Archived We have a new CEO and his name is…

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And nothing of value, hope that's not a sign.
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So in doing some reading on the omnichannel environment, to be honest the concept wasn't knew but the word was, I kept coming across this point and I'm quoting form the most concise version that I ran across.

Preparing for an omni-channel presence will require a heavy investment of both time, and money.

Communications between the IT department, marketing department, and sales staff will need to be as smooth as possible with little confusion about goals and strategies.

A clear and thorough understanding of the customer, or target market, is required
to be able to make appropriate decisions about channel integration and usability.

Because brick-and-mortar sales influenced by online search are four times higher than total e-commerce sales, omni-channel retailers need to be informative, personable, always connected and allow channel transparency.

The bolding is mine.
Do any of those things sound like things Spot is particularly good at?

tl:dr To quote @kingpin003 We're doomed.
So in doing some reading on the omnichannel environment, to be honest the concept wasn't knew but the word was, I kept coming across this point and I'm quoting form the most concise version that I ran across.

The bolding is mine.
Do any of those things sound like things Spot is particularly good at?

tl:dr To quote @kingpin003 We're doomed.

so yeah it's fucking nothing wooo
So my prediction: all this time and money invested in products, training, and marketing is going to give us a product that's slightly more colorful than what I'm using now. And old folks still won't get it.

I hear In a Snap app should solve everything.
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our poor poor delusional CEO. his first day and he has already drank a mega sized portion of Target Branded Kool-Aid.
I am guessing our new AMAZING Acronym will be DWBO

"Don't worry be Omni"
After of course of new HIGHLY controversial Employee Magazine comes out FSORC, which we all knows stands for "Fifty Shades of Red Cards"

So the new acronym would be pronounced dweeb-O?

To avoid this, they decided to change it from "Don't Worry, Everyone Be Omni" to this. But we yes we will all call it Dwebo
I just read excerpts from an interview he did and he talks like a sort of... Retail politician. He mentioned listening to team members and it just came off like he was on the campaign trail.
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