Archived Trying to get to eHR at home

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One of the people I got at Target India identified themselves as "Michael". Given his accent, there was no way his name was Michael.
Most call centers make their workers pick an "American name" so that they seem more relatable.
They would seem a lot more relatable if they could interact with me instead of listening for key words and reading from a script based off of the words they have picked up.
What about MyTime? My district is in the conversion process. Is that blocked from access from home as well?

And how to TMs get the mobile app when that time comes?
Where it the MyTime link for those who have MyTime. All I still see under Team Member Services is the same old options. Virtual Office, eHR, Bullseyeshop, and payandbenefits.
Under ehr, under pay it can send your pay stub to an email address or you can print it at the store too.
I went there and couldn't find anything about sending my pay stub to an email address. Am I missing something somewhere?
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