To that one guest

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The that one guest who announced loudly to his wife (after she was talking about gifts that she needed to buy for people) that the only thing she needed to get was a j-o-b, and then looked around to see if anyone heard his hilarious joke, and THEN said it again even louder when he saw that no one had heard him....KUDOS to you, sir! Publicly shaming your wife is going to really give her that final push of gentle, positive encouragement that she needed to achieve all of her dreams in life. I'm sure you are an absolute joy to live with.
The that one guest who announced loudly to his wife (after she was talking about gifts that she needed to buy for people) that the only thing she needed to get was a j-o-b, and then looked around to see if anyone heard his hilarious joke, and THEN said it again even louder when he saw that no one had heard him....KUDOS to you, sir! Publicly shaming your wife is going to really give her that final push of gentle, positive encouragement that she needed to achieve all of her dreams in life. I'm sure you are an absolute joy to live with.
reminds me of my ex....there's a reason (or a million) he's an ex.
We have a MRSA guest....he's a peach to deal with too.....:dash2:

We don't let them off the phone until we've pulled up the Rx and verified it's the right med 😉
Today was..... is it a full moon? Because, um, it sucked. That is about all you can say about it!

That makes the most sense - but we have some, um, "routines" that need to be changed/dealt with. But it is a slow process to invoke change - and right now it is even harder with our visiting TMs.

If you need/want some help, feel free to PM me. I'm not on all that regularly, but I'd be happy to offer some advice 🙂
To all the guests who called today with stupid questions when we were busy as he||, you are the reason I'm drinking tonight :facepalm:
To that one TL...I know you haven't had many LOD shifts. I know you're relatively knew to our store, your previous one on the chopping block for closure. I hold none of that against you, I even like you. However, when my assignment is to super-zone 5 aisles in 4.5 hours, I am budgeting my time as such. They were C aisles, but you wanted them zoned to planogram and new labels printed up for missing/damaged ones. I stepped up to the challenge. Unfortunately, when you hold me for smart huddle project for 25 minutes, then volunteer me to cover electronics lunch, send me on a wild goose chase for a printer and PDA for 15 minutes, etc., that is going to eat into my time.

When you then tell me 3 hours into my shift that I need to be done with the super zone in 30 minutes so I can do gobacks, that is not a realistic expectation. You said "just make it look nice," I did. Sure as hell isn't to planogram though, and if that later comes up I am perfectly willing to challenge you on why it didn't happen. You're the one signing off on the super zone, not me.
Hmm just realized my last post was in the wrong thread. Whoops.

Also as a regular market TM I totally agree on the guests who hand you something and basically say "here, QMOS this for me please"
To the mom who didn't want to chase her toddler: Sitting him on the counter was NOT an acceptable alternative. While I tried to take your order, he knocked over stacks of cups (which I had to toss) & shrieked happily so I couldn't hear your order the first few times. People in line behind you weren't amused either.
Next time, get a cart or get a clue.
To the mom who didn't want to chase her toddler: Sitting him on the counter was NOT an acceptable alternative. While I tried to take your order, he knocked over stacks of cups (which I had to toss) & shrieked happily so I couldn't hear your order the first few times. People in line behind you weren't amused either.
Next time, get a cart or get a clue.

Or a leash.
The next guest who asks, "So is it safe to use our redcards now?" is gonna get the damn redcard shoved down their throat. And no, I'm not going to give you ten percent off for your 'inconvenience". We did that weeks ago, you're about a month late, at least!

Actual conversation with a guest last week...

Guest: is it safe to use my credit card?
Me: yes.
Guest: are you sure?
Me: yes.
Guest: are you really sure?
Me: *look of "really?" While not saying anything.
Guest: does that mean it isn't okay?
The next guest who asks, "So is it safe to use our redcards now?" is gonna get the damn redcard shoved down their throat. !
I keep responding....
"I feel it is the safest place to use your card right now, worry about where they went next."

Apparently I'm going to sound like a freaking genius to our guests now!!

Right after this happened, I told more than one guest that it will be someone else next week. One guest glared at me for that comment...I wonder if she's remembering my words right about now...
To that one guest:
You know them all & drive us crazy!

I always have guests that stop me on my lunch (even though I change shirts), a ton of guests recognize me and get angry when I say I will get someone to help them because I'm on my lunch break. It's one thing if I'm tell a guest the direction to products, but I'm not going to help someone look up four movies on my break. I've started just telling people I can get fired for working on my break. :wacko:
To that one couponer and her accomplice last night:

1) EVERY SINGLE ONE of your at least 150+ coupons said "excludes trial/travel size". When I AND my GSTL pointed that out to you, you still resisted and insisted that we check each and every single coupon. I think you ended up getting 3 of them taken off or so.

2) When my GSTL and AP are questioning you about the coupons, you insist that we had accepted it before. Yes, as my LOD came and informed us, you JUST did it back in Electronics (even though you insist it wasn't you and telling us to check the tapes).

3) Calling my LOD rude and calling me "a fat fucking pig" is NOT going to help things. I was hoping AP would kick you out at that point, but I guess not...

4) Going through the bags and pulling out items one by one on purpose so it takes me a long time to void them? I don't care even if it is almost closing, for you I'll stay a little bit longer.

5) And the final straw, asking to see which coupons you used AND THEN MIXING THEM BACK WITH THE UNUSED ONES WE GAVE YOU. As I told you we would, we went through all of the coupons to find the ones you used.

She had a $400 order and ended up with only a suitcase. I was later told by as GSTM that she knew her and had known of her antics and was worried when she saw them leaving.

To you and your friend, just go fuck yourselves. It's people like you who ruin it for everyone else.
to all of the guests....where, oh where have you gone? We have gone from a low volume store to desert island. I don't think it's all about the card crap so I am not sure what is up. It does make it easier to zone and bounce back and put all of the re-shop away but when hours were going to be slim they are now going to be nonexistent.
To the guest who let her child run around electronics like crazy yelling 'mommy' over and over while occasionally pressing the help button making me rush to the boat 4 times thinking someone actually needed assistance. I even asked her if she could tell her kid not to do that and she just went 'mmhmmmm' and kept's called parenting, have you heard of it?

On the flip side, to the regular middle-aged ladyguest who hasn't seen me in a month and told me I looked great today (I've lost 5 pounds and growing a beard), thank you for making my freaking evening!
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