To That One Guest - II

TTOG: Wtf are you thinking? Walking into the store at 4pm on a Friday and demanding an interview? You literally applied in the store and asked to have your interview right after that... we told you that we don’t have anyone from HR here anymore to review your application and that you would receive a call in a couple days. Then you told us you would walk around the store until 11pm when we close so you can get your interview then? What??? We don’t get an HR team member in at 11pm either...
TTOG: Wtf are you thinking? Walking into the store at 4pm on a Friday and demanding an interview? You literally applied in the store and asked to have your interview right after that... we told you that we don’t have anyone from HR here anymore to review your application and that you would receive a call in a couple days. Then you told us you would walk around the store until 11pm when we close so you can get your interview then? What??? We don’t get an HR team member in at 11pm either...
Fired before interview. We don't want that mess on the team. Ew.
TTOG: "I'll be with you in a moment" means "stay in line until I get this stupid label on this item, Susan". I'm the only one at the Service Desk right now. This literally only takes me 20 seconds if I'm left alone. Don't walk up to my register.

So I'm gonna move from this register to the one at the other end, just so you have to walk lol.
TTOG: "I'll be with you in a moment" means "stay in line until I get this stupid label on this item, Susan". I'm the only one at the Service Desk right now. This literally only takes me 20 seconds if I'm left alone. Don't walk up to my register.

So I'm gonna move from this register to the one at the other end, just so you have to walk lol.
I’ve done this before lol
TTOG: I really do feel sorry for you and I wish you had found me sooner, long before you walked the entire store looking for aisle J7. And once I thought of the irony that you were walking the store looking for cushion inserts, I feel doubly bad for you.

TTOG: .......
Okay, this one was so money grubbing I can't even address her directly. We have stacks of car seats in the aisle, some have a price sign specific to a certain car seat and are on the proper box, some have no sign. She saw a sign for one car seat, then got a car seat out of a different stack, took it up and was apparently outraged when it cost nearly $300 instead of the $200 on the sign. She came to me looking for answers, I pointed out that the sign listed the car seat and was on the right car seat and that the stack she grabbed from was different. She wanted a price on a third car seat, I didn't have a zebra, I called for someone to help me. Took a bit of time, so I started looking for the red dot with the last four of the dpci so I could run to the car seat aisle and get the price. My words were "So let me tell you what I'm going to do" when the person with the zebra came into view. I said "Never mind" and the woman said "No, what were you about to do?" I said I was going to look at the numbers and then run to aisle to get the price and she said "Oh, I thought you were going to give me a discounted price." What??? I don't know the price, there's no contributing factors that would alter the price, and she was expecting me to pull a number out of my ass and sell the car seat for that price? That greedy little money grubbing bottom feeder.
TTOG: No receipt return, you get a merch card.
"I paid cash, can I just get cash?"
No. Black card.
"This is unfair. Are you sure?"
No I'm not sure. Haven't been here almost 6 months. Let me call the GSA.

> Merchandise Return card
"Okay, thanks."

One time though someone was doing a no receipt return for like a huge doll and it came out to like $40 and they were like “no I paid $70 for it” and I did price inquiry and it and it had literally never been $70 and I was like “well not only does my system show that it has never been sold for that price you also don’t have a receipt to prove that” and she asked for a manager and I called her over and showed the price inquiry screen where all 3 prices were $40 and I explained how it was on her ID and the GSTL was just like “oh okay” changed the price up and walked away. Literally the most frustrating case of a GSTL not backing me up that I’ve ever experienced. It’s ok though because she ended up getting fired because not only was she an idiot she pulled stuff like that all the time if the guest was the same race as her. They could ask for anything and she’d do it for them but if a person of a different race asked it’s “against policy”
That's really bad leadership and I hate it.
Back me up!! You're literally my go-to, GSA/GSTL. Make me look like a fool in front of the Guest and it takes away my authority to run the Service Desk. You also invalidly empower the guest to be an asshat to another store or another TM when they hear the word "no." So fucking frustrating.
TTOG: Excuse me??? It's not a barista's job to come and wait on you, so don't you dare expect it. Second, I have no idea what was up your ass, but why the fuck did you start taking pictures of the area???

I hope I never see you again.
Giving them decaf is more stealth as it hits them later in the day when the caffeine hit has tapered off.
TTOG: I really don't care that you had killer heartburn and your two kids with you, when I'm with another guest, my focus is on them, not you. As I was in the middle of helping the guest, we were waiting for a grocery TM to bring a replacement item up. A TM who knew the guest stopped briefly to say hi and you got all bent out of shape because they were talking to each other.

Since you were so impatient, you sighed to the guest and said "Could you just hurry up and pay already?" 🙄

First off: No, she can't because we were waiting on a replacement item. I didn't ring it up in the beginning because it was leaking badly and I didn't want to get it all over my workspace or any of her other items. Second, I saw you look over to other lanes like 3 times, if you didn't like any of our "shenanigans", then you should've moved.

TTOLady: Thank you for unknowingly providing me with an internal chuckle when you slapped your husband's hand away from the keypad and said "No, I can see the reader! What the hell!?"😛
Giving them decaf is more stealth as it hits them later in the day when the caffeine hit has tapered off.
Caffeine raises your adrenaline levels and increases activity in your brain which makes your brain burn through its available glucose more rapidly. Then you feel all the horrid symptoms of hypoglycemia, sweating, shaking, can't think straight, rubbery limbs, even though your actual blood glucose level is either within normal range or just below normal range. So extra caffeine can cause more punishment than decaf can.
It's not like you can't taste decaf. Decaf tastes nasty, water with a bit of coffee flavoring, no bitterness at all.

The sad part is so many people don't know much about coffee or even like the flavor which is why they drink monsterous concoctions with tons of sugar, milk, and syrup.
They might like the flavor of the decaf

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