Archived Uniform in Winter

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Oct 24, 2017
With winter coming and being scheduled mostly on carts, does my coat/jacket have to be 100% red? or is something like this acceptable?
Amazon product ASIN B018VVJO0Q
Is there a Target website for approved apparel ?

Struggling a little to know what to do between cool days and full on winter days. It looks like I can find and wear a red hoodie, but finding a full red coat is a little more difficult and costly.
That would be fine at my store. But it depends on your leaders.

Also when it's full on snowing out my store typically let's anything fly as long as our CA is warm and wearing a vest.

Just ask. Especially if you're getting something expensive. You might not have to buy red.
Don't waste the money!

If you are a seasonal employee then you will probably be laid off by New Year's.

If you are not a seasonal employee then just wear the Target provided red vest over your coat.

Why waste $58.99 or whatever the cost for a red coat will be?

As a seasonal team member, I purchased the least expensive red shirts I could possibly find. After New Year's, the red shirts have no value since I do not need a bunch of red shirts for my normal life. They will sit in a drawer until next holiday season if I choose to return to Target.
My store will allow cart attendants any color outerwear, whereas the rest of the store needs to adhere to the red color, but ASANTS I would figure, so definitely would ask your leadership
Our cart attendants can wear a coat of their choosing or one of the ones provided for the food team to go in the freezers with. So long as vest is worn with nametag on it they are fine.
Eta- freezer jackets are black parka or blue dickie style jacket
Do that many stores have vests for TMs? Because ours doesn’t and none of the stores in our region do. I thought it was just California?
In the midwest the bullseye shop jackets wouldn't cut it...Our Cart Attendants where whatever color they want outside with a safety vest over it. They do wear red and khaki when doing inside tasks
Do that many stores have vests for TMs? Because ours doesn’t and none of the stores in our region do. I thought it was just California?

California and Washington it's required. Some stores provide them as a courtesy. It's nice when you call a tm into work he/she doesn't have red but you can hand them a vest.
With winter coming and being scheduled mostly on carts, does my coat/jacket have to be 100% red? or is something like this acceptable?
Amazon product ASIN B018VVJO0Q
Is there a Target website for approved apparel ?

Struggling a little to know what to do between cool days and full on winter days. It looks like I can find and wear a red hoodie, but finding a full red coat is a little more difficult and costly.
Yes and and Yes. Bullseyes team member shop.
When it's cold our cart attendants can wear any color they want while outside.

And that jacket you posted is 90% red. That would be fine in any target..even if the store required your jacket be red. If you liked it and wouldn't mind if it got dirty then order that.
Just wear your normal sweatshirt/winter coat if it's allowed.. at my store (Minnesota) it gets fucking freezing and our cart attendants just wear red and khaki under snow pants and a snow jacket w/ a safety vest on, and then when they come inside it's easy to just take off the coat and pants and be back in red and khaki.
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