I don't even know if we're getting a new one or just handed off to one of the current etls. I'm not sure what to write for mine. Before my style left all he said was if I kept on doing what I was doing I'd be fine. I was going to give myself an e since I consider myself too new. Anyways any tips?
I still have no idea what I was supposed to do for this and nobody was particularly helpful other than saying don't be too hard on yourself because you're new and just write what your you think your accomplishments were this last year. I probably did mine incorrectly but it's too late now and from what I've heard it doesn't even matter really.
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