Warehouse DC Policy

More power to you, I don't pay your bills.

It's not about being right or wrong it's about the effort you are about to go through for the outcome.

Is it right that your actions will likely result in your termination? No, however thats most likely the outcome that you will encounter.

You are going to piss off so many leads/oms/hr reps on your quest to prove people wrong that when you do mess up and you will. They aren't going to turn a blind eye to it. While you might even have other team members encourage you locally to "stick it to the man" you will find yourself dancing alone once the music stops.

You're the example why so many rare occurrence of events become encoumbering rules and policies the rest of us most follow. Because "There wasn't a rule against it" must mean I can.

I'd rather you find an actual issue and devote your attention to that, but you do you. As someone who has been with spot for years as many others in here, we have all seen plenty of people with your attitude come and go and you typically leave us with a fun story to share with all the new people.
Good luck man.
Just don't be surprised if you get performanced out.
Bosses don't take well to being proven wrong.
I found that out the hard way by winning an ADA case.
They will get rid of you if you piss them off enough and they will do it by the book

Even a good lawyer will have a rough time beating them.
Like I said, good luck.
Preciate it and I know I come from amazon with some times under my belt. I've seen the favoritism game and the like. Even if I don't "win" this small battle I wasn't staying within my department anyways I already had an OM ask me to transfer to his department where that vest falls under different policies for vests regardless. You could say I'm being an ass as I leave out the door of said department.
Oh my God.

Your not gonna last. What is wrong with you? I'm sick of you just in the 2 minutes reading this nonsense.

Nobody cares about what vest they wear but you. It doesn't matter.

Your gonna learn the hard way that the handbook means diddly.

I doubt an om told you to go switch departments.
You have to wait 6 months to even do it and your not gonna last that long.

They don't want ass aches.
If you can pull 200% they will give you some slack but I promise you your going bye bye real soon.
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I don't know how else to say it. There IS documentation. Its just DC specific so it won't be in the handbook that is for all Target non-exempt (stores and DC) workers.

I'm not posting mine because it lists my DC on it and sharing internal docs is a great way to be termed.

All provided vests in the DC are tearaway, meaning they will tear apart if caught on something like a conveyor (we tested this the rip apart at the seams) or break away, meaning they're velcro and break apart.

But by all means if this is the hill you wanna die on go back to Amazon. TMs have been getting a crap ton extra money through raises but throw it away over a vest. And you will literally have wasted everyone's time over a piece of fabric.
Good luck man.
Just don't be surprised if you get performanced out.
Bosses don't take well to being proven wrong.
I found that out the hard way by winning an ADA case.
They will get rid of you if you piss them off enough and they will do it by the book

Even a good lawyer will have a rough time beating them.
Like I said, good luck.
I appreciate it as of current I love the job itself so it isn't hard for me to show up on time and learn my processes. I do everything by the book so and do what I'm told to just about a T. But as we all know there will be those few people you have to watch out for. Just a couple weeks ago we lost a great lead who got fired after doing 60 hour OT week helping a different shift and getting into a little lip service with an OM. So like you said they'll find a way if they really want you out before your 90.
I don't know how else to say it. There IS documentation. Its just DC specific so it won't be in the handbook that is for all Target non-exempt (stores and DC) workers.

I'm not posting mine because it lists my DC on it and sharing internal docs is a great way to be termed.

All provided vests in the DC are tearaway, meaning they will tear apart if caught on something like a conveyor (we tested this the rip apart at the seams) or break away, meaning they're velcro and break apart.

