Archived What are the chances I keep my job?

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Mar 29, 2016
I recently got hired at a starbucks inside Target. About a month ago to be exact. I've been doing okay besides really minor things like I forgot to clean the grinder one day before closing and I left some whip creams beside the sink and didn't write on the board that I wasn't able to open them. I've stayed over and came in any time they asked (saving them from having to close up early). I always come in on time or a few minutes early blah blah. Here's the problem though. Last night, I had to close by myself. I clocked in 5 minutes early and then messed up and didn't manage my time well enough and ended up clocking out RIGHT at the 6 hour mark. It was suppose to be a 5.5 shift but the TL had JUST spoken to me about always making sure everything was done. I wasn't aware how big of a deal the meal compliance was. What's the chance I keep my job after this?
When you're closing solo (especially with a 5.5 shift, even a 5 hr shift), make sure you take a lunch because you could get slammed just before closing & it could push your cleaning process back as much as 10-15 minutes.
You not only went into compliance but you also added 30 minutes to payroll.
One of our closers had been dead most of the night & took care of most of his prep.
Ten minutes before close a large family came in & he was dealing with a 14 drink order.
While he was fixing THEIR order, a line had formed so he had to get a GSA to stand at the back of the line to keep anyone else from walking up; he finally was able to start his close 20 minutes after.
Lesson learned: ALWAYS take your lunch.
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I don't think I would be able to take my lunch because whoever works mid leaves immediately so they'd have to shut down until I got back.
Unless you are on the meal compliance list on a reg basis. You wont be fired. They will say something to you and tell you not to let it happen again. Just be careful next time. Don't beat yourself up!
You'll be fine. At our store, if you hit meal compliance you just have to sign a log book. Nobody says anything unless it's your first time or it happens frequently.

Do a punch correction and say you left earlier
Now THAT can get you fired.
Management at my store encourages you to do punch corrections to avoid compliance. :)
I went about 15 minutes into compliance on a full 8 hour shift and had a TL suggest I punch end meal, take my 30 min lunch, then do a missed punch for begin meal. That way, I still take a 30 minute lunch, I'm still off the clock for 30 minutes, but I avoid compliance. Win-win for everybody.

But it's totally different to shave time off that you actually did work. It cheats yourself out of earnings and puts the company at risk for a lawsuit if TMs argue that they felt pressured to do it to avoid getting in trouble.
I went about 15 minutes into compliance on a full 8 hour shift and had a TL suggest I punch end meal, take my 30 min lunch, then do a missed punch for begin meal. That way, I still take a 30 minute lunch, I'm still off the clock for 30 minutes, but I avoid compliance. Win-win for everybody.

But it's totally different to shave time off that you actually did work. It cheats yourself out of earnings and puts the company at risk for a lawsuit if TMs argue that they felt pressured to do it to avoid getting in trouble.
This isn't exactly encouraged at my store, but this happens. We just don't tell leadership. I was in the zone pushing some chem flats and when my stomach growled, I was like wait why am I hungry and did the math in my head real quick. I was 10 min past my 6th hour. I punched back in from my meal, and punch corrected my punch out. I'm so happy my SFS captain told me that trick because if I didn't know, I would have punched out and been in compliance. :confused:
I don't think I would be able to take my lunch because whoever works mid leaves immediately so they'd have to shut down until I got back.
Then shut down if they don't provide enough overlap to cover your lunch, especially if they're scheduling in a lunch break but aren't providing coverage.
It's either that or leave a mess before you hit compliance & be prepared to face a pissed-off opener.
I hope so. I like the job I just messed up with my time management and didn't realize it was that big of a deal
I'd just like to point out that it is management's responsibility to ensure you have a lunch. Were you expected to close Starbucks for half an hour to take it? Also, the main reason anyone cares if you take a lunch is because they might get fined. Otherwise, no one would give two shits. But really, when you get asked about it, do mention that the neither the lod or your direct supervisor at the time said anything about your lunch.
I'd just like to point out that it is management's responsibility to ensure you have a lunch. Were you expected to close Starbucks for half an hour to take it? Also, the main reason anyone cares if you take a lunch is because they might get fined. Otherwise, no one would give two shits. But really, when you get asked about it, do mention that the neither the lod or your direct supervisor at the time said anything about your lunch.
This was my fault though honestly. I lost track of time and I took time to close everything up because I was trying to make sure I had everything done.
True. I just wanted to know if I should prepare for the worse because of it, like if it's really common to get fired for the first offense if you're still within your 90 days.

Technically when in your 90 days they can fire you for any reason including no reason at all. They could literally fire you just for looking at someone the wrong way or pissing off the wrong ETL or something. You have no job security whatsoever. Now, *realistically*, they're not going to let you go for no reason or even any reason. It was very rare at my old store for people to be let go during their 90 days; even the worst hires got to stay I'd say 90% of the time. Hitting meal compliance once is a slap on the wrist, in rare cases a stern coaching/possible write-up depending on how often people are hitting compliance at your store. I did it once and HR just told me not to do it again.

So my answer is: 98% chance you'll be fine, 2% chance they'll let you go. If you fall into that 2%, consider yourself fortunate because that means your leadership really, really sucks and it probably would have gotten worse the longer you stayed there. Take it from me, having worked at a store with shitty leadership.
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For the future, set an alarm on your phone or watch well before you would hit compliance so it at least gives you a heads up to either reach a stopping point & clock out or step up the pace if you're almost done.
For the future, set an alarm on your phone or watch well before you would hit compliance so it at least gives you a heads up to either reach a stopping point & clock out or step up the pace if you're almost done.
Yeah this is definitely what I'm gonna do. From now I'm gonna make sure I'm done with everything except stocking up for the night 15-30 minutes before I'm scheduled to leave
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