To That One Guest - II

Some of them. However, some of the large OPU and drive up orders are freaking ridiculous that they just scream, "Oh, for fuck's sake this Karen needs to do her own damn shopping." They order stuff from all over the store. They love to order lots of large items that can't all fit in one cart like bulk paper and plastic storage bins. Multiple 24 packs of water. 12 packs of soda. They'll throw in a toy or two. Add a couple of packs of candy. Don't forget the chips. Gotta get some makeup. Oh Karen needs a new microwave too. Somehow they always seem to be able to top it off with the most aggravating to find items in the store, such as sunglasses, belts, handbags, or lord help me a single bra.

These are no mere OPU orders. These are orders that when the service desk TM sees me approaching the desk with them, eyes widen in fear. "Is that all one order?" Yes, yes it is. These are orders that make the SETL cry inside as they ask, "Where do you plan to put that?" and I respond, "I don't know. Wherever you want it. It's a drive up." We all know it doesn't matter where we put the order. Karen is either already sitting in the parking lot waiting for her email so as soon as we put it in hold locations we'll have to take it all right back out. Or, it's just going to sit there for days until that one moment when there is a mile long line at the desk, SETL is doing a 239, the registers and SCO are all backed up, and the OPU person is on a ladder in the very back corner of the backroom. Then, it will come without warning. HONK HONK MOTHERFUCKER!

These guests who have to do a lot more than mess up a couple of style's tables to be doing us a favor by ordering online.
When we have large orders I just tell the person picking to leave them in the cart and place it in our secondary location.
Hey guests, I'm sorry our coolers and freezers went out. They're working now and I'm trying to fill as best I can. If there's product in them, it's okay to buy. And please don't feel bad about asking me to find product in the back! There's no way I'm going to finish the FDC pallets anyway...

Guest "What's hot tomales?"

🤔 Me- " If only the box explained that"

Guest picks up box and walks away. Only to return and it says " Cinnamon candy. My friend won't like that" can I recommend these red bear candies lol

TTOG: please listen when your toddler tells you they need to go use the bathroom. No, that doesn’t mean tell them to wait a few minutes because mommy’s precious hair dye is more important than them. That’s how you end with pee puddles on the floor like what happened today. I felt bad when your kid apologized because they thought we’d be mad at them and not mad at you for not taking a clearly potty-dancing toddler to the bathroom.
TTOG: please listen when your toddler tells you they need to go use the bathroom. No, that doesn’t mean tell them to wait a few minutes because mommy’s precious hair dye is more important than them. That’s how you end with pee puddles on the floor like what happened today. I felt bad when your kid apologized because they thought we’d be mad at them and not mad at you for not taking a clearly potty-dancing toddler to the bathroom.
I saw that happen once at my store except the kid had to be around seven! Definitely old enough that he knew how to use a toilet. His mother was putzing around in the market area for the longest time and I was working in the aisles on the other side of the main path. I overheard the kid tell his mom that he really needed to use the bathroom, and he repeated that several times. Each time, the mother got really annoyed with him and told him it would have to wait. Apparently the mixed nuts she was pondering were far too fascinating for her to put down for three minutes while she took her kid to the bathroom. 🙄

About 10-15 minutes later (yes, she really was putzing around that area for that long) the kid couldn't hold it anymore and peed on the floor. She had no reaction to it other than to walk over to me and nonchalantly say "excuse me, he peed" while pointing to the puddle her now quietly sobbing, embarrassed child was standing by. I wanted to rip her a new one but I didn't want to get in trouble. I said nothing, but the look I gave her seemed to startle her and she grabbed her kid's hand and tugged him away. I found the nearest lead and told them what happened. They got another lead and they were talking about calling CPS, but I don't know what came of that.
TTOG: Those cherries you had weren't part of the BOGO sorry not sorry. Also, if you have to call me over to assist you SIX freaking times, that's a sign you shouldn't be anywhere near the self-checkout registers. I am not there to to babysit you for every bag of produce you apparently have no clue how to ring.

TTOG: You are one of my favorite Shipt shoppers that comes to our store. I'm glad to know you were thinking of me and wondering if I was OK after you hadn't seen me in awhile. 😀
TTOG: Those cherries you had weren't part of the BOGO sorry not sorry. Also, if you have to call me over to assist you SIX freaking times, that's a sign you shouldn't be anywhere near the self-checkout registers. I am not there to to babysit you for every bag of produce you apparently have no clue how to ring.

TTOG: You are one of my favorite Shipt shoppers that comes to our store. I'm glad to know you were thinking of me and wondering if I was OK after you hadn't seen me in awhile. 😀
Wow, are you new on SCO? It's actually very typical to have to scan produce. The guests will eventually catch onto our system, but it's not user friendly. Bar codes are frequently wrong, scanned when they are sat down on scale, and guests need help often from scrolling and hitting wrong item by accident.
Wow, are you new on SCO? It's actually very typical to have to scan produce. The guests will eventually catch onto our system, but it's not user friendly. Bar codes are frequently wrong, scanned when they are sat down on scale, and guests need help often from scrolling and hitting wrong item by accident.
Nope, not new, but this person was in a mood and demanded that I leave her alone only to need my help 2 seconds later, yelling for help while I'm with another guest and getting increasingly more rude and cranky each time. That's what pissed me off rather than the number of times I had to help her.
TTOG: Sorry I accidentally took your cart of all home stuff and started putting stuff away. But if you leave a cart in the middle of an aisle unattended for 5 minutes, you can’t expect it to stay there. Please stay with your cart.

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