To That One Guest - II

Not a big sale. According to our SD TM who processed the order, the guest was just stocking up and plans to do so again in the future. She wants to minimize how often she has to go out and possibly be exposed to the Corona virus so she's ordering everything online. The order was for a bunch of groceries and essentials so her story fits even if it is crazy.
So a paranoid weirdo
TTOG: I would've been happy to make an adjustment for you for a missed gift card...had you said something before you finished the transaction and printed the receipt. But no, you then proceeded to be an asshole about it. Being that I was slammed with crowds plus three other lights and was in no mood to deal with people's BS today, off to the desk you went.

Some people 🙄🙄🙄
TTOG: I would've been happy to make an adjustment for you for a missed gift card...had you said something before you finished the transaction and printed the receipt. But no, you then proceeded to be an asshole about it. Being that I was slammed with crowds plus three other lights and was in no mood to deal with people's BS today, off to the desk you went.

Some people 🙄🙄🙄
Yep, i missed a pricematch cause i was slammed for 2 hours and my brain just forgot, sorry dude, you were a prick about our store pickup people being behind 6 hours. To guest service with you

if i wasnt working when i overheard this i would have 1000000% called u out on ur shitty ass attitude and i hope you felt stupid after being corrected by the sdtm

this lady walks up to sd *fuming* like "once AGAIN i bought something and the price wasnt what it was when i scanned it on the app"

watched the girl at sd take a second to compose herself and go "u have to tell us you want to price match we cant know that on our own"

and this lady is like "i scanned them ON UR APP"

and the tm takes another breath and goes "ok. i can fix that for you. but. you. need. to. ask. to. price. match. on. our."

so the lady goes into a fit of why should she when the website is the same store

and she had literally thrown the rug she bought on the counter, just to add to her absolutely delightful attitude

so the tm opens her phone, scans the item
and scans it w the zebra

and proceeds to show her the price differences

i had to leave at tht point but god damn i wanted to fight that lady
Favorite interaction of the day:

Guest: Excuse me, ma'am?
Me: How can I help?
G: I don't know if you know this, but um, the shelves and aisles are really empty. Are you going to get more product in soon? Because it's really bad.

*My head voice takes a moment to laugh hysterically and then say We can't stock things fast enough before they're off the shelf 5 seconds after it's been put out*

M: Yes, I know it's bad and we are waiting on our truck to get product to us.
G: OK, well, just thought I'd let you know, so you can tell your manager.
M: Yes, I'll let them know. Thank you for shopping at Target (🙄)

Ugh lol. If I had a dollar for every time I heard "Why is there nothing on the shelves? " or something along those lines this weekend, I could retire. 😂
I was walking thru the store in my Starbucks cap & apron doing some signing when a lady started to ask me something but stopped with "'re Starbucks. You wouldn't know."
I said I'm also Target & took her to the aisle she was looking for.
As I was walking past style back to SB another guest started to ask me a question & did the same "'re SB" before I took her to accessories & located a TM to answer her questions.
I had shown a third guest the items they were looking for before getting back to my counter.
Not all heroes wear capes 😉
I was walking thru the store in my Starbucks cap & apron doing some signing when a lady started to ask me something but stopped with "'re Starbucks. You wouldn't know."
I said I'm also Target & took her to the aisle she was looking for.
As I was walking past style back to SB another guest started to ask me a question & did the same "'re SB" before I took her to accessories & located a TM to answer her questions.
I had shown a third guest the items they were looking for before getting back to my counter.
Not all heroes wear capes 😉
Ok so that’s the secret everyone. Wear SB clothes and no one will bother you 😛
To that Myopic self-centered bitch:
You ordered a misto & asked if we took the SB app; I said yes & you had me scan it.
AFTER the fact, you mention that you wanted to use your rewards so I had to refund your money & set it to scan for rewards. You blathered about how SB ALWAYS knows to scan for rewards until I reminded you that we are a FRANCHISE & run two different operating systems (SB & Target) so you have to TELL us that you wish to use rewards. We're not fucking mind readers (not that there's much material there).
You then complained about being charged 150 stars, that mistos are 'only' 50 stars so I had to tell you that - once again - we are a FRANCHISE & reward redemption is a flat 150 stars, that only company stores have the various levels of point redemption.
You decided to change your drink to something 'fancier' because you weren't 'wasting' 150 stars on something 'plain' so I had to dump the drink I'd JUST made & take a new order for a large latte with some kind of syrup. You had me name off all my syrups while I had a line to the door & my coworker was at lunch.
I finally handed your drink off, you sipped it & sniffed that it was 'okay'.
Hope you like decaf, bitch 😡
Wow that’s rude. I do understand the confusion about the stars though, as it really shouldn’t be like that, but obviously it’s not up to us in the store lol.

idk how people like have the nerve to pull stuff like that. a waiter could straight up bring out the wrong meal and I probably wouldn’t say anything lol. The only time I will speak up is when they put coffee in my creme frappuccino... I hate the taste of coffee, but even then I’ll do it in a really quiet voice and apologize like 50 times lol
Same kind of bitch who leaves their cart in the parking lot on a windy day 10 ft from the corral. Same kind of bitch who parks her obligatory white huge GMC SUV 4" away from the drivers door of another car. Same perky little Karen snot in the yoga pants and light tan Titleist golf hat who parks in the handicap spot. Hideous people.
That last one, you could go out for fresh air on your 15 and discreetly call the police. If the police are fast enough, you'll witness the ticket. Places I've been, police don't play around with handicap parking.
To be fair it's not only your Basic Mediocre Karen, there are a-hole Basic Mediocre Bobs out there too. I should have prefaced that. Wouldn't 'ya just love to see a shopping cart slam into Karens' obligatory huge white GMC expensive SUV parked in a handicapped zone (with of course NO handicap placard.)
And when she goes back into the store to bitch to the nice lady at guest services who hopefully tells her there's nothing Target can do, "listen asshole, video shows you have no handicap priveledges and if the local PD run your credentials to prove you are not handicapped equipped, guess what you're fucked! A picture worth framing. Have a nice weekend.
Lady, I get it. I was in the hand wash aisle, too, picking up ONE more thing of soap, but barreling into me with your cart and scowling at me while you dumped four bottles of Dial in your cart along with two packages of the bar soaps was a bit much...

Team, I feel for you. Hang in there.
TTOG: No I do not want to run you and your son over with my SFS Cart like you suggested. I was standing there for like 2 minutes waiting for you to move. Just because I got tired of waiting and tried to go around you and the other hoards of people doesn't mean I was going to mow down people in a fit a rage, smdh. I so wanted to say something to you, but I hope my scoff came across clearly!
TTOG #1: Swearing at me because the hand sanitizer shelf is empty won't make bottles of the stuff magically appear.

TTOG #2: No, we are not hoarding product in the back room. How do we make money by NOT selling you stuff?

TTOG #3: Yes, ma'm, this huge package of name-brand toilet paper is more expensive than the small package of store brand that you usually buy. We have not jacked up the price.

Some people are just stupid and there ain't no fixin' stupid.

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