Archived Unlocated signs in store mail

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Price Accuracy TM
May 31, 2013
Can someone tell me why we constantly get cosmetic signs that are not located. Today I got over a hundred the I have to physically write locations for. The POG is tied correctly and on time. I dont understand it.

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Im going to throw all these blasted things out as they're not on sale and just "as advertised". Not wasting my time on that.


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For me, weekly, it's the cameras. I also get cosmetics, patio, and ... perfumes whenever they're on ad or TPC. I only have two 4ft sections of perfumes, but i dread writing locations on them because they come in random order.
I'm not sure why, but perfume, cosmetics, and cameras will never have a location on those signs, despite the fact that they are POGs and have been set for quite a while. Must be a lot this week because the girl I trained to take my place doing ad prep came and asked me about this today, lol.
I used to write a lot of those in cosmetics and cameras, also for pfresh. But for cosmetics, we would only put 1 sign for one style if they have the "choose from assorted..." on it.

One of the things that drove me crazy where signs for beers. I would only get 1 but the item has more than 3 locations.
@HearMeRawr3 @squirrely @redlines @Shirohime. @ClearanceMaster
You can kinda bypass this problem. Go to the signing and label computer. Go to print signs. Then to print HQ signs. Get to the point where you have to click on a bullet point dot: pog, dpci etc, can't remember them all, click the bullet point with the dpci in it. At the bottom all the signs that are printable come up. Highlight all the ones for ONLY the week you are doing. Print BAM!! Problem solved!! Some still come up to locate but most have locations. This drives me NUTS!!! The perfume aisle does this. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PERFUME BOTTLESWE SELL???? More than one section EVERY SINGLE BOTTLE!!! :mad::mad::mad:
Only type in the first 5 #'s of dpci but make sure you type in all 5 or you get too many signs coming up & Make sure you hit clear when you go to a new dpci type
:DGood luck my friends & happy printing!
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