TTOG #1: Unless it directly impacts you, don't worry about what Shipt shoppers are doing. Sometimes (especially on busy days) they run out of bags and they come over to grab what they need and continue packing their orders. It's their job, don't fuss, we can get more bags if needed.
TTOG #2: Honestly Friday might've been the closest I've ever come to snapping at a guest thanks to you and your wife.
Neither of you had any clue what you were doing and when the register repeatedly beeped at you, you threw a tantrum and put your blinker on. I came over, explained what happened and noticed that you had double scanned a few items in your frustration. Before I could even login to help you, took the hand scanner and started scanning items, pressing the touchscreen, ranting about how stupid SCO is and not letting me in so I *could* help.
I finally got irritated enough that I said: "Just hold on a minute. Relax." You still weren't listening to / ignoring me, so I said it again adding "It's OK, I can help, just settle." You both finally calmed down, finished, but then called the machine a "Useless piece of trouble that needed to be shut down."
*deep breath*
There are certain people that shouldn't ever use Self-Checkout. You two would fit that category well... 🙄🙄🙄
People get worse every year.