Archived what brand is the TPS earpiece ??

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Jun 15, 2018
IVe asked GSTL to get me one as a regular hardlines/sales floor but they havent given me anything. I just wanna buy my own at this point.

Walkies are really loud, and it alerts customers that theirs someone to bother nearby. I wanna carry my own. I cannot find it anywhere.
that'll be the day

when people decide a $12/hr job with less than 32 hour weeks are worth buying your own equipment for.

and it alerts customers that theirs someone to bother nearby

Why do you work at Target if you don't like people "bothering you"? This is retail, you're more than expected to interact with people throughout the day, and it's going to happen no matter how much you try to make it stop. I'm probably just replying to a troll but PSA to whoever reads this and is being legitimate. Please don't buy equipment for a retail job unless it has good and consistent use outside of work as well and isn't going to cost much.
Yeah I can spare a few bucks for my own accessory equipment. We are always required to carry a walkie. I just want some peace while pushing caf. We're also allowed to wear sweaters and we do it. 50% of the time, people do not notice or thinks we are vendors and they walk away.
btw trolls dont sign up for a target fan club site just to troll. im here asking for help if any TM's or TPS that is also here that can tell me what brand or type of ear piece they use. i already purchased 3 types on ebay, and all do not work.

I'm also on $14/hr with consistent 37-40/week this past few months alone.
Even if it's only 15/20 dollars t's still not worth spending that much on a job like target.
btw trolls dont sign up for a target fan club site just to troll.

actually... you'd be surprised. I still wouldn't do it. I work in the Dairy section at Target and my man cafs and hourly pulls are consisting of fighting guests for the aisles and helping everyone. I can't escape it, so I embrace it. You care enough about your job to buy an earpiece to keep people from hearing you're nearby, but don't care enough to help a guest that may need help.
I'll remind you and myself, your money, your choice. I'm just a stranger over the internet talking to another stranger.
you use to be so positive @TTGOz

Check with your HR, they have ear pieces stored somewhere in TSC.
Even if it's only 15/20 dollars t's still not worth spending that much on a job like target.
Lordy, how cheap can one person be? If someone wants to spend their own money it's THEIR business. Twenty bucks for something you're gonna use every day at work ain't shit. Having said that, your STL should order you one. Just keep bugging them!
They’re tge same brand of the walkies. We have about 15 or so laying in the equipment room for people who want them and especially our cart attendant so they can hear over the sound of carts
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