To That One Guest - II

It's better to let 99 guests get away with bad returns than it is to turn away 1 legitimate guest. Your stores sound like they have a poor focus on guest experience.
No, we have a really good focus on guest experience. However, coming to GS to do a return with five bags of HBA items that they received as a gift, and coupons were clearly used, hence the GC lookup, we can ask them for their original receipt.
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It's better to let 99 guests get away with bad returns than it is to turn away 1 legitimate guest. Your stores sound like they have a poor focus on guest experience.
Last week I had someone try and return a whole bag of clothing that were ticket switched. Should I have just processed the whole return for a positive guest experience? Common sense does come into play.
30 minutes to locate 15 items for a Drive Up order located throughout the store (Main BR, Groc BR, Groc SF, HBA, BTS, Dom, Furn and Toys). I go up to put it into location, and what do I see? The same merchandise in another location as an OPU.... which was cancelled. From OPU to Drive Up. Could have saved some time if I knew. LOL. Don't ya love it when Guests make mistakes? (They're always right).

GET OUT OF THE CART. I don't care what your excuse this week is, just get out of it before I have you and your snickering posse removed from the store.

(Disclaimer: I have a not so good memory but I'm at least 90% convinced I've told the same teenaged girl to get out of the cart over the past few weeks and gotten sassed back with various excuses, from her feet are sunburned to the latest 'her knees hurt' because 'she has Lime's Disease' - this one ticked me off the most since Lime's Disease almost killed my Grandpa... )

To clarify: It was one of the regular red carts.

Though I am also big on making them leave the electric carts and the Caroline cart alone, to get small children out from under the red carts, and get children of all ages from hanging off the red carts. (Seriously parents, common sense! Do you not see how fast you and the other people are moving, the kid could be seriously hurt!)

(Re: kids under carts, I was walking up behind a dad pushing a cart, noticed there was a little girl under the cart in the danger zone and was about to get his attention so to get the child out from under there. And then I did a double take because the little girl was wearing no underpants. Nada. Nothing. and was laying there spread eagle exposed to the whole world. I met my NOPE limit of the day, turned on my heel and walked away.)

FYI: I also tell them to stop bouncing or throwing balls in the store. (I ended up kicking out a whole family over this - a couple teenage boys in sporting goods thought it would be fun to punt a football down the aisle into the race track, thankfully not hitting a guest despite how many were shopping that day. I informed them to leave the store immediately. The mom came up wanting to know what was going on and I explained her son's actions and they all left the store.)

And if I catch them climbing or sitting on the shelves, I tell them to stop. Almost got into it with a Mom who was letting her kid sit on one of the display shelves in Toddler/Infants, which as far as I know from the time I worked softlines aren't made for more than 50-75(???) pounds of weight? And then there's the moms who let their kids use the racks in softlines as monkey bars *shudder*

But about the carts--

Generally if I see braces and crutches, I let it be. I even offer help. I have has bad sprains and other injuries in the past. On top of that, many in my family are disabled. I get that.

But when I see a group of high school or middle school aged kids pushing each other around in the cart with no parental/adult supervision, I ask them politely to get out of the cart. If they don't or start giving me sass back, I let AP handle it.

Why? Because my store is near a couple schools so when they let out it is teen central and they will tear the entire store apart on a regular basis. As a result, AP tends to stay pretty busy.

I've lost count of the drag races and 'bumper car' events I and the others have broken up, using both the red and electric carts. (One of the Electronic teammembers who was getting reshop/returns the same time I was saw me put a halt to two middle school boys who thought they'd drag race down the race track. My actual words were "Do I really have to tell you to get off those carts and get out of my store?". Another fun time was when I caught two girls in the Boys department ramming electric carts into tables and racks, giggling all the way. Again, they were informed to get off the carts and leave the premises. A nearby Mom praised me for it, as she hadn't even seen me coming - I was drawn by the backing up beeping, the crashing sounds, and the giggling from where I had been over in infant hardlines - and was about to swoop in and put the fear of a mom in them herself)

I've also lost count of the amount of times I or other redshirts have been almost mowed down, either by kids running and pushing carts or adults just going too fast and not paying attention. (Thankfully I was paying attention and had fast reflexes one time, I probably could have ended up pretty badly hurt when one middle school aged kid tried to ram me from behind at full speed with one of the big red kiddie carts, loaded down with his younger siblings/cousins in the two seats and in the actual part of the cart. While I was walking beside their mother and aunt. Whom half-heartedly told him to stop. *sigh*)
TTEverybodyWhoCameInToday: I do not control the quantities of each school supply we get! Or control when teachers give you lists or make the stuff on the lists due! Don’t literally yell at me over things that are clearly beyond my control! Yes we’ve been out of dividers for several days, there’s at least 5 school districts shopping at this store, you shouldn’t be surprised if things run out. And if you saw a Facebook post about our store being out of certain supplies WHY DID YOU BOTHER COMING IN FOR SOMETHING YOU ALREADY KNEW WE WERE OUT OF?!?! And to the high school parents specifically... you can’t figure out that each year your kid is at minimum going to need a couple binders, dividers, filler paper, graph paper, pencils, pens, and highlighters? Really???? This isn’t rocket science. Most of the supplies, you can anticipate. Stop procrastinating and then taking it out on people who have no way of being able to fix the mess ya got yourself into.

