Using Female Restroom

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If police were involved and store management is aware, there is more to the story. Because he laughed about it doesn't necessarily mean he thinks it's funny. It may mean that he isn't comfortable, either. To the point that the women are uncomfortable, I can totally see that. I have to take my adult disabled son into female restrooms. It is not a comfortable situation at all. I don't have an answer here except to reiterate that since the OP has not been violated, does not appear to be female (by name of Amaazingdude), etc. that it is not his business. That female coworkers are dressing in the restrooms without using the stalls (giving the person an opportunity to stare them down) makes me wonder why they are doing this. If I were a guest, I would find this to be inappropriate, too. I also wonder why guests have not complained about a man in the restroom. You're also right, Ethics Demander, high functioning ID (intellectually disabled is the currently most acceptable term) people make others uncomfortable simply because they usually appear to be typical, but do not necessarily follow or understand all social mores, upsetting the status quo.
Kinda shocked how many people have defended a male for using the womens bathroom. Your born with a penis, use the mens restroom. Got vagina? Use the ladies... pretty simple.
Kinda shocked how many people have defended a male for using the womens bathroom. Your born with a penis, use the mens restroom. Got vagina? Use the ladies... pretty simple.

Gender identity isn't quite that simple. We have a transgender person working at my store and it's a constant struggle.

However, if the person mentioned in the OP is not transgender then he's just a douche.
To be fair it's a difficult idea to understand until you've actually met and gotten to know someone who is transgendered. Until I became friends with my transgender co-worker I never would have been able to understand what he goes through every day. One of the few good things about our store is how understand the executives have always been when it comes to this.
Is a woman or man being sexist if they automatically think that an average build or larger man is going to rape them in a public restroom? What if the average size man or large man just needed to urinate or defacate? Aren't you depriving a human's basic needs?
Females changing in the restroom need to do it in a stall simply because many moms bring in their boys & don't want to have to explain a TM in a thong changing clothes.
On the other hand, if the majority are uncomfortable,
"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.....or the one"
-Spock, Star Trek II
Gender is that simple. Depending on what parts you HAVE, regardless of what you want, determines your current gender. That determines what restroom you should be using. Has nothing to do with being close minded, open minded, etc.
It was never a problem on Ally McBeal. Whatever happened to that dancing baby?
Gender is that simple. Depending on what parts you HAVE, regardless of what you want, determines your current gender. That determines what restroom you should be using. Has nothing to do with being close minded, open minded, etc.

Wrong and wrong.
Every psych book will tell you different and our culture is changing to reflect that fact.
There is a small group who are fighting the concept out of fear
, ignorance, or political expediency.
Take my word for it, when I say you can't simplify things like this to such a drastic point it's true.
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