But by all means if this is the hill you wanna die on go back to Amazon. TMs have been getting a crap ton extra money through raises but throw it away over a vest. And you will literally have wasted everyone's time over a piece of fabric.
Well can you point me in the way of where you can find said documentation that's the real question here. I can only access so much while on my breaks and being in the building since you need to be on the network. Without having a laptop on the floor you can't view much and using the Zebras to get around and look for PDF files is such a hassle but I managed to find the DC handbook and code of ethics. If YOU know what I'm looking for and where it is point me in the right direction.
At least where I am, Target pays better.
We all know target pays better, that's why its filled with a lot of Amazon workers. But just cause the pay is good doesn't mean to shut-up and bend over. I've seen enough violations by OM's alone for some corrective action but you don't see me chasing them down on small consistent safety issues. If they left my vest alone everyone would be working each day and not giving a crap during the following. If that conveyor had the HP to kill I'd switch up but it doesn't so I could care less, I've been around these conveyors long enough and I certainly don't lean on them.
Oh my God.

Your not gonna last. What is wrong with you? I'm sick of you just in the 2 minutes reading this nonsense.

Nobody cares about what vest they wear but you. It doesn't matter.

Your gonna learn the hard way that the handbook means diddly.

I doubt an om told you to go switch departments.
You have to wait 6 months to even do it and your not gonna last that long.

They don't want ass aches.
If you can pull 200% they will give you some slack but I promise you your going bye bye real soon.
Tell me why you care so much since in your other post your calling other warehouse employees child rapists and felons? Your one of those guys who wants your voice heard huh generalizing people I see.
There is higher pay at Amazon. I wonder why the op left. Hmmmm.
High pay where? Because as we stand now I make more then a T3 Processing Assistant, I have friends who've maxed out there pay in the 5 years they've been there. All I did was switch and went over their pay and do less of the work and a lot less responsibility.
We all know target pays better, that's why its filled with a lot of Amazon workers. But just cause the pay is good doesn't mean to shut-up and bend over.

Yeah, wearing a employer provided orange vest is really taking it up the ass......

I've seen enough violations by OM's alone for some corrective action but you don't see me chasing them down on small consistent safety issues.

Like reminding them to wear gloves while on the floor?

If they left my vest alone everyone would be working each day and not giving a crap during the following.
If that conveyor had the HP to kill I'd switch up but it doesn't so I could care less, I've been around these conveyors long enough and I certainly don't lean on them.

After having seen what that conveyer system did to a pair of jeans that fell out of an overpack... they can and will easily kill someone. But its obvious by your attitude that you just know better.
Yeah, wearing a employer provided orange vest is really taking it up the ass......

Like reminding them to wear gloves while on the floor?

After having seen what that conveyer system did to a pair of jeans that fell out of an overpack... they can and will easily kill someone. But its obvious by your attitude that you just know better.
Oh yea just Chalk it up to something like Gloves sure wise ass. If you want simplify the context go ahead, but why bitch about a vests that I wear and call it unsafe but if I wear a breakaway vest on top now both vests are considered safe. A pear of jeans really one the best armored clothing apparel. You do know we rip jeans for fun right and call it fashion. Listen your DC might have better motors but ours certainly does not.
Well can you point me in the way of where you can find said documentation that's the real question here. I can only access so much while on my breaks and being in the building since you need to be on the network. Without having a laptop on the floor you can't view much and using the Zebras to get around and look for PDF files is such a hassle but I managed to find the DC handbook and code of ethics. If YOU know what I'm looking for and where it is point me in the right direction.
As has been said repeatedly. Ask your buildings safety or training manager. I don't know where you'd store it on your building's network.
We don't have either currently.
You absolutely have one and/or the other. In fact depending on your operations model you have might even have two of each.

Even in new buildings, the first positions they train is Safety Manager and Training Operations Manager.

If they are both out for whatever reason then someone from another building is covering it and you just need to find out who it is.
You absolutely have one and/or the other. In fact depending on your operations model you have might even have two of each.

Even in new buildings, the first positions they train is Safety Manager and Training Operations Manager.

