Archived To whoever designed that multi-colored thingy for the Spring FOS.

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At any point you get a kit in without instructions, which is rarely, you can always pull them up as a PDF through TIPP and print them out. How long has your Signing TM been at their position?

It seems like every time I needed to look up the instructions on TIPP, they would have the instructions listing but there would be no image link to actually view the PDF.
How does hanging stupid crap like that from the ceiling make the company money?

Because Target is one of, if not the most, image focused retailer out there. They make sure that they offer a visually appealing difference to their competitors, part of their overall "chic factor" if you will. Believe it or not, I've actually had people come through my store and comment on how they always shop at Target because of how everything looks. Heck, the last X-mas set had to be changed when we didn't have an overhead for seasonal because the guests complained it " didn't look like Target".
sometimes i really enjoy going into targets that i know don't have very good signing people (if any at all) and just look around and all of a sudden feel a lot better about my job. i went to a neighboring target and their FOS color parabola was so messed up. it was bent every which way but the way it was supposed to be. i remember thinking when i put ours up was - man there are going to be some jacked up stores with this thing. sorry for the schadenfreude but sometimes i feel a little taken for granted at my store.......i feel sorry for whomever got stuck putting it up over there.
Our signing TM did it by himself this morning! I think it's a beautiful sign. I had no less than 10 guests comment on how pretty it was.
WITHOUT THE GUIDE?!! I've been doing signing a couple decades and No Way it could be done without the guide...
Don't know the takedown date, but it's going to be up awhile I believe. I'll try to get a pic set up tomorrow for people.
A tumblr I follow posted the picture with a caption of it being from Target so I assumed this is what everyone was talking about lol. I fully agree, bad angle. But oh well. Can anyone take a shot showing a lot more? 😀
Just read the March monthly update... it stays up until at least April! :excited:

Was so going to strangle someone if it only had a four week (or less) life. It was so painful to hang I just want to leave it there until Halloween.
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