Additionally, yelling that you’re going to Walmart/Staple/Best Buy does nothing. Bye, and take your garbage attitude with you when you go.
TTOG: I already helped you find your kid a backpack at the last minute (literally!) before the store closed. You said yourself you could come back tomorrow for anything else, so running back into the store when you were almost to the checklanes at almost 20 minutes after closing time is gonna get you followed by both AP and myself because the whole team wants to go home and your selfish ass won’t let us. GTFO!!!!

Guest service them to death. “Can I help you with anything? No. Well, if you need help, I’ll be right here.” And stand right next to them. Guest goes to next aisle. Repeat question loudly over and over. In other words, annoy them into leaving. What are they going to do - complain to the LOD that you were being too helpful? Oh wait, they do that.
TTOG: your husband can use the self checkout to buy that one trivial thing you sent him on, Susan. I'm not holding up my lane that is more like 1+4 at this point because my GSA/GSTL is nowhere to be found and God forbid HL/SL answers to the INDYME's "additional cashiers to the front registers" cries.
"additional cashiers to the front registers" cries.

If we did that we'd be answering Mary's 19th call for backup when she went to pickup her pen from the register.

When the bot goes off we wait to hear the front end say they're fine or that they need help, and if a minute goes by without that, SF TL or ETL will ask if they need help.
Last week I had someone try and return a whole bag of clothing that were ticket switched. Should I have just processed the whole return for a positive guest experience? Common sense does come into play.
If your store runs a Yes Desk, yes. A thousand times yes. Cast your common sense aside. Your process that return with a smile, peasant.
If we did that we'd be answering Mary's 19th call for backup when she went to pickup her pen from the register.

When the bot goes off we wait to hear the front end say they're fine or that they need help, and if a minute goes by without that, SF TL or ETL will ask if they need help.
I can understand that. We tend not to use the ADDTL ASSIST button unless we really are backed up but (1) GSA/GSTL isn't up front sometimes to "validate" the bot's cry and (2) none of us at the lanes (except a few of the Cool Club) have radios and our lanes no longer have red phones to do our own "help us please" cries.
I can understand that. We tend not to use the ADDTL ASSIST button unless we really are backed up but (1) GSA/GSTL isn't up front sometimes to "validate" the bot's cry and (2) none of us at the lanes (except a few of the Cool Club) have radios and our lanes no longer have red phones to do our own "help us please" cries.
And the radio lucky cashiers are usually the slowest ones backing shit up to begin with.
Heck no. They were returning items that did not match the tickets attached. This is fraud. They knew I busted them and left on their own with some lame excuse as to why the tickets did not match. We are required to match serial numbers to certain electronic items. So you are saying if the serial numbers do not match we should take the item back?
If your store runs a Yes Desk, yes. A thousand times yes. Cast your common sense aside. Your process that return with a smile, peasant.[/QUOTE
So you are saying if the serial numbers do not match we should take the item back?
No no of course not. For stuff where it's obvious crap, and really valuable stuff like electronics, no, stick to the book and call over the GSTL if needed.

I'm just sarcastically emphasizing how many stores just want to please the guest and will tell you to return things. That's all.

> standing at race track endcap
> lane light on
> "are you open?"

No, just standing here staring at the softlines mess. Move on, Patty.

Last night:
TTOG @ 2:00pm who somehow was able to return an assembled TV stand with no box. It goes back to the furniture section as an AS-IS at around 3:00p Guest comes back after 7:00pm, runs back to guest service asking why his TV stand is in the furniture section with a different label. Gets LOD involved by yelling some bullshit, ends up re-buying it.

Was this some type of scam? Also wtf in general?
TTOG: Your kid needs a mental health evaluation. If his behavior was normal, totally ignoring him like you did and not reacting to him would be the right thing to do, so that he doesn't take it as attention and get worse, but his behavior does not seem normal. He was actually a little scary when he started talking about cutting up people and eating them and then laughing hysterically.
I think the same demented child was in our store the other day.
Last night:
TTOG @ 2:00pm who somehow was able to return an assembled TV stand with no box. It goes back to the furniture section as an AS-IS at around 3:00p Guest comes back after 7:00pm, runs back to guest service asking why his TV stand is in the furniture section with a different label. Gets LOD involved by yelling some bullshit, ends up re-buying it.

Was this some type of scam? Also wtf in general?
Could be.
We had a lady who regularly ordered items (usually furniture) on-line, then returned them in-store throwing enough of a fit to get a refund for S&H.
She'd then come in later looking for the item on a clearance endcap where it had been given a deep markdown (back in the day when on-line returns were heavily discounted) & would re-purchase it on the cheap.
Service desk TM caught on real quick & alerted leadership so they started delaying when said items were put out.
Cue lady coming in asking 'what happened to the chair she returned'.
Eventually she moved on to greener pastures elsewhere.

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