To That One Guest - II

Normally our limit is 1 PS5 per guest a day. However, that only applies for people who "play nice" and don't try the whole OPU under a million different fake names thing.
If they use a fake name ask for their ID and then apologize and say you can’t release it if the name doesn’t match. Guest email states they must have valid id for pickup.
If they use a fake name ask for their ID and then apologize and say you can’t release it if the name doesn’t match. Guest email states they must have valid id for pickup.
Yup, that is exactly what we do now. I only say it hasn't stopped him because despite not being able to go through due to the name on his ID not matching the pickup, he STILL tries it nearly daily
TTOG who thought it'd be okay to try and get around the limit of 2 children's pain & fever relief medicines by placing multiple online orders, each for 2 bottles: nope! And my store called the other stores in the area and told them about you. We know that you tried it at least one other store and they cancelled your orders too. Buying it all and then selling it on ebay at hugely jacked up prices is not cool. Shame on you, looking to make a profit at the expense of sick, feverish kids. You probably did this with hand sanitizer and toilet paper when covid started. What a louse.
TATG (to all the guests) don’t get mad at us when we couldn’t return your items for you because of the outage on Thursday. It literally was a global outage. Same thing with paying for gift cards
It must be a full moon for me to have a TTGO story...

Lady catches me while working out a u-boat. The conversation went like this-

L " Excuse me, I'm looking for something Walgreens used to carry ( You lost because this is Target but go on) It's a book with clear pockets for photos"

Obviously looking for a photo Album just couldn't just say that.. .

Me " Did you look by the picture frames?"

L " By the tvs, no" 👀

Me " We keep picture frames over here :::insert area:::"

L " Yeah the tv stuff. They don't have any thing I'm looking for" points to H & H

M " You mean Hearth and Hand? I'm referring to picture frames over here ::: aisle location:::"

Walks over to frames...

L " Yeah they took over everything they can't do picture frames any more"

M "Ma'am, this part of the store is Target brand merchandise and this is what I have."

Obviously left disappointed but I had a good laugh.
TTOG: You. like all the others, insist on grabbing the scanner to scan your app/giftcard/whatever as soon as I turn to get something for your order. I ask that you not reach into a food prep area & you always ALWAYS say the same thing - "I was just trying to help". No, you weren't. You were trying to speed things along so I glove up, grab some sani wipes & begin to meticulously clean the scanner while reminding them that COVID is still out there &, having a weak immune system even on a good day, I don't appreciate any random exposure.
So the time you thought you saved was wasted while I cleaned my scanner.
Oh, & enjoy the decaf 😉
TTOG: Wow, was it really necessary to tip over all those tubes of children's toothpaste? And you didn't tip over all the tubes of just one kind, but four?! No clue what kept you from tipping over all the ones on the top shelf too. You're a class A jerk.
And if the reason the top shelf ones weren't tipped over is because you couldn't reach them, then I guess it's your parent who's a really big jerk.
(This might be my favorite thread.)
TTOG: Leaving a frozen meal on a shelf so it sits all night is not cool. Leaving it sitting on end so it leaks as it thaws is even worse. The thawed soy sauce went under several packages of maxi pads which, thankfully, are wrapped in plastic so I was able to clean them up and put them back on the cleaned shelf.
I promise, none of our cashiers will make you feel ashamed or embarrassed if you tell them you changed your mind and give it to them instead. But when I you do something like this, I want to knock you upside the head.
To that one guest....

I know you spilled your Starbucks and felt the need to travel across the store to tell me you had a spill. Thanks for leaving it for other guests to step in. The polite thing would be to wait in the main aisle for a team member to walk by. Whatever I cleaned it up.

Which brings me to the real star of this story....

To the guest who felt so inclined to ask me while on the floor cleaning a spill if I could help her find something. Even made sure to get on the floor with me and show me your phone. I walked by not 1 by 3 team members at the boat that could have helped you. Also if its a toy and you walked every aisle we don't have it.
TTOG...we have you and you re cohort on camera walking in with nothing but a purse. Then you suddenly arrive at the returns desk furious that the red tags were not removed from 3 sport bras inside a crisp target bag without a receipt. Your belligerence was mentally noted, your scam attempt embarrassing as you already had a pen and paper ready to write my name down. Your booming rage toward my TL claiming I tended to the WHITE guests with "consideration you did not get" in particular made me want to spit in your 3 feet away direction regardless of your loudly suggesting you were some kind of undercover boss exposing racism at Target while also insisting you had purchased those sports bras "less then 120 days ago" lol.
And now...TTO friend of the above guest...your return without a receipt did not entitle you to a credit to your chosen Mastercard not linked to any Target purchase. Regardless of the color of your skin. You graciously received a gift card credit. Lol. THATs what got you raging. I did NOT treat you differently from other guests so I guess you thought loudly saying "WHITE GUESTS" 3 feet away from me might earn you a complimentary gift card? Lol.
TTOG who left a bottle of shampoo laying on top of boxes of pain reliever with the pump top not screwed on at all: What is wrong with you? The top wasn't just loose, it was outside the bottle. Thankfully it was a smallish bottle that was left open and not the one with twice as many ounces that you left right next to it, but wow did you cause a mess. Because that one bottle was totally empty when I found it this morning, and shampoo flowed through the little diamonds at the back of the shelf to all four shelves below, causing a fairly large puddle on the bottom shelf. Even though they were a booger to clean, I'm glad the shelves had self-pushers because the shampoo kind of tracked along the bottom of the fixtures instead of soaking into product boxes. For all the mess, I had to defect out only 1 box of Advil, plus the empty bottle. What a jerk.
TTODUG: You put in a drink order with your DU order: a tall iced drink with so many modifiers I could barely fit them all on the cup. I can only guess how much you had to pay for all those add-ons (likely more than doubled the price of your dinky drink) & then had the gall to double-tap.
I hope your drink falls over in your car.
TTOG...we have you and you re cohort on camera walking in with nothing but a purse. Then you suddenly arrive at the returns desk furious that the red tags were not removed from 3 sport bras inside a crisp target bag without a receipt. Your belligerence was mentally noted, your scam attempt embarrassing as you already had a pen and paper ready to write my name down. Your booming rage toward my TL claiming I tended to the WHITE guests with "consideration you did not get" in particular made me want to spit in your 3 feet away direction regardless of your loudly suggesting you were some kind of undercover boss exposing racism at Target while also insisting you had purchased those sports bras "less then 120 days ago" lol.
Just found out these "guests" emailed corporate claiming I waited on "white" man behind them in line, before waiting on them. Wow. Thank goodness for cameras. I hadn't finished helping this " white man" who was waiting for his soda stream exchange before these women even approached the counter; so when these two women walked past him and dropped their bags on the counter...Of course I helped him first. HE WAS HERE BEFORE YOU. Idiot. Would have been nice to ask this man " have you been helped yet?" Before barging past him.
TTODUG: You put in a drink order with your DU order: a tall iced drink with so many modifiers I could barely fit them all on the cup. I can only guess how much you had to pay for all those add-ons (likely more than doubled the price of your dinky drink) & then had the gall to double-tap.
I hope your drink falls over in your car.
Add some top shelf to really add it on.
To those out-of-town guests: No, we don't have ANY outlets in our dining area. No, we're not unplugging any equipment so you can use our outlets. No, we're not running an extension cord &/or power strip out for your group to charge.

Later I saw several of their group sitting in the area where we park/charge the elec carts. 🙄

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