Archived Vacation

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Sep 17, 2016
hi there!

I had about 15-20 hours in vacation time and I requested some days off that were approved. My end goal was to just spend the hours and get the money out of it. The hours were "vacation" not "vacation payout"!

Will I still get paid for the days? My goal wasn't to get the days off, just to get the money for hours.
Yes, as long as you are at or below your average hours. So if you average 25 hours and work 10 that week you can get 15 hours.

If you average 15 hours though and work 10 that week you can only use 5.

In the future when you want to use vacation but not necessarily have the day off you have up until Monday morning of the following week to use paid vacation for the previous week. So you can go up to average hours after the fact.
Hmm I requested 15 hours of "vacation". It looks like it got approved as it shows 15 hours on my time card :)
Yeah you don't need to request a day off to be able to use vacation pay for it. You can use vacation pay, up to your average hours, on any week (doesn't matter what day you put it for).

Vacation payout is for TMs who have vacation hours from before 2016.
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