Archived TLs and ETLs constantly talk behind your back

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Its a two way street...they talk about us we talk about them . If they want to talk about me or another team member behind my back....go for it . However, IF they are going to do it standing in the middle of the salesfloor or whispering ( but loudly) then that's when there is an issue. If I need to vent about an etl or tl. I always do it very quietly and ONLY to someone I know doesn't repeat it . I have had friends who have vented to someone and it was overheard and they were hauled in the office....its ok for a Stl to stand in the middle of the store and run his team down...but if team member is overheard saying something Oh no, lets get em for not being friendly. Double standards ....
The best part is when the ETLs and SrTLs (sometimes even the STL joins in) stand around in the backroom and talk shit. I clocked them the other day. 45 minutes. Didn't they have anything better to do?
Thank you ! Ours do that as well....they talk about team members , guests, etc etc. They stand right in the way..and when you say excuse me...they act so insulted that you dare need them to move
On the "minimum requirements" thing, I do more than the minimum, but I don't do enough to kill myself. I'm not gonna be huffing and puffing about because they scheduled poorly. My joints don't support any jogging. They do enough squatting and bending and standing in general (at work). I'm not gonna add running to the list.
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The best part is when the ETLs and SrTLs (sometimes even the STL joins in) stand around in the backroom and talk shit. I clocked them the other day. 45 minutes. Didn't they have anything better to do?
Thank you ! Ours do that as well....they talk about team members , guests, etc etc. They stand right in the way..and when you say excuse me...they act so insulted that you dare need them to move
I've heard the ETLs talk trash about everybody else while they take their morning break in the cafe. It's scary hearing what they say without regard to privacy but again, I work at Target high.

@neversaynever: It's not that BR feels like they are "the gods of the store" as much that you're diminishing THEIR role with the "guests first" rule. EVERYONE provides key roles for store operation, whether they interact directly with guests or not.
No bags to put their stuff in? Yeh, that's important - but not THE most important. Without BR, guests will have little to buy from the floor. SFTMs help guests & answer calls; cashiers ring them out & promote the redcards; guest services help with adjustments/returns/.com errors; flow pushes product to the floor; instocks scans to keep the product coming;, you get the idea.
Point being, EVERYBODY is an integral part of keeping the business running. There is no single "most important" role; we're ALL important. Too bad spot doesn't recognize that.
Regarding bags... the other day I was asked to get down a pallet of bags. Our bags are kept on the steel above the line. Maneuvering the stacker in that tight space is difficult even on the best day. The line was SO FULL of pulls, leftover freight, clearance, PTMs, seasonal backstock, and god knows what else, that I literally could not get those bags down. There was nowhere I could move those pulls. We were that stuffed.

So then I got chewed out by the GSTL for not getting the bags. Oh, and then I got chewed out by my ETL for not getting the CAFs pulled fast enough. Oh, and then I got chewed out by the LOD for not getting the flexible fulfillments that were piling up in the gun, too. So, what do you do?
@neversaynever: It's not that BR feels like they are "the gods of the store" as much that you're diminishing THEIR role with the "guests first" rule. EVERYONE provides key roles for store operation, whether they interact directly with guests or not.
No bags to put their stuff in? Yeh, that's important - but not THE most important. Without BR, guests will have little to buy from the floor. SFTMs help guests & answer calls; cashiers ring them out & promote the redcards; guest services help with adjustments/returns/.com errors; flow pushes product to the floor; instocks scans to keep the product coming;, you get the idea.
And that is the main point....

Everyone is in the crap pile together. Some positions are treated more crappily than others, but everyone is dealing with the same load of shit. Lack of hours, more to do, and the expectations of the public to produce that "Target experience".

I'm ever so thankful that all in all, despite a few issues, our store TEAM really did work together. From the top to the bottom. When it is that way - the culture in the store is great. There were some things going awry due to corporate changes and hours that were making it change.... and that is sad, because they are messing up a good store.

As a cashier - i'm certainly not standing up there for my health, nor am I talking smack about anyone in the BR or on the SF. Every body that came up to help us - was thanked profusely and I worked to get them back to their tasks. I *know* that I could not do their jobs - I totally respect that fact, and my one BR guy that trained as a cashier liked it, but said no way could he deal with it for more than a 15 minute backup stint. I think he gained new respect for us after that hour he was stuck once....

I just hate the whole clique/high school/crap stuff. I hated it in high school, and I hate it now. But it just sucks so much out of a person and team to work like that... I just want my fantasy world where everyone realizes they are in the crap together and work at making it work.
So, what do you do?

Sigh. While i'm thankful I have spent the last 3 weeks at home sick/hurt/visiting my grandma in the hospital, it pains me to read the struggles of my friends still there. I just wonder how low it will go before it turns the course, or implodes.

