Archived Transferring

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Aug 9, 2018
Before moving I talking to my HR manger if I can transfer to another target, she told me to give her the place I wanna transfer at and the telephone num so she can call. After a few weeks, she told meI was set to do an interview. And now I moved and went to the target I was transferring at. I've been interviewed by them, they told me I need to tell my other workplace to transfer my files to them, which my old target did. Now after a week of no contact I decided to follow up. They told me their system is down and now it's been two weeks and the only message I got from them is about "Workday", which I can't log into.

I missed a call from target today and when I called back to follow up, Hr member told me she can't get a hold of her Hr manager and she doesn't seem to know my file. And just asked me to wait for the Hr manager to call me again. Its been a month since I've been interviewed by them. Does this usually take this long for a transfer?
Honestly, they forget. Be persistent, go in person and speak to someone.
A bunch of processes have changed after the Workday rollout. What used to be simple to accomplish now requires a whole bunch of steps and approvals from different managers and HR. Everyone from store level all the way to HQ is still learning how to do things on Workday. Just be patient and remember to keep following up with both stores. Regarding the transfer process: your old store has to initiate the transfer and then both your new store's ETL and STL have to approve it.
A bunch of processes have changed after the Workday rollout. What used to be simple to accomplish now requires a whole bunch of steps and approvals from different managers and HR. Everyone from store level all the way to HQ is still learning how to do things on Workday. Just be patient and remember to keep following up with both stores. Regarding the transfer process: your old store has to initiate the transfer and then both your new store's ETL and STL have to approve it.
I'm still waiting for the new one to call. Apparently the etl is unreachable when I called last time
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