Archived Trophy Shirt Controversy

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Have a free speech clause in your contract at your job or company. Or be your own boss. That way you call the shots and have the ultimate power(evil laugh in the background.

I would agree with the whole "free speech does not mean one will not face repercussions for their words" if it was 100 percent enforced. In American society, it is not. You can't say crap about certain groups while other groups are fair game. That is hypocrisy and a double standard.
For example, if you say something bad about black people, you will get a far worse punishment than if you talked crap about Mormons. That is a double standard and I will not allow it. What about equality? What about tolerance? Tolerance and equality only exist to certain people if you agree with them. If you disagree with certain people, those same people will be intolerant hypocritical bigots.
Have a free speech clause in your contract at your job or company. Or be your own boss. That way you call the shots and have the ultimate power(evil laugh in the background.

I would agree with the whole "free speech does not mean one will not face repercussions for their words" if it was 100 percent enforced. In American society, it is not. You can't say crap about certain groups while other groups are fair game. That is hypocrisy and a double standard.
For example, if you say something bad about black people, you will get a far worse punishment than if you talked crap about Mormons. That is a double standard and I will not allow it. What about equality? What about tolerance? Tolerance and equality only exist to certain people if you agree with them. If you disagree with certain people, those same people will be intolerant hypocritical bigots.

A few quotes that should cover these questions.

“Tolerance is the essential starting point for compassion. That’s why it is so emphasized in our society right now. In a world full of discrimination, prejudice, and marginalization, people need to be taught to tolerate people who are different. Tolerance, at the political, social, and cultural level, will prevent us from choosing speech or actions that harms other people groups, which is a definite win.”
― Stephen Lovegrove


“We have the right and the responsibility to be intolerant of those things which should not be tolerated.”
― Auliq Ice

Because dammit some things just won't stand.

“Understanding is the assassin of bigotry, and lays a strong foundation upon which to build a tolerant society.”
― Narissa Doumani

“Tolerance never exists without negative judgment. It is the sentiment of having a negative opinion about something yet still putting up with it.”
― Criss Jami
You don't fight intolerance and hate with intolerance and hate. You should fight it by setting a good example and hope that others will see your good example and follow it.

You don't get to be a bigot to a bigot. That makes you a hypocrite and just as bad as the original bigot.
I didn't see anything in those quotes that suggested anything like that at all.
I stand by what I said. Someone's reputation and way of life shouldn't be destroyed over something stupid that they said. That's one thing that I despise about American society. We have this stone throwing mentality(look in the mirror and ask yourself if you can honestly throw stones at someone for saying offensive shit when you have probably said offensive shit as well) when it comes to offensive/questionable things that people say. We just love to tear one another down and destroy lives over the fact that someone said something stupid. We define some people's lives by a word or a few sentences that they said. That is pathetic, lazy, and not creative.

I'm a negative grumpy prick but whatever happened to trying to see the good in people?
As long as we've had newspapers, radio and TV there has been the ability to jump on people for the stupidest reasons.
Back in the day it might have been a whisper that you were a closet socialist or liked boys.
Your life could be destroyed by some gossip mag or a radio personality mentioning your name in the wrong context.
Nowadays things have been democratized, you don't need to be famous to be plastered across the net.

You could be some half way retired creeper old Noble prize winning scientist and you make a stupid comment about how the labs should be single sex because the woman scientist keep falling in love with you, BOOM, everyone knows what a putz you are.
But it's not that you said something kind of creepy and maybe it was a bad joke that didn't work.
It's that so many woman have had to put up with professors who tell them they would get an A if they only wore their lab coat to one day.
Or had their paper graded lower just because there was a woman's name on them.
So the poor bastard winds up becoming a symbol rather than a person.

Is that fair, no not at all.
But it's the nature of the net.
Why did the idea of 'Hands up, Don't Shoot' continue even after it was pretty clear that it hadn't happened that way?
Because it stood for all the other times that it had.
The net works really well for going after certain things, it just has a way of catching people who might not completely deserve it in the wake.
I haven't even seen the shitty T-shirt at the store I work at. Couldn't you make the argument that the shirt could be referring to a woman's boobs? The word TROPHY is centered in the breasts part of the shirt. Maybe it's possible that women that aren't blessed in the chest area are jelly of those that are and are crying over the stupid shirt?
For the softlines folks what the heck size is 'womans juniors'?

The only way I think someone could find this out of line is if it was marketed to kids.

Target audience for juniors is teens to like early 20s, but it only runs a size smaller than the "misses" (adult sizes) or whatever we're calling it in 2015. Basically anyone who you wouldn't be surprised to see in forever 21.

