Archived unique store lingo

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The term re-shop is never used in my store. It's either "returns" or "go-backs."
Backstock is occasionally referred to as "overstock."
A wave zone is referred to as "lights out."

OH. On this note, it's either "re-shop" at my store or "checklane 14" because there's where we put it all.
Code Brown - poop juice
Code White - We were having incidents with guests doing stuff in the fitting rooms.
Doughnut - The little black rubber thing that goes on peg hooks.
PDT - Some of the older folks still refer to the PDAs and LPDAs as this.
The Office - TMSC, it confuses a lot of transfers. "Which office?"
The Butt - Electronics boat
We always give the etls nicknames....that way if we need to vent and if someone happens to over hear ( or if they are trying to be nosey) its harder for them to figure out who we are talking about .The nicknames always have to do with their attitude....never being mean about any ones appearance etc.

Every last ETL and TL has a nickname at our store. Slight problem--tms weren't good at hiding them and so every last ETL and TL knows their own nicknames. There's one ETL who has an...interesting one...who will actually respond to it like it's their regular name. It's weird.
The Butt - Electronics boat

"Look at me, I'm gonna go touch the butt!"

We always give the etls nicknames....that way if we need to vent and if someone happens to over hear ( or if they are trying to be nosey) its harder for them to figure out who we are talking about .The nicknames always have to do with their attitude....never being mean about any ones appearance etc.

Every last ETL and TL has a nickname at our store. Slight problem--tms weren't good at hiding them and so every last ETL and TL knows their own nicknames. There's one ETL who has an...interesting one...who will actually respond to it like it's their regular name. It's weird.

We used to have two ETLs who would intentionally mispronounce each other's names. But one of them would get mad if anyone else did it.
There is no time for fooling around on the walkies in the store where I work.
But when I worked for another chain if there was a pretty girl in a dept the guys (and sometimes women) would say over the loudspeaker - we need a 238 in plumbing. If there was a good looking guy someone would say - Mary can you help in hardware?
"Gooseneck" for the pegged 7x11 sign holders.

"Breezeway", "fire aisle", and "by the fire doors" are all used interchangeably for the fire exit hallway in the Backroom.

We used to call the Starbucks "Club [insert former STLs name here]" because that's where she spent most of her time.

We call the SFT's office "the cage" and the electronics stockroom "lockup."

There's a store in my district that is known district wide as the black hole. Then there's also the store known as Targhetto.

The bathroom is usually referred to as the basement if you are answering a call..."It'll be a minute, I'm in the basement."

That's all I can think of right now.
My store has a lot of nick names that we came up with for things and TMs. For example: we call web apps "toon apps" or "disney apps," we call the electronics TMs "ship captains" (because we're in charge of the electronics boat), we use "code pink" for attractive girl sightings in the store, "infernos" are zones that need to be picked up badly, and G block (grocery at my store) is called "The Jizzle" for some reason. We also like to say that "RTW" stands for "Ready to be Wrecked." Those are some examples off the top of my head. I'll post more as I think of them. Support help from other stores get confused often when they come over because of this. I think it's hilarious. I'm just curious if other stores have their own language for things too.

Code pink for attractive girl sightings? Lame.
My store has a lot of nick names that we came up with for things and TMs. For example: we call web apps "toon apps" or "disney apps," we call the electronics TMs "ship captains" (because we're're in charge of the electronics boat), we use "code pink" for attractive girl sightings in the store, "infernos" are zones that need to be picked up badly, and G block (grocery at my store) is called "The Jizzle" for some reason. We also like to say that "RTW" stands for "Ready to be Wrecked." Those are some examples off the top of my head. I'll post more as I think of them. Support help from other stores get confused often when they come over because of this. I think it's hilarious. I'm just curious if other stores have their own language for things too.

Sorry to derail, but this is really, really rude and unacceptable. Not to mention sexist as hell. You could get all kinds of sued if a guest heard this over a walkie and knew what you were talking about. And you (Target, not YOU, PugMuffin- you know what I mean) would deserve it.

I agree that it is unacceptable in the workplace, however I wouldn't go so far as to call it sexist. If you are attracted to a woman and you and a fellow team member have a mutual recognition of said woman, you are free to realize that, however doing so over the walkies would not be ok. I know
code pink is pushing it, but its not sexist, its just code lingo so guests don't get offended.

I've heard much more sexual, explicit things being said at my store, and female team members have been involved, and not offended. I'm glad the female team members in my store have a sense of humor and humility. I can handle jokes, snaps, remarks, and all that jazz, as long as everyone is still getting their work done, and not in front of guests.

This is a great instance of just how insidious sexism is. A woman is objectified and anyone who doesn't think it's funny or cute just doesn't have a "sense of humor and humility." What the ever living fuck. Ogling is not cool. It's incredibly disrespectful and it puts women in the role of objects.
Ogling is fine if both genders do it, like at that person's store from above. Dont just assume that because men do it, woman dont.
There are two things wrong with this logic.
I would argue that it's kinda unprofessional in both cases.
Yes, a glance and appreciating a beautiful person is not wrong.
Calling out that person on the walkie, male or female, is wrong.

Your logic is two wrongs make a right.'t_make_a_right
Doesn't fly.

And I would also say this is a false equivalence.
Yes, woman are impressed by handsome men and will do a bit of drooling now and then but it had better be someone special.

A guy like this doesn't walk into Target that often.

The bathroom is usually referred to as the basement if you are answering a call..."It'll be a minute, I'm in the basement."

I have a firm policy to never, ever answer the walkie while on the Great White Throne. Nothing is such an emergency that it can't wait for you to finish your business at step outside. I don't get paid enough to answer work calls while on the john, lol. I can always tell when people answer the walkie while using the facilities...that echo is kind of hard to ignore, lol! Plus, if you're lucky an adjourning bathroom-mate will flush right while they're answering. 😛
Some of us that have been around for a minute call our STL Dad or Daddy but never on a walkie or within earshot. It isn't meant to be disrespec
The bathroom is usually referred to as the basement if you are answering a call..."It'll be a minute, I'm in the basement."

I have a firm policy to never, ever answer the walkie while on the Great White Throne. Nothing is such an emergency that it can't wait for you to finish your business at step outside. I don't get paid enough to answer work calls while on the john, lol. I can always tell when people answer the walkie while using the facilities...that echo is kind of hard to ignore, lol! Plus, if you're lucky an adjourning bathroom-mate will flush right while they're answering. 😛
The other day....someone kept calling for the HR etl over the walkie.....they even over headed her...they let on and on ....then she comes over the walkie and says...I will be with you in a minute. As soon as I heard her voice I knew where she was....we all started did we know...cause when you answer the walkie in the bathroom....your voice echos and you can hear it echo over the walkie...So, yeah don't answer the walkie in the potty
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