To that one guest

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That's just ordinary coffee, right? How do you get away with putting decaf in the cup? The only time I tried decaf, I spat it back in the cup because it tasted completely different from regular coffee.
I'm thinking these people get served a lot of decaf 😉
TTOG: I used to work on ambulances and volunteer in the fire department. Do you want to know what I learned from that? Big vehicle beats little vehicle. So move your damn cart entering the dang aisle I was in so I can get this hugeashellpalletteofrepackagedfreight that is already 80% through the aisle to its destination. No, looking through me with dead eyes as if I don't exist isn't going to make me go away. Oh you want to know if I can go back? No. No I cannot. I fed you some bs reason as to why I LITERALLY couldn't but honestly I just didn't have the patience to deal with your impatience. Now, BEEP BEEP, get-out-the-way.
this happens quit too often in market. we have to push a lot of pallets and flat beds out and people are ALWAYS. IN. THE. WAY. Or they tend to get in.the.way. our milk is on our backwall of market. so i push out the flatbed and i park it on an end cap and start to work it out and people always find a way to come in my area, mind you it's a small gap. ive had people run over me, hit me with their carts, ask me if i can move, etc etc. it's annoying.
this happens quit too often in market. we have to push a lot of pallets and flat beds out and people are ALWAYS. IN. THE. WAY. Or they tend to get in.the.way. our milk is on our backwall of market. so i push out the flatbed and i park it on an end cap and start to work it out and people always find a way to come in my area, mind you it's a small gap. ive had people run over me, hit me with their carts, ask me if i can move, etc etc. it's annoying.

I feel the same way, at least in Frozen Dairy our aisles are a whopping 9-10ft across. It's so nice, Dairy is smaller but by only a foot maybe, but the difference is noticeable. When I was working Market earlier last week I felt like I was fighting guests for space in the aisles and all I had was a three tier and/or a uboat, otherwise consumables isn't that bad.
Thanks for asking when you came in again how my birthday was.

Thanks for smiling when I used my little bit of Tagalog knowledge. You made my night.

You are so cute, always asking when we are going to a have a pint.

Thanks for telling me that funny story about how your parents were high when they named you. I've told that story numerous times this week.
What's with all the people coming through my line with a cart and then leaving with their bags and leaving the cart at my register? I have never seen this before and suddenly like 8 people have done it in one week
I feel the same way, at least in Frozen Dairy our aisles are a whopping 9-10ft across. It's so nice, Dairy is smaller but by only a foot maybe, but the difference is noticeable. When I was working Market earlier last week I felt like I was fighting guests for space in the aisles and all I had was a three tier and/or a uboat, otherwise consumables isn't that bad.
ive taken out a uboat which are slimmer and easier for people to walk around but i still get hit with people's carts. the other day i was bent over one getting product and this lady and her kids literally just ram into me and im like tyring to not say anything and all she said was "oops." i wanted to kill somebody.
What's with all the people coming through my line with a cart and then leaving with their bags and leaving the cart at my register? I have never seen this before and suddenly like 8 people have done it in one week
At least it wasn't a cartload of oversized appliances...I've had that one happen several times. Really people? Are you that lazy or just Stupid? (Probably both)
What's with all the people coming through my line with a cart and then leaving with their bags and leaving the cart at my register? I have never seen this before and suddenly like 8 people have done it in one week

Happens 8 times an hour around here. Maybe not that often, but guests are just getting lazier and lazier.
Speaking of lazy customers, I had my first cashiering shift in a loooooooooong time and it was a long one. This lady comes in and says "paPER PLS" and I said "ok" and she said "papa bless!!" and so she proceeds to dump her entire cart of groceries onto the belt in no specific organizational manner and I had dish soap and produce, makeup with frozen goods etc vice versa, just grossly negligent if I happen to put two and two together, but I like being organized so when people get home it's easy.

at the end of her transaction she has two great big cooler bags just chock full of more frozen stuff and I'm like ".... okay, so this is how we have to be huh"

In the end, she helped me ring it all up, but my god was it a hassle. Took an extra two minutes I'm not sure I had, oh well. Her baby boy was really nice though, he was so mannered and sweet. I gave him a sticker and he'd never seen or felt one or been given one before and that was amazing. I'm a pretty manly guy, but that might of made my day.

