Viewing Priority Pulls

May 6, 2020
If I log into Myday will it show how many pulls where down in my department for the day or just for me?

Some days NO ONE has done any pulls in my department until I get there in the afternoon.

I always figure corporate might someday pull up my department and wonder why only 5 or 6 pulls have been down at 1:30 PM that day.
You can pull Greenfield reporting and see fills by type, by TM, by time period, etc. but nobody above store level is going to care as long as your fill metrics are green.

MyDay will show your current fill needs, and the view work details page will show your dpci/unit breakdown and % fill for whatever departments you're signed into for the day.
In the past my TL would say my pull percentages were poor but never showed me what it was.

He knows I can look them up so never says anything.
I just noticed MyDay now shows the percentages so I don't have to calculate them anymore.

Then again there were some three-tiers I pulled THREE DAYS that we never pushed (I was off those three days).

I usually never pull and leave carts because they are usually sitting there the next day.

Thanks for all your input.

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