StackerMistress - i'm sorry you were in that position. It doesn't help, it wasn't my fault - i'm just sorry that the whole thing goes on....

(and in my ranting defense - I woke up with a sinus migraine thing and cannot find my sudafed/mucinex box.... exploding brain, is there a code for that??)
He then told ETL-LOG that I took to long getting her bags because I pulling cafs. ETL asked him was he going to pull cafs in my place while I attempted to get the bags downs. Never saw him come to back again.

Your ETL-LOG is an idiot. It is more important that there are bags to put guests purchases in than CAFS being done on time. Guests come first, metrics be damned.
A failure to plan does not constitute an emergency on my part.

Others should know how to work a crown to drop a pallet. Maybe the GSAs should be certified on BR equipment. Heck I bet they could use the wave to grab a couple cases of bags.
So I get, you guys feel you are the gods of the store, without you it would implode since you are the most important.

And without guest there is no store. And without hours up front, there isn't always time to get bags in the evening -especially this time of year.

If you have such great solutions, go to your TL/ETL and present them.

All that "standing around" up front has caused me a foot problem that I will deal with the rest of my life probably. Leaving me unable to say, walk across a park to go on the one ride my kids wanted to go on last night. They stand, they rarely get to move... Let me go see you stand in one place for 5 hours with only mad dashes to the drinking fountain for a sip of water... Because then is when you get to walk and move your muscles.

Oh and then queue the complaints when the GSA comes and uses the equipment to fetch their own pallet of bags... Because you were just going to use the stupid thing. And their timing stinks.

Fairly presumptuous of you.

We have at least 2 crowns and 2 WAVES. Doubt they are all being used at the same time. Nothing like a good old rolling ladder to get the job done in a pinch, and pull down a couple of cases of bags.

And, yes, every checklane should be well stocked with bags. Cashiers have time to stand around chatting to each other in a slow period? They have time to stock their own supplies. Can't tell you how many times I have gone to back up cashier and found the lanes poorly stocked, hangers on the floor, etc.

We all sink or swim, together. No one area of the store is more important, but you [a collective "you"] will surely be able to pick out the weakest links in the chain.
Well, I cashiered for 8 months. I have no idea where bags are kept, I had no idea for the first 3 weeks that I was supposed to apparently be emptying my hanger bin (because in December when I cashiered someone was doing it for us), I wouldn't know what a crown was, I know i'm not supposed to operate anything though... including a ladder. The one time I took hangers to the back the bin was full and the BR guy told ME to then build another box and dump it.

Really? Want to come show me how first?? Cause then I can do it.

Your ire needs to lie not with the cashiers necessarily, but with the closing GSA/GSTL. In our store anyway, that is when the lanes are stocked.

Except the nights that are busy with 1 cashier.... then it almost becomes impossible to have the time.

We don't stand around and socializing at our store - we get in trouble. We DO stand up at the front of the lanes and pull guests back. That is what the ETL wants us to do. If we are slow enough, they will pull ONE person off to restock or zone, but rarely more than one.

And if you are in a backup situation - things can go amuck all over.

You are the one being presumptuous and assuming that all cashiers and front ends operate such as yours - since there is such a huge problem in your store, I strongly suggest that you get with the TL and the GSTL to sort out a solution rather than just complaining about it. Because, not all of them operate this way. Your disdain for the group in your store comes thru in your writing - i'm hoping you are just venting and it doesn't come thru in person.....
Well, I cashiered for 8 months. I have no idea where bags are kept, I had no idea for the first 3 weeks that I was supposed to apparently be emptying my hanger bin (because in December when I cashiered someone was doing it for us), I wouldn't know what a crown was, I know i'm not supposed to operate anything though... including a ladder. The one time I took hangers to the back the bin was full and the BR guy told ME to then build another box and dump it.

Really? Want to come show me how first?? Cause then I can do it.

Your ire needs to lie not with the cashiers necessarily, but with the closing GSA/GSTL. In our store anyway, that is when the lanes are stocked.

Except the nights that are busy with 1 cashier.... then it almost becomes impossible to have the time.

We don't stand around and socializing at our store - we get in trouble. We DO stand up at the front of the lanes and pull guests back. That is what the ETL wants us to do. If we are slow enough, they will pull ONE person off to restock or zone, but rarely more than one.

And if you are in a backup situation - things can go amuck all over.

You are the one being presumptuous and assuming that all cashiers and front ends operate such as yours - since there is such a huge problem in your store, I strongly suggest that you get with the TL and the GSTL to sort out a solution rather than just complaining about it. Because, not all of them operate this way. Your disdain for the group in your store comes thru in your writing - i'm hoping you are just venting and it doesn't come thru in person.....