But guests leaving their carts is normal for me, and I guess it's bad to say that. I had this guy just straight up acknowledge he had a cart there and just left it in the aisle... didn't set it aside or anything, he just looked at his cart sitting at the card reader, grabbed his shit and left after I wished him a good day lol, I hope he had a terrible day. The guest after him was agitated but I calmed her down. To be honest, she was pretty worked up and I wasn't even close to being that annoyed.
Yesterday I also had a lady tell me she was gonna never shop here at Target again because our counts were off on a clearly empty shelf for a product she wanted. Her reasoning? Amazon.

She comes into my lane and asks real quick if I can check to see if something's in stock, and she had taken a picture of the label and on the POS we have a mini-merch locate button to see what's on hand or in the back for an item, so I scanned the barcode she gave me from her picture and it said we had 6 in stock, but clearly we had none. I figured the counts were off just due to the computer, so I got my GSA to scan it with her mydevice and it said the same thing but we were clearly out of stock. So, that sucks. She wasn't really mad, she kind of just scowled us like a bunch of kids like it was our fault and let me ring her up with no more issues. Her parting thought? "This is okay... I won't need to be coming here anymore or for a long time because Amazon does things right (((((((🙂" and I said "me too." and wished her a good night.

Okay, I mean it's kind of bad we have counts that are off in the store but she clearly came in just to bash us and basically play the game of which is better lol.
Speaking of lazy customers, I had my first cashiering shift in a loooooooooong time and it was a long one. This lady comes in and says "paPER PLS" and I said "ok" and she said "papa bless!!" and so she proceeds to dump her entire cart of groceries onto the belt in no specific organizational manner and I had dish soap and produce, makeup with frozen goods etc vice versa, just grossly negligent if I happen to put two and two together, but I like being organized so when people get home it's easy.

at the end of her transaction she has two great big cooler bags just chock full of more frozen stuff and I'm like ".... okay, so this is how we have to be huh"

In the end, she helped me ring it all up, but my god was it a hassle. Took an extra two minutes I'm not sure I had, oh well. Her baby boy was really nice though, he was so mannered and sweet. I gave him a sticker and he'd never seen or felt one or been given one before and that was amazing. I'm a pretty manly guy, but that might of made my day.

But guests leaving their carts is normal for me, and I guess it's bad to say that. I had this guy just straight up acknowledge he had a cart there and just left it in the aisle... didn't set it aside or anything, he just looked at his cart sitting at the card reader, grabbed his shit and left after I wished him a good day lol, I hope he had a terrible day. The guest after him was agitated but I calmed her down. To be honest, she was pretty worked up and I wasn't even close to being that annoyed.

Would have been great had she dropped this line as she left. "Great moves, keep it up, proud of you!" The least she could do.
Yesterday I also had a lady tell me she was gonna never shop here at Target again because our counts were off on a clearly empty shelf for a product she wanted. Her reasoning? Amazon.

She comes into my lane and asks real quick if I can check to see if something's in stock, and she had taken a picture of the label and on the POS we have a mini-merch locate button to see what's on hand or in the back for an item, so I scanned the barcode she gave me from her picture and it said we had 6 in stock, but clearly we had none. I figured the counts were off just due to the computer, so I got my GSA to scan it with her mydevice and it said the same thing but we were clearly out of stock. So, that sucks. She wasn't really mad, she kind of just scowled us like a bunch of kids like it was our fault and let me ring her up with no more issues. Her parting thought? "This is okay... I won't need to be coming here anymore or for a long time because Amazon does things right ((((((🙂)" and I said "me too." and wished her a good night.

