
Jun 29, 2020
Hello everyone! I have worked at target for over a year now. I am 20 years old and in college. My year at target hasn’t been the best it hasn’t been a great place to work for me. Has anyone quit from target and still received unemployment? My plan was to take a leave and find a new job but I was denied for a paid leave and it’s not realistic for me to have no income while looking for a new job. I am planning on taking them to a hearing but I’m not sure how all this works as I’ve never had unemployment before. I’m just curious if anyone else has gone through this
In Texas, quitting usually equals no unemployment.
Unless you could prove a hostile workplace or failure to make accommodations for a known disability, you won't have any grounds & will be denied.
Even if you were termed you can be denied unemployment if they show just cause for firing you.
In pa it says you need good cause to quit and receive unemployment , I believe I have it. I plan to fight them for it because I feel like I have been forced to quit. But I am ready to move on and I am hoping to find a new job relating to what I’m in school for but it could take a bit so I will need some source of income.
I don't think you understand how this works.

Unemployment is for people who WANT to work who do not have a job through no fault of their own.

You HAVE a job. You are not being forced to quit because according to your post, no one has threatened to fire you. No one said "you can either quit or be fired."

You do not get paid to look for a job when you've already got one. Why do you think any employer would pay for that? You do not get paid leave unless you are too sick to work and have short term disability or various other insurances.
I would not risk it. Keep working until you find something else. More than likely, your initial claim will be auto-denied. Then you will have to appeal it. Which will probably be delayed for a month of more.

Anyways, depending on your state, they will cap any unemployment payout; its pretty low. You will not get enough to live on. Then it takes a couple weeks or a month or more to start up.
The weekly payout is probably your states minimum wage X 40. It will not be equal to your past Target wages.

My unemployment claim last year (before COVID) only paid out $290 a week for 12 weeks after taxes. Then I had provide proof of employment searches. Any job offers must be accepted.
Delays are probably longer right now. I got laid off, and my employer said that I would qualify for unemployment. It took over a month to get any payment, simply because unemployment commissions are swamped right now.
Maybe I don’t understand exactly how this works but I did research based on my state. Like I’ve said already it’s not that I don’t want to work it’s that I need a better job that fits what I’m going to school for which could take months. I actually was asked if I even wanted to work there anymore after trying to take a leave after the death of an immediate family member. Thank you to the people that commented with out being rude or having an attitude. I can tell it definitely wasn’t just my target that was filled with toxic people like you.
Maybe I don’t understand exactly how this works but I did research based on my state. Like I’ve said already it’s not that I don’t want to work it’s that I need a better job that fits what I’m going to school for which could take months. I actually was asked if I even wanted to work there anymore after trying to take a leave after the death of an immediate family member. Thank you to the people that commented with out being rude or having an attitude. I can tell it definitely wasn’t just my target that was filled with toxic people like you.
spot does have funeral leave.
There is not a damn thing that was toxic that was said to you and you should apologize.

Good reason to quit is not that you want more money. It's not that you think the vacation process sucks. It's for when there are legitimate harassment claims or other not so legal actions by the employer or similar.

You have to be let go (not quit) by the employer for a no-fault reason. If you quit, you have to show why it is an unreasonable situation, such as you are getting your butt grabbed whenever you walk in the backroom or there's proof that you are getting the unreasonable shit tasks solely because of your age or gender. If you are let go, you have to show that they had no good reason to do so, you never once had a complaint or black mark on your employee record.

Apply. Worst they can do is say no. But that's the problem, what happens if you quit and they say no? Right now is an especially bad time to gamble, since claims are taking longer.
@horses: In most states, if you are enrolled as a full-time college student, you are ineligible for unemployment pay. You would likely be disqualified based on that. Since Target knows about your school status, they will bring it up as part of their response to your UI claim.

I'll be more explicit than normal: work can suck! All jobs have moments when you put up with horrible sh** and abuse. Sometimes every day feels like it's horrible sh** and abuse. For the vast majority of us, our current jobs at Target are generally okay but not our "dream job" or "dream company". We learn to put up with the unpleasant stuff, menial tasks and unfair management politics, build a positive attitude toward ourselves while we are at work, and most importantly (laugh at this if you like) bring a smile and some enthusiasm to work, particularly when we are working with guests (the public).

If you remain employed, and use as much of your spare time as possible in conducting a job search, you might find a better position at a place you would like to work at.

Quit your job ASAP if you insist, but don't expect to receive any unemployment money or to easily get hired for a "better" job after you've just quit one.
Maybe I don’t understand exactly how this works but I did research based on my state. Like I’ve said already it’s not that I don’t want to work it’s that I need a better job that fits what I’m going to school for which could take months. I actually was asked if I even wanted to work there anymore after trying to take a leave after the death of an immediate family member. Thank you to the people that commented with out being rude or having an attitude. I can tell it definitely wasn’t just my target that was filled with toxic people like you.

So, you asked for advice and we didn't tell you what you wanted to hear.
Nobody was rude to you.
Everybody was actually kind of concerned for you.
They wanted you to be okay and not make a decision where you would get backed into a corner and not have any options.
I'm sorry you didn't understand that but if you ask for help, learn to take what folks offer.
And be polite about it.
Maybe I don’t understand exactly how this works but I did research based on my state. Like I’ve said already it’s not that I don’t want to work it’s that I need a better job that fits what I’m going to school for which could take months. I actually was asked if I even wanted to work there anymore after trying to take a leave after the death of an immediate family member. Thank you to the people that commented with out being rude or having an attitude. I can tell it definitely wasn’t just my target that was filled with toxic people like you.
Unemployment doesn’t pay you to look for a job in your degree field.

also, a question while filing for unemployment, they ask if you have open availability. If you are in school, and say no, you will be denied.
I know people who applied for rightful unemployment months ago and still haven't got a dime.
Tell them to contact their state senator. I did that after just over a month. Sent the email Friday afternoon/evening, got a call from the senator's office Tuesday morning, got a call from unemployment Tuesday afternoon and all my weekly certs were done during the call, debit card with all back payments in the mail only a few days later.

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