The complaint was that GSA's were going to the backroom, and demanding that bags be pulled down. Not that cashiers were doing so. Ergo - it's up to the GSA's and GSTL's to ensure bags are up front. My solution was that the GSA's and GSTL's should be trained on equipment so they can get their own bags.

In 8 months, you never ran out of bags or pens or highlighters or receipt/coupon tape? Not once did you think "hmmm.. maybe I should figure out where these things are kept, and see if my GSA/GSTL can show me where they are?"

In the first 3 weeks, your instincts don't kick in and say "Hmmm... my hanger bin is full, I wonder what happens next?"

You can't see the black base, and black top of a white four sided hanger bin and figure it out? huh. Or ask someone? Especially if a full bin is sitting within sight in the BR. Maybe copy how the full one is set up....

And you are presumptuous in even assuming that *I* work in the backroom. Nope. I do not.
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Yeah, no. GSA's have no power whatsoever over the BR. They can call and ask for bags and we'll pull whenever we can to it but in no can they come in the back and attempt to run things. One GSA in my store told came to the back and demanded some bags and I told her I was busy and would get them whe I could. He then told ETL-LOG that I took to long getting her bags because I pulling cafs. ETL asked him was he going to pull cafs in my place while I attempted to get the bags downs. Never saw him come to back again.

here's the complaint.
The complaint was that GSA's were going to the backroom, and demanding that bags be pulled down. Not that cashiers were doing so. Ergo - it's up to the GSA's and GSTL's to ensure bags are up front. My solution was that the GSA's and GSTL's should be trained on equipment so they can get their own bags.

In 8 months, you never ran out of bags or pens or highlighters or receipt/coupon tape? Not once did you think "hmmm.. maybe I should figure out where these things are kept, and see if my GSA/GSTL can show me where they are?"

In the first 3 weeks, your instincts don't kick in and say "Hmmm... my hanger bin is full, I wonder what happens next?"

You can't see the black base, and black top of a white four sided hanger bin and figure it out? huh. Or ask someone? Especially if a full bin is sitting within sight in the BR. Maybe copy how the full one is set up....

And you are presumptuous in even assuming that *I* work in the backroom. Nope. I do not.
You know.... no, i'm deleting what I just typed.

I'll exit here being glad that we obviously didn't work at the same store.

Oh and for the record, our GSTLs and GSAs get their own stuff, and the only crisis time "demanding" anything was when they were a day late arriving or something. Not all GSAs are going to be a-holes, nor is anyone else.
It's not backroom's fault you guys didn't check the quantity of your bags when the store opened. Our front end always ask us around 8am when they need bags. Now you're making us look we're the bad guys?

Ha. No. We are a 7:30am unload store. Therefore asking for bags before 10:30 on a truck day would likely get me shot. I can totally respect this. And when I ask, I tell them it's no hurry and bring them up when they can. In about two hours, I will call back with another reminder. In another two hours, I call back with another reminder. If I'm opening GSA, I'll let whosever following me continue to follow up. If I'm closing gsa, I'm generally screwed by then because ultimately the backroom guy will forget to bring them up before he leaves.

So, I have a hard time balancing giving the backroom team enough time and trying to figure out when they've completely forgotten. So unfortunately, by the time I use the, "hey, guys, I'm sorry, but I need them now" it's generally because the grace period of nearly an entire shift (or longer) I gave them ran out.
You can't see the black base, and black top of a white four sided hanger bin and figure it out? huh. Or ask someone?

It should be noted that the directions are actually on the hanger boxes. It's virtually idiot proof.

As far as bags go, we keep a pallet down at all times next to the hanger bins so the front lanes can grab them at their leisure. I don't think it's ever been an issue.
That would be me, the idiot that could not see an empty pallet or spot, along with a "hanger bin box" to set it on.... just the overflowing one (by a good foot of hangers).

Why do i think if I had just assembled the box in the middle of the aisle (provided I could have found it), dumped my trashcan full of hangers, and went on my merry way I'd be yet ANOTHER kind of idiot?!?!?!
If we have one to assemble, it's kept on the steel. There have been times where we simply don't have an extra one, so we end up with five carts of hangers hanging out in the backroom waiting for their ride to show up.

And our bags are kept on the steel. I can't even walk to the back of the store without the walkie blowing up. Using the crown or wave would guarantee that as soon as I got the equipment half out I would be called up front.
If we have one to assemble, it's kept on the steel. There have been times where we simply don't have an extra one, so we end up with five carts of hangers hanging out in the backroom waiting for their ride to show up.

And our bags are kept on the steel. I can't even walk to the back of the store without the walkie blowing up. Using the crown or wave would guarantee that as soon as I got the equipment half out I would be called up front.

We have a couple of better cashiers that could watch lights in a pinch. GSA's and GSTLs sometimes have to help fill the checklane endcaps, so they have to take stuff from the home loc. and walk away from the front end.
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