Archived United Way

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Eons ago, I heard United Way helped fund something that went against my beliefs, so thats when I started doing that.

Better check Salvation Army too. Most of the monster charities end up filtering money to that one group that fund the things that are against your beliefs and Salvation Army is no different. That is the reason churches, food banks, and shelters are way better choices. The huge charities spend sooooooooooooo much money on operating cost and salaries for their thousands of employees. Think small. Think local.
I remember when I first was hired at Target for about $6/hour and was told to sign up for united way to "help poor people". I would have qualified to get help from them. What a joke it was.

United Way, IMO, should only be asked TLs and up to donate to. If TMs want to that is fine, but ETLs should not be going around asking them. TMs are the ones who need help from such organizations, not the ones who should be hounded to fund them when they can't even pay their own bills!
My sister actually works for the state health and human services commission as a food stamp advisor at one of the welfare offices. She has told me for years that 95% of the people that come in for public assistance work at places like wal-mart, target, fast food places, etc. And yet target used to have to balls to ask me for donation money so they could release a press statement saying that the company donated X millions of dollars to charity. No, your poor workers donated it and will be getting the charity because you pay them little and never give them hours.
And yet target used to have to balls to ask me for donation money so they could release a press statement saying that the company donated X millions of dollars to charity

And people think I dream this stuff up --- I'm not that smart
My sister actually works for the state health and human services commission as a food stamp advisor at one of the welfare offices. She has told me for years that 95% of the people that come in for public assistance work at places like wal-mart, target, fast food places, etc. And yet target used to have to balls to ask me for donation money so they could release a press statement saying that the company donated X millions of dollars to charity. No, your poor workers donated it and will be getting the charity because you pay them little and never give them hours.

Yea, this is one that gets to me.
The taxpayers are supporting Spot and Wally's ability to make millions of dollars a years.
Well our store hit a new low on this today. All team leads are now required to donate, to show leadership according to the email we received. I call bullsh%t. I will not be strong armed to give to the charity that Target has decided to support. I talked to the ETL-HR about this today. This is one email that I have saved and printed out for safe keeping. I would suspect that this borders on illegal.
If that doesn't merit a call to integrity, it should certainly go to the state labor board.
I discovered that several TMs in my store were recipients of 2 agencies I donated to. Nobody says anything because they don't want to embarrass them. There are so many TMs on foodstamps in my store, too.
Better check Salvation Army too. Most of the monster charities end up filtering money to that one group that fund the things that are against your beliefs and Salvation Army is no different. That is the reason churches, food banks, and shelters are way better choices. The huge charities spend sooooooooooooo much money on operating cost and salaries for their thousands of employees. Think small. Think local.

I designate to our local Salvation Arm and I have researched them. All charities/churches have operating costs, so that doesn't bother me, if its within reason. By having it taken out of my check, I make sure I remember to actually do it. Not sure I would be so generous if I had to remember to write a check every payday....

OT, I am curious... most of our stock team is collecting State unemployment because our store has slashed their hours down to 3.5 a day. Does Target have to contribute to that?
I discovered that several TMs in my store were recipients of 2 agencies I donated to. Nobody says anything because they don't want to embarrass them. There are so many TMs on foodstamps in my store, too.

Of course they are its almost impossible to work at and live on Target wages. If you can get 40+ hours a week you might be able to just pull it off. Now that everyone is coming in at 6am working another part time job with it just got way harder as well.
I have a disabled child that benefits from United Way recipient agencies. I designate my donations to those agencies. I would love to be able to share this information with my fellow tm's because I am sure that they would do the same with their donations and feel that they have made a personal difference in the lives of people that they actually know. Nobody ever asks if anyone would like to share their stories about how they benefit from United Way. I suppose that they think it would be an intrusion into personal lives or somehow be construed as some sort of HIPPA violation.
I have a disabled child that benefits from United Way recipient agencies. I designate my donations to those agencies. I would love to be able to share this information with my fellow tm's because I am sure that they would do the same with their donations and feel that they have made a personal difference in the lives of people that they actually know. Nobody ever asks if anyone would like to share their stories about how they benefit from United Way. I suppose that they think it would be an intrusion into personal lives or somehow be construed as some sort of HIPPA violation.

If you want to pm me the info I'd be glad to designate my donation.
They are local agencies, so I don't think that would work. Thanks so much for your generous offer. These organizations do a lot of good for many members of our community.
Well our store hit a new low on this today. All team leads are now required to donate, to show leadership according to the email we received. I call bullsh%t. I will not be strong armed to give to the charity that Target has decided to support. I talked to the ETL-HR about this today. This is one email that I have saved and printed out for safe keeping. I would suspect that this borders on illegal.

That is highly illegal if true.
Did any of you get the United Way lady (or man) come in and explain to you guys what they were going to do with your money? I've actually worked with United Way a few times (before I started working with Target) and they did tell us that our money would stay in our local area. We were also allowed to choose which program for UW we wanted our money to go to. I donate straight to the school supplies and food backpack program (I also help out with backpack program). The spokesperson was very clear and nice and answered all our questions. I'm curious to know how that went at other stores.

Also, I find it strange that ETLS are allowed to harass team members to donate. Shouldn't that be a reason to call the hotline? Our ETLS were very clear that we did not have to donate and they only wanted us to fill out the form at the huddle and go on with our day. Of course they did bring up it up at very huddle for the past two weeks so it was getting annoying.
Of course, everyone should research charities before donating and United Way is no exception.
All I've eaten since yesterday is a bowl of leftover Cheerios and expired milk from the break room...... (out of date yesterday, so i wont die) but I won't be donating .... Wish the would leave me alone!!!!!!
Got a .20 cent raise & they want me to give to UW?
About like jumping thru hoops for the health ins discount when it went up anyway.
Sure, it made a little dent.
No, wait, after copays for bloodwork, mammys, etc, it didn't.
*slipping a granola bar to backroomcrew*
We landed at 64% of our store goal. My HR didn't really seem to act like it was a big deal.
Our store hit something like 170%.

It really does depend on your State's minimum wage laws. The higher the wage rates, the more they give.

I tell people when they are giving, "Ever $1.00 that you give is $25.00 a year which is tax deductable."
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