If they are both out for whatever reason then someone from another building is covering it and you just need to find out who it is.
HR manager then. They should know the policy, and if they don’t, it’s their job to know who to go to to get it. Should have an answer within a day. Unless you’ve already gotten answer and just want to argue, in which case pushing it with HR is a shortcut to ca.
You absolutely have one and/or the other. In fact depending on your operations model you have might even have two of each.

Even in new buildings, the first positions they train is Safety Manager and Training Operations Manager.

If they are both out for whatever reason then someone from another building is covering it and you just need to find out who it is.
Are they supposed to have them on both shifts? Because we still don't have a safety team and when asked they say you can sign up with HR but I've yet to see a safety manager announce themselves or be announced. Most of HR is out the building by 6 P.M. and then I get left with a newer HR worker (4 months). Also haven't seen or heard of anybody with the title of training operations manager. I'll ask my O.M. next week to see who both those are.
The safety info is posted on the wall. Check near the first aid station.
For as long as I've been in the building now, walking through every which way I've never seen a 1st aid board thats supposed to have a medical kit, eye wash, and AED. I saw a couple AED mounts. I've seen those boards all around my old building but I've not seen or been told where they're located.
Tell me why you care so much since in your other post your calling other warehouse employees child rapists and felons?
He was right about that tho 😤 Target used to have standards now thanks to corporate taking over hiring we have some real sketchy mfers walking around and they are always starting shit too.
Whats SoW stand for?
Standard of Work, I assume.
Are they supposed to have them on both shifts? Because we still don't have a safety team and when asked they say you can sign up with HR but I've yet to see a safety manager announce themselves or be announced. Most of HR is out the building by 6 P.M. and then I get left with a newer HR worker (4 months). Also haven't seen or heard of anybody with the title of training operations manager. I'll ask my O.M. next week to see who both those are.
The safety team is sort of an extracurricular and yes every shift is supposed to have at least one TM from every department on the safety team. They have a manager who overseas meetings ~monthly.
If your departments key does not currently have a SST TM then you should find out which OM is responsible for doing Safety Circles.
Request to talk to them and ask about it.
But please take my advice and bring up that if it were any other garment, it would be allowed.
(I am assuming the safety vest you have is not loose or baggy and fits your body securely).
Point out that it would be entirely reasonable for you to wear your vest as a fashion article. There are no rules against wearing cool weather vests. In fact Target TM branded clothing sells vests if I am not mistaken.
That as long as it is not baggy and does not have a hood, there is no reason you cannot simply wear it as a choice of fashion.
And then from there, bring up that given that argument is true, it seems silly you cannot forgo wearing a Target issues vest on top of it.
That two stage argument is what will sell the point.
I am saying this as a member of the SST team by the way, I have a pretty good feel about how to go about making safety arguments to Targets corporate ways.
If all you do is start asking where the break-away clothing part is in the handbook you will be instantly shot down.
Tell me why you care so much since in your other post your calling other warehouse employees child rapists and felons? Your one of those guys who wants your voice heard huh generalizing people I see.

Buddy your a moron. Yeah the place is a joke now full of kiddy rapists, violent felons and guys like you.

You said you worked at Amazon then you should know how these places operate. But let's read between the lines. You couldn't hack it at Amazon and got fired and now moved to target.
I'll also assu

They have 10,000 rules and regulations but only abide by them to fire people. You lick an om's ass and you can get away with murder.
Your a guy who makes waves, calls in everyday etc... you will get fired for bending over to much.

Your throwing a fit about what vest you can wear.
Why? Do you think wearing a different vest will change anything? Will you magically get better numbers? Will people think your not another newbie dipshit?

Your just a new guy, past jobs don't matter your a new guy. Wear your vest. Shut your mouth learn how things work. Nobody cares what you have to say. Your the new guy.

People have been pulled into conveyors. It was a year or two ago that someone's vest got caught and i don't remember if it killed or royally injured them which is why they have you wear the break away vests.
Your not gonna win your little vest fight. All you did was make everyone write you off as a moron.

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