Archived TLs scheduling themselves

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I asked my hr to let it autogenerate once, just to see. Even without any visits or sets it was all wrong. Triple coverage during the week and single coverage on Saturday. We got a good laugh. My HR could actually do a pretty good job making a schedule for sbux, but ETL--never.
I let my TL-AP and my two TPS's schedule themselves. The two TPS team members give what they want to the TL-AP and between the 3 of them they coordinate it pretty well. They know the coverage we need and what I expect of them. I don't worry about it unless they take advantage of it.

It's kind of a widespread thing in my store though.
All the TL's here write their own schedule as well as their teams'.

The idea is that the respective ETLs of each workcenter verify it.

I'll admit sometimes I get lazy and don't check the AP schedule - just cause with only 3 TMs and the fact they're really good about it I pretty much never have to make any chances.
At my store, only the PPTL & BRTL write the schedule for themselves and their team. I'm a SrTL, so the STL writes mine. I don't have a problem with this, since my schedule stays mostly the same.
Even after moving work centers I still do the schedule. Having made my own schedule in the past and running into (non-existent) issues with my team, when I transferred back to the front I asked my ETL-GE to take care of the GSTL/GSA schedule so I didn't run into those issues again.
I do write my own schedule. But I usually have a set schedule with rotating weekends and the same day off every week..if I need to cut hours I have the option to give my team the extra hours and cut myself if I want. With my etls approval of course
HRM writes the schedule for cashiers, front end, food, and salesfloor. The logistics leaders are expected to get their schedules done themselves though. Most leadership has a set schedule that occasionally shifts based on business needs - vacations, special events and the like. The every other weekend thing is really interesting for the overnight leaders - at one of my old stores they would leave friday morning, and not come back until monday night - a nice four day/three night weekend every other week.

There are also some shifts that are automatically generated by the computer. How this process works I'm not entirely sure about, but sometimes its only 1 shift for one person on that schedule, sometimes it will generate over 100 different shifts on its own. unless somebody goes in and manually deletes them they will usually post without notice.

LOD schedule is usually written a couple of months in advance. when we were turning over multiple LODs within that time span we would sometimes be stuck with only 1 leader in the building all day long, except for handoff.

With all of this being said though, before posting, the ETL-HR can do practically whatever they want before the schedule posts. I've seen them tell a Sr. TL that they have to run the store while scheduled under hours for their own workcenter, instead of under leadership (which is near impossible for certain positions). Though this is quite rare.
All of our TLs pretty much have set schedules. Rotating weekends, same week day off, and usually work a close every week. Weekend closes (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) rotate. Our GSAs and TPSs also get rotating weekends, along with the same week day off.

I write my own schedule along with the other APSs based on theft trends. But we (APS) are also given a lot of wiggle room to change it up on the fly when needed. Most of us very rarely work openings or closings. Those are covered either by my ETL AP and APTL (mornings) or TPSs (closes).
I used to write the schedule for my old store, about 1400+ worth of weekly payroll. I oversaw the whole front end schedule. I gave the other GSTL's and GSA's rotating weekends off, aside from this one gstl that doesnt want it but prefers two weekdays in a row off. I approved all time offs, except during blackout. BUT during peak seasons like BTS, BF and the holidays I don't do rotating weekends because we need all hands on deck during these times.
i took it over for random reasons. unfortunately that's the perk of tl to work when i want. i spent a lot of time being a tm, gsa, and had to do what they didn't want to do. i spent so many times waking up before the sun i thought i left a light on when i saw light in my room when woke up christmas day. i closed 4th quarter soooo much. i worked every weekend for years.

now as tl, i get to make my set. gsa's work around it. i get other weekends off so now they have to work weekends.
I try to be as fair as possible when writing my schedule and that of the TMs in my work center. I work weekends with them and give my TMs with open availability rotating weekends. I close weekends and open depending on the rotation I have with my other TMs that have rotating weekends. Most TMs have a fixed availability where they want to work weekends since they are close three days out of the week.
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