Okay, I mean it's kind of bad we have counts that are off in the store but she clearly came in just to bash us and basically play the game of which is better lol.
Maybe people had them in their carts and hadn't checked out yet???
It takes some time for those things to update. You could have had 7 but the system hasn't updated. It isn't item sold, BAM, inventory changed.

Also, theft.
Depending on time of day, all seven items could've sold & the count doesn't update 'til end of sales day so it's possible.
If it was something mentioned on Pintrest or some other site, that could've created a mini-run on it & Miss Entitlement could've shown up after the fact.
Ya snooze, ya lose.
Depending on time of day, all seven items could've sold & the count doesn't update 'til end of sales day so it's possible.
If it was something mentioned on Pintrest or some other site, that could've created a mini-run on it & Miss Entitlement could've shown up after the fact.
Ya snooze, ya lose.

Interesting, I never actually learned about any of that in my store. So, maybe it is possible, to be fair I still have 0 idea what the item she wanted was, so no idea if it was in demand or something. BUT, moral of the story, this lady was a premeditated SNOB.
Depending on time of day, all seven items could've sold & the count doesn't update 'til end of sales day so it's possible.
If it was something mentioned on Pintrest or some other site, that could've created a mini-run on it & Miss Entitlement could've shown up after the fact.
Ya snooze, ya lose.

No one had ever officially told me that, but I figured it a possible reason. I've often told guests that when the my device says we have a couple and they just absolutely can't be found that it's possible the item is in another guest's cart.

But then again, there was a time I was helping someone find an item that was for SFS and we just couldn't find it despite that little reader she had that was supposed to be able to locate items...until we started checking pants pockets in the area the reader said it was located. 😡
Yesterday I also had a lady tell me she was gonna never shop here at Target again because our counts were off on a clearly empty shelf for a product she wanted. Her reasoning? Amazon.

She comes into my lane and asks real quick if I can check to see if something's in stock, and she had taken a picture of the label and on the POS we have a mini-merch locate button to see what's on hand or in the back for an item, so I scanned the barcode she gave me from her picture and it said we had 6 in stock, but clearly we had none. I figured the counts were off just due to the computer, so I got my GSA to scan it with her mydevice and it said the same thing but we were clearly out of stock. So, that sucks. She wasn't really mad, she kind of just scowled us like a bunch of kids like it was our fault and let me ring her up with no more issues. Her parting thought? "This is okay... I won't need to be coming here anymore or for a long time because Amazon does things right ((((((🙂)" and I said "me too." and wished her a good night.

Okay, I mean it's kind of bad we have counts that are off in the store but she clearly came in just to bash us and basically play the game of which is better lol.

That's why I tell Guests are system only get updated daily. So those 6 items we had were sold today or stolen. Ill adjust our inventory would you like me to find another store or see if its available online?
That's why I tell Guests are system only get updated daily. So those 6 items we had were sold today or stolen. Ill adjust our inventory would you like me to find another store or see if its available online?
Yup at my store we just tell guests inventory at our and other stores that we check for them is accurate as of opening so people may have bought stuff since then.
I'm a pretty manly guy
But, do you have the nickname "gimli" like I do?

I have that nickname given I'm heavily bearded with red hair and I tend to be playfully aggressive.
me: "Hi, what can I get for you this evening?"
guest lady: "Just a medium fountain drink."
---normal transaction ensues---
me: "The cups are in between the machines right over there."
guest's husband: "What just happened??"
me: "...I'm sorry...?"
guest's husband: "I ordered a medium coffee!"

You tell me what just happened, because hell if I can figure it out. You were standing right there. Your wife very clearly stated that she wanted a medium fountain drink. You didn't say anything until the transaction was finished. Neither I nor anyone else working with me heard you order anything at all. Seriously, if you're going to try and pull a fast one, at least put some effort into it. The quickest way to piss me off is gaslighting, and I don't appreciate it.
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