To that one guest

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I was wishing today that I hadn't lost my wedding ring a few years back. I'm going to have to dig out my engagement ring and see if it still fits.

Order a silicone band actually a few of them. I wear them over metal since if you catch it they won't hurt you. But they get the point across..
I'm guessing you're new to retail? That happens all the time at my store, usually at least once a day.

I'm new to retail, this is my first retail job, but I was hoping that guests would be more responsible for their valuables. I wasn't even sure what to do in that instance since I was hoping that the guest would come back to my register to pick up the phone, but she ended up going to guest services to pick it up.
I'm new to retail, this is my first retail job, but I was hoping that guests would be more responsible for their valuables. I wasn't even sure what to do in that instance since I was hoping that the guest would come back to my register to pick up the phone, but she ended up going to guest services to pick it up.

People leave stuff all the time, phone, glasses, a mitten, kid's socks, canes (who walks out without their cane?) umbrellas, pacifiers, hats, phones, credit cards, gift cards, and the list goes on. Just bring whatever's left behind to the service desk. They'll log it and store it.

Um, did you not see the boarded up entrance and lack of signage? Do you live under a rock? WE'RE CLOSED!
No, you can't look through the clearance! No, you can't make a return! No, you can't pay your bill! Do you even see a cash register? Clothing? One Spot? FUCKING CARTS???

And don't get that attitude with me! WE ARE FUCKING CLOSED FOREVER!
I'm new to retail, this is my first retail job, but I was hoping that guests would be more responsible for their valuables.

This is pretty easy when your only valuables are your phone and wallet, and you don't have to worry about your job and mortgage and health insurance and kids' school schedules and daycare and car maintenance and, and,'s rather easy to keep track of things. When you're trying to keep track of 4 kids on top of everything else, it's super easy to set your phone down and...then a kid runs off or asks for candy at the checklane or the cashier asks about Redcard or a service plan (or all things happen at once) and you've totally forgotten that you set your phone down and didn't stick it in your purse...

Yeah. You're young. You'll get there. 🙂
To that douche-dad: You come over to Starbucks to get your high-dollar drink & your kid orders an Icee.
We tell you the Icees can be ordered at the next counter but YOU tell your kid that we 'don't sell them' so he'll have to wait to get one 'later' (which never seems to come).
When your kid asked WHY, I told him you only needed to go a few feet around to buy one while you shot me dirty looks.
You're a cheap prick, which is why you got decaffed.
To that douche-dad: You come over to Starbucks to get your high-dollar drink & your kid orders an Icee.
We tell you the Icees can be ordered at the next counter but YOU tell your kid that we 'don't sell them' so he'll have to wait to get one 'later' (which never seems to come).
When your kid asked WHY, I told him you only needed to go a few feet around to buy one while you shot me dirty looks.
You're a cheap prick, which is why you got decaffed.
I actually have to disagree with you here. Dad, for a variety of reasons, may have wanted to keep his kid away from sugar.
Then dad needs to say 'no' instead of promising his kid an Icee & yanking it back by blaming someone/something else.
I'm not a parent but I can imagine why it would be easier to just say target doesn't have them vs saying no... Not saying it's the right thing to do ethically but you can't always be ethically perfect when dealing with small children.
I'm not a parent but I can imagine why it would be easier to just say target doesn't have them vs saying no... Not saying it's the right thing to do ethically but you can't always be ethically perfect when dealing with small children.
Assuming the kid didn't see the giant ICEE machine sitting there!
TTOG - I have no idea why your check was declined. (I actually have several ideas but I didn’t say them out loud since I want to keep my job.) I’m sorry but the register doesn’t tell me why it wouldn’t go thru. (I’m guessing you passed bad checks before but I ain’t saying that to your face.) Good luck at that other Target where you write checks all the time. I’m sure they will be happy to assist you.

So you come to the store to do shopping with your phone at 1%? Ok, stupid, but ok. Even more stupid is coming to electronics and asking if

1. I can unlock the plastic case around the chargers on the iphones to charge your phone (no)

2. If I had a charger at the boat you can use (no, if you had android youd be in luck)

3. If you could OPEN a new charger "just for a second" (hahaha n o)

And then you walk away like "oh well I guess I'll just have to find out what my daughter wants with 1% left" :cccc with that tone

Bitch it aint my fault you aint prepared dont try and make me feel like its my fault bye felicia
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So you come to the store to do shopping with yout phone at 1%? Ok, stupid, but ok. Even more stupid is coming to electronics and asking if

1. I can unlock the plastic case around the chargers on the iphones to charge your phone (no)

2. If I had a charger at the boat you can use (no, if you had android youd be in luck)

3. If you could OPEN a new charger "just for a second" (hahaha n o)

And then you walk away like "oh well I guess I'll just have to find out what my daughter wants with 1% left" :cccc with that tone

Bitch it aint my fault you aint prepared dont try and make me feel like its my fault bye felicia

entitlement's a bitch, literally traps people in their own husks, then they get upset they can't do stuff like that lol
entitlement's a bitch, literally traps people in their own husks, then they get upset they can't do stuff like that lol
right ?? i told her she can buy a charger and i have a power bank and shes just like no i dont want to buy one i have like 20 at home

t H EN B RI NG ONE ???? she apparently has a car charger too cos when she initially asked if i had a place she could plug in i asked if she had a cord and she said no if she did she woulda just used her car charger

ok so you apparently have a bunch at home

and somehow.... none in your car for your car charger?

right ?? i told her she can buy a charger and i have a power bank and shes just like no i dont want to buy one i have like 20 at home

t H EN B RI NG ONE ???? she apparently has a car charger too cos when she initially asked if i had a place she could plug in i asked if she had a cord and she said no if she did she woulda just used her car charger

ok so you apparently have a bunch at home

and somehow.... none in your car for your car charger?

Had a guy who attempted to use our only outlet at SB to charge his iPhone & told us to 'keep an eye on it' til he got back.
Yehhhhhhh, no.
Who doesn’t have a power bank with them these days I paid $20 for mine and it’s a lifesaver
i, no exaggeration, carry 5 with me at all times

theyre not even like those tiny 2k ones

i carry 5 god damn bricks with 20k power with me

2 are in a different room charging but yeah, 5

i get e x t r e m e l y paranoid about not having my phone charged or accidently forgetting a single one at home so I carry 5 in case I forget to charge some esp since i play the battery guzzling pokemon go

also tms have figured this out and im basically a power outlet

So you come to the store to do shopping with your phone at 1%? Ok, stupid, but ok. Even more stupid is coming to electronics and asking if

1. I can unlock the plastic case around the chargers on the iphones to charge your phone (no)

2. If I had a charger at the boat you can use (no, if you had android youd be in luck)

3. If you could OPEN a new charger "just for a second" (hahaha n o)

And then you walk away like "oh well I guess I'll just have to find out what my daughter wants with 1% left" :cccc with that tone

Bitch it aint my fault you aint prepared dont try and make me feel like its my fault bye felicia

TTOG: You can't just stand at the photo kiosk using the provided cords just to charge your phone. There's like 3 people behind you wanting to print picture while you hog up the machine snapchatting.
I'm not a parent but I can imagine why it would be easier to just say target doesn't have them vs saying no... Not saying it's the right thing to do ethically but you can't always be ethically perfect when dealing with small children.
The problem with that, at least in my store & the 2 stores closest to me, is that the ICEE machines are literally 10’ away from the Starbucks counters, so all the kid has to do is turn around and he can see them.
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