Archived TL's Not Allowed to Pull Salesplanners

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Jun 12, 2012
So recently in our store our ETL-LOG decided that someone is sabotaging the Backroom scores. The solution? Only backroom team members are allowed to pull salesplanners from now on. Idk if this is something unique to our store or something you can all sympathize with but salesplanners are easily the bottom priority for Logistics and in the rare occasion that they actually get pulled they take upwards of 5 or 6 hours before it happens. My method of success for the better part of a year is to pull all my salesplanners myself and though its a misuse of my time it has always worked in my favor and for the most part I stay 2 weeks ahead. Now that we are locked out of the backroom Im dreading the inevitable where my workload piles up and piles up and Im struggling every week to finish my workload. Ive asked numerous times for the ETL-HL and ETL-LOG to come up with an arrangement so we can get our SPLs pulled without a fight and so far it has fallen on deaf ears. Any methods or arrangements that any of you have in your stores that could resolve this???
So recently in our store our ETL-LOG decided that someone is sabotaging the Backroom scores. The solution? Only backroom team members are allowed to pull salesplanners from now on. Idk if this is something unique to our store or something you can all sympathize with but salesplanners are easily the bottom priority for Logistics and in the rare occasion that they actually get pulled they take upwards of 5 or 6 hours before it happens. My method of success for the better part of a year is to pull all my salesplanners myself and though its a misuse of my time it has always worked in my favor and for the most part I stay 2 weeks ahead. Now that we are locked out of the backroom Im dreading the inevitable where my workload piles up and piles up and Im struggling every week to finish my workload. Ive asked numerous times for the ETL-HL and ETL-LOG to come up with an arrangement so we can get our SPLs pulled without a fight and so far it has fallen on deaf ears. Any methods or arrangements that any of you have in your stores that could resolve this???

If your stores leadership has that little trust in the SFTLs, there is a problem. I'm sorry. My only advice is to tie and POG fill everything you plan on setting before you leave for the day and arrange to have the closing BRTM pull before they leave for the night. Backstock should rarely, if ever, take priority over pulling to fill the floor. Make sure they know that and have the LOD follow up. Not sure what you'll do if an endcap breaks and you didn't plan for it. Other than that, I would keep a close eye on backroom scores and see if they improve. If they don't, challenge the ETL-LOG that his solution isn't working and (hopefully) get back in there. Good luck. I hope someone else has better advice for you!
Our back room team members are the only ones allowed to pull anything ever. We rarely even let others backstock, excluding the coolers and freezers, which is covered by our FDC team. This has been a rule of ours for over two years now and I haven't seen our back room drop from number 1 in our group since I have been there.
Our back room team members are the only ones allowed to pull anything ever. We rarely even let others backstock, excluding the coolers and freezers, which is covered by our FDC team. This has been a rule of ours for over two years now and I haven't seen our back room drop from number 1 in our group since I have been there.

Same at our store.
When I was a SFTL, I would pull my own after proving to the ETL-LOG and BRTL that I knew how to not create errors. Since BR Leaders have very accurate data on who creates how many of what type of error, simply striving and succeeding at not screwing BR scores built trust. Now that I am the BR/IS TL I do protect my backroom and scores by keeping everyone out who hasn't passed our own test. I made a compromise to help with SP pulls if the TL gives me a little heads up. This allows me to monitor them and gets them in and out faster than if just one of us pulled them.

In smaller ULV stores, one person who doesn't pull many batches can make one or two errors and kill the BR score as a whole for the week.
Anyone that pulls should be backroom certified.

I have found that being backroom certified does not mean a TM is invested in protecting numbers and BP. We test everyone even after they have been certified through WB just to ensure they understand the global impact of their actions.
I would pull my own sales planners (for front end) about 50% of the time, because it could take hours for the Backroom people to get them. Would also pull my own EXFs and SPTMs sometimes.

Technically I wasn't certified, my GSTL just showed me how to pull one day, and got an odd Backroom Day shift one time to fill a scheduling hole, and got to learn SUBT/STO and how to use the WAVE. Highly useful 😉

How do you exactly make an error? I take it by creating a Ghost/Baffle or something?
I was the BR & Flow TL for 5 years and I'm not allowed to go back and pull either. I know more about the logistics process than everyone in the work center at my store, including the ETL and TL's. I set 3 end caps Friday, they sat empty until today. I put some SPTM fills in and they are still there waiting to be pulled.

It's fine for me to cover breaks in the backroom, pull items for a guest when no BRTM is there, and do the return scan, but I can't go pull a sales planner or subt an item for a guest. I won't be doing that any longer.
Wow, our TLs are always allowed to pull their own batches. However, since we're ULV and short on hours, it's usually BRTMs that do it.
Is there an online test to become backroom certified? Or do you fill out a learning plan?
As long as the Sales floor Team Leads give us 24 hours notice, they will have their sales planners ready for them the day they need it. Some TLs drop batches and they don't set the sales planner until a week later. Its helps to know when they are going to actually need it so we can manage the workload. I like to keep a closed backroom but I allow the TLs to pull their own if they do desire.
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