Archived Transferring Stores

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Cashier (2014-2016), Hardlines (2017-now)
Aug 25, 2015
Quick question or two about transfers via hypothetical scenario:
Say I work at a store and asked another store in the area if they would be willing to have me transfer because hours are better at this other store than my current store. Is my current store allowed to deny this transfer based on my own store's reasoning (not wanting to give me up, simply just not wanting me to,e tc.), or are they obligated to just facilitate the process because the other store already agreed to wanting to take me?

Additionally (I'm guessing this is a yes, but do consider this as an entirely separate question from above), if you have a NCNS on record, is that grounds for your store (regardless of other store's approval) to deny a transfer?

Thanks 🙂
You’ll be better off telling them it’s closer to your house or something, they would probably take you more seriously. Don’t talk about hours, and keep in mind that TM hours are not guaranteed anywhere.

A NCNS definitely won’t help you, your attendance records will certainly be looked at.
That's certainly not what I'd be saying to them, just the reasoning in my head...still, if the other store agrees they want me for whatever reason ends up happening, and my record is clean, is my store able to just say "no", or does transferring not require your store's approval?
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That's certainly not what I'd be saying to them, just the reasoning in my head...still, if the other store agrees they want me for whatever reason ends up happening, and my record is clean, is my store able to just say "no", or does transferring not require your store's approval?
I could potentially see them saying no if your store was seriously struggling with staffing, but if that were the case you’d probably be at 40 hours.
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