Idc about the t shirt. It was hanging with the bride and Mrs. one in my store too. Soo, I figured it's like all those bride hoodies and things we have for the bridezilla crowd lol. I always see women on that show wearing bride things while planning the wedding and all that jazz. Idk why either shirt is in juniors, though. I'm 27 and I wouldn't wear it. Beside the trophy thing, I wouldn't want people thinking I'm interested in marriage right now.
As a man, I can say I wouldn't mind if someone called me a trophy husband. I know that I'm what most people would call handsome or attractive or whatever, and if I had a woman who earned the big bucks and didn't want me work...I would be happy to be a trophy husband.

As a man, I can also say that I have never referred to any woman as a trophy wife, I've never heard any of my male friends refer to any woman as a trophy wife, and I've heard very few males, in general, refer to a woman as a trophy wife. I have, however, heard several female friends and women in general use the term trophy wife when describing an attractive woman who is married, whom they perceive to be of low intelligence and only fit to be arm candy.

The thing about feminism is that, at its core, it's supposed to be about women getting to choose the life they want for themselves. It's about them not being told by anyone that they can't do something because they are a delicate flower who can't keep up with a man and their lady brains just weren't made to do all that hard thinking. It's about not having to be relegated to the role of the dutiful housewife because society says that's all you're good for. It's about choosing the life you want.

Women that choose to wear a shirt that says TROPHY are maybe feeding into a negative stereotype and maybe they aren't. Maybe they think it's tongue in cheek, or maybe they really believe they are a trophy to be won. There is nothing wrong with high self worth. Whatever the case, she is exercising her right to choose whether or not to buy it or wear it. To say that women shouldn't wear that shirt is a bit antifeminist. To say that it reinforces rape culture just seems absurd.

tl;dr: Who gives a fuck? It's a damn shirt that is trying to be cheeky and it is clearly merchandised with bridal party t shirts. To say that it's merchandised in juniors is kind of misleading since all of RTW is in one long block in most stores without any sort of dividing wall or delineation of any kind.

Still tl;dr: Who gives a fuck?
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^yeaa, I always wonder why we even have juniors sizing if they won't put a sign above it. It's so confusing. I have to constantly explain why the xhil swimwear fits differently from the mossi and merona etc. And whenever teens who just got over wearing girls clothing come in I have to tell them which brands are juniors... Because they ask if we have juniors. If they didn't ask, I wouldn't say anything. They'll realize xhil and msc run small when they try it on
Am I the only one that's bothered by the "this is my backstage pass" shirt? I get why people were bothered by it but some did overreact. Target is a great company but they always have these weird little oversights like this, or the elephant gray color in plus size, or that flag shirt that they supposedly copied from some online shop. If they had someone along the line that really looked and thought and said "hmmmm maybe not" then these short lived outrages wouldn't happen
What about the this is my backstage pass thong? People have to come to grips with the fact that there are shirts with stupid shit on them. You can't ban shirts just because it offends you. What if I'm offended by by red shirts because I had a pet bull as a child?
Adults can wear or not wear what they want.
If they were making these in kids and teenage size, then I'd take issue but otherwise I don't care.
There is a valid point as to what kind of company does Spot want to present itself as, because its being damned schizophrenic.
You can't ban t shirts that offend you because then what's next? Ban cross dressing and trans people dressing? People need to stop being wimps and stop having a fit every time they're offended.
Anybody remember the Blurred Lines MLP t in girls'? Lol... I remember hanging that and thinking "this... Doesn't seem appropriate." Couple days later came back to work and it was recalled. With that one I'm thinking maybe the person in charge of that stuff didn't get the Blurred Lines reference? Idk. That was for kids though so it made sense to recall it.
You can't ban t shirts that offend you because then what's next? Ban cross dressing and trans people dressing? People need to stop being wimps and stop having a fit every time they're offended.

Nobody is trying to ban the shirt, Jack.
They are telling Target that they don't think it's appropriate for Targets image that they sell it.
There's a big difference.

I can say I will stop buying things at your store because you are selling Nazi Death Camp Play Sets for Kids 5-10 patent pending.
That doesn't mean the Nazi Death Camp Play Set for Kids 5-10 patent pending is being banned.
It would take a government action to ban the Nazi Death Camp Play Set for Kids 5-10 patent pending and the government isn't going to get involved (though I'm sure there will be plenty of huffing and puffing from various politicians).
If the business decides not to sell Nazi Death Camp Play Sets for Kids 5-10 patent pending then they haven't banned them either, they have just decided not to sell them.
You can buy the Nazi Death Camp Play Set for Kids 5-10 patent pending some place else.
Banning is an action taken by governments, just like taking away free speech.
Taking an item off a shelf is free enterprise, you know capitalism.
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