To That One Guest - II

TTOG - Dear Karen of Romania, I was so happy when after I denied your return because you’re trying to return items using your Romanian passport, both the GSTL and LOD told you no. Go ahead and put us on blast on social media. We weren’t discriminating against you. We simply cannot process foreign passports for returns.
My LOD came over and told me to just type in the number for whatever passport.
Our policy is as follows

Present your Mobile Wallet barcode located on the Wallet tab of the Target app and present one of the following forms of ID to a team member at Guest Service. Be sure the ID is valid and has not yet expired.

  • Government-issued photo ID
  • State-issued driver's license
  • State-issued ID card
  • U.S. passport
  • Military ID
  • Certificate of Citizenship
  • Certificate of Naturalization
  • Permanent Resident
  • Green Card
  • Native American Travel Photo ID
First, it says ID is needed even with wallet. I guess they should update that. And it does say government issued photo ID. if someone works for the government, as has a photo ID from said job, to me that qualifies as government issued ID.
Link, please?
Really? You went to leadership and asked "Can I accept a non-legal work identification that is not a government issued ID as if it were a government issued ID simply because the person works at a public institution?" "Oh yeah, sure Amanda, go ahead and accept non-legal IDs as legal IDs." I doubt that they were so cool about non-legal IDs. Or did you leave that part out of the conversation because you knew that it would be a no if they heard that?

Again, please don't become a notary. There's a good chance you'd let a forgery through that costs someone their house or their divorce settlement because you accepted a school ID.
Um no. first again this for OPU NOT age locked items. My GSA will accept anything with a photo. I limit to gov issued. The help site nowhere mentions “legal ID”. It simply says issued by the governnent, which a gov work ID is. Also this comes up so rare bc 99% of people have drivers license or state ID (non driver drivers license). Please don’t put words in my mouth.

And don’t worry, no plans on becoming a notary. Even so, I know what a legal ID is and what isn’t. And I know what the policy requires.

I know I’m being kind of obnoxious and I actually am sorry but I am doing as instructed (more stringent, actually) and I’m following what’s outlined in the policy.
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When I give you the OPU order and ask, "can you confirm everything is in here?" while I'm putting the bag(s) down on the counter, don't snap at me and say, "well, let me look."
No shit, dumb-dumb, I'm going to let you look, I'm just taking the few seconds while I sit your shit down to speak my little script.
I'm not that dumb. I know you can't see what's in the bag while I have it. Be patient, Susan.
When I give you the OPU order and ask, "can you confirm everything is in here?" while I'm putting the bag(s) down on the counter, don't snap at me and say, "well, let me look."
No shit, dumb-dumb, I'm going to let you look, I'm just taking the few seconds while I sit your shit down to speak my little script.
I'm not that dumb. I know you can't see what's in the bag while I have it. Be patient, Susan.
Then they say it’s fine and I process it and they come back 30 seconds later um where’s my other item
Our policy is as follows

Present your Mobile Wallet barcode located on the Wallet tab of the Target app and present one of the following forms of ID to a team member at Guest Service. Be sure the ID is valid and has not yet expired.

  • Government-issued photo ID
  • State-issued driver's license
  • State-issued ID card
  • U.S. passport
  • Military ID
  • Certificate of Citizenship
  • Certificate of Naturalization
  • Permanent Resident
  • Green Card
  • Native American Travel Photo ID
First, it says ID is needed even with wallet. I guess they should update that. And it does say government issued photo ID. if someone works for the government, as has a photo ID from said job, to me that qualifies as government issued ID.

Unfortunately, 95% of the guests I have who come in for a pickup do not read this message. They get in line and then decide to open their phone and do not know what to do.
Unfortunately, 95% of the guests I have who come in for a pickup do not read this message. They get in line and then decide to open their phone and do not know what to do.
Me: I just need your id
Guest: hold on ive got the email
Me: I just need your id
Guest: *spends 2 minutes looking for email* I got it!
Me: thanks I just need your id
TTOG Last night:

Thanks for letting me know every 10 seconds that you were not going to steal the apple watch that we were walking up to guest service.
...and I understand that you could have walked it up yourself.
.....and I appreciate that you do not like target policy and wanted to tell corporate that you felt like you were treated like a criminal.
.........and I understand its a far walk to guest services.
............and you may go to best buy next time because they don't do this "whooooole thing" to customers.

Fuck you, I should have never told you that we price match to competitors.
Why didn’t you just do the price match at the boat?
ASANTS. We do not accept foreign ID’s for returns unless it is a Passport. There is extra scrutiny when obtaining a passport.

you'll notice that i never claimed it was policy to accept foreign IDs, i just explained my rationale for accepting them. i don't really think it matters how difficult it is to get an ID